Account Service API | Administrative - SOAP

The Account Service provides the clients with account data and functionality. Currently, the methods provided by this service are on an Employee level (accounts directly linked to an employee and their dependents.)

Important Note: In order to facilitate backward compatibility with all Web Services in use prior to June 4, 2005, either Employee (Dependent) Social Security Number (previously used as unique employee/dependent identifier) or Employee (Dependent) ID(new unique employee/dependent identifier) may be provided when required to uniquely identify an employee or depend ent. If both are provided, the Employee (Dependent) ID is used as the unique identifier.

Service Web Methods

The following is a list of methods provided by the Account Service
  • AddEmployeeAccount – used to add employee account information
  • DeleteEmployeeAccount – used to remove employee account information
  • GetDependentAccounts – returns a list of accounts for a given dependent along with the individual balance information for HRA and non HRA accounts
  • GetEmployeeAccounts – returns a list of accounts for a given employee
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccounts – returns a list of Health Savings Accounts for a given employee. (Documentation coming soon)
  • RemoveDependentAccount – used to remove an account from a dependent
  • SetDependentAccount – used to set an account to a dependent
  • UpdateEmployeeAccount – used to update an employee's existing account
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA
  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to return a list of accounts for a given dependent within WCA
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList – used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account coverage periods given the employee's account information
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventList – used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account life events given the employee's account information
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to update an employee's existing flex account life event within WCA
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails – used to get a list of all an employee's HSA account details given the employee's social security number, or card number, or the employee's ID
  • EnrollHSAAccount – used to set enrollment status and account open dates for WealthCare HSAs (can only be utilized by partner users with profile access to edit HSA accounts)

Service Assumptions/Business Rules

The Account Service makes the following assumptions and enforce the following business rules.
  • Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.
  • Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.
  • Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.
  • Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.
  • If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.
  • Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.
  • Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.
  • If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.


This method is used to add employee account information.


The AddEmployeeAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest
Response Messages
  • AddEmployeeAccountResponse

AddEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages

The AddEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest

MMC Account Level Settings

When the TPA option "Set default MCC Account Level setting to 'Yes'." is disabled (unchecked) and the plan is has associated MCC Account Settings, then all active MCC Account Setting will be set to 'No' by default.

When TPA option “Set default MCC Account Level setting to ‘Yes’.” is enabled (checked) and the plan is has associated MCC Account Settings, then all active MCC Account Setting will be set to Yes by default.

  • AccountTypeCode string required
    Three character abbreviation that indication that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeElection Decimal required
    Amount to be contributed by the employee automatically via the auto-deposit cycle. 0.00 is a valid amount.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber string conditionally required
    Employee's social secuirty number. This field is used to identify the employee and is not changed within this method.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 9
  • EmployeeId string conditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier. Either this field or the SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 30
  • EmployerElection decimal required
    Amount to be contributed by the employer automatically via the auto-deposit cycle. 0.00 is a valid amount.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployerId string required
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: when the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 12
  • OriginalPrefundedAmount decimal
    For prefunded plans this value is the annual election amount. For payroll funded plans that have an auto deposit schedule, this value should not be included. The system calculates this value automatically.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • PlanId string required
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 18
  • PlanYearEndDate string (YYYYMMDD) required
    Date after which services are not eligible for payment unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • PlanYearStartDate string required
    Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • StartAutoDepositDate date
    The auto deposit start date for this plan. Can be set for future start dates but not past. Note: If the flex account is setup for Auto Deposit, then this field is required. Otherwise, if a date is supplied, then the user receives a warning.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
    Default Value: 1
  • TpaId string
    A unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first setup. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request will be used.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest
  • ESignatureDate date
    Field is only valid when used with an HSA account and the ESignatureCode is True. This stores the e-signature date.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05
    Default Value: 1
  • ESignatureCode boolean
    Field is only valid when used with an HSA account and the ESignatureDate. Stores the value of the e-signature card.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05
    Default Value: FALSE
  • EligibilityDate string
    Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
    Max Length: 8
  • TerminationDate string
    Date upon which the employee's account is no longer eligibile for benefits. Date must be after employee account effective date.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
    Max Length: 8
  • ESignatureDate date
    Date the E-signature was received by the administrator.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 10
    Default Value: 1
  • ESignatureCode string
    E-signature code.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • CoverageTierId string
    For plans with coverage tier enabled: If you do not provide a value for this field or if this field is not included on your template, then the coverage tier ID will default to the coverage tier specified as the default at the plan level. If a value is provided and it is a valid coverage tier ID within the coverage tier typeset for the plan, then the coverage tier is set for the participant's account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 10
  • IndividualBalanceMax string
    This amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed for the indidviaul amount within the participant's account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account. The fund rollover amount will be limited such that the individual amount balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the fund rollover individual balance max specified. Only set for individual amount in an individual/family HRA account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 19
  • RolloverBalanceMax string
    This amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed in a participant's account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account. The fund rollover amount will be limited such that the balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the fund rollover balance max specified. For example, a participant's balance is $500 in the target account and the fund rollover balance max is set to $1,000. If the source fund has $750 of eligible funds to roll into this account, the rollover amount will be limited to $400 rather than rolling the full $750 so that the balance in the participant's account to which funds are being rolled is $1,000. This amount is also used for the family amount in an indvidual/family HRA account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 19
  • AutoDepositCalendarId string
    If the value provided is: 0= No calendar. This participant will not be assigned to a payroll calendar and no corresponding auto-deposits are made. A valid Calendar ID = WCA assigns specified calendar ID to the participant. Note: Calendar must be one allowed by the employer as setup in the user interface calendar employer filter section. Blank = Participant inherits the default calendar as specified for the plan. If the plan's default calendar ID is changed then this participant's calendar ID is updated. Note: To have the employee account always use the plan default calendar, leave this field blank.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 50
  • StartFixedEmployerFundingDate date
    Date to begin fixed employer funding for the employee account. Only used if fixed employer funding enabled for the plan and the funding is periodic (rather than upon account creation). If blank, and a funding calendar is setup it will default to the greater of current date or plan year start date. If you need to allow for a catch up deposit set the date equal to the first deposit you wish to occur. WCA will update the date following each auto deposit to the deposit date + 1. If blank and a calendar is not setup, WCA defaults the value to funding the single deposit to the night of the account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Max Length: 8
    Default Value: 1
  • ClaimsCrossoverOption short
    If plan is setup to allow claims cross over auto pay, this field specifies the default opt in value when assigning employees to benefit accounts.

    0 = Opt Out (Default)
    1 = Opt In

    Note 1: If not specified, the the employee will be assigned the plan default setting for claims crossover opt-in.
    Note 2: If the 'bypass the value sent in IC record file/employee account SOAP for new enrollments and updates' option is enabled on the admin options page in WCA, values for auto-reimbursement and autopay preferences are always ignored for new enrollment and updates.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
  • Deductible short
    0 = No Deductible
    1 = Deductible Not Met (Default)
    2 = Deductible Met

    Note 1: No Deductible can be used in conjunction with the WCA deductible manager feature. Use this to indicate the employee's deductible shouldn't be tracked by WCA. This will wipe out any deductible accumulations calculated by the participant and cannot be undone.
    Note 2: If using deductible manager, then only values of "0" or "1" can be specified. "1" would indicate to continue to allow WCA to track the deductible, while "0", would remove deductible accumulation.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
    Default Value: 1
  • FlexAcctId string
    A unique identifier for the employee's account generated by WCA when the account was first setup.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
  • PrefundedAmtSpecified boolean
    Indicates whether a prefunded amount was specified.

    True = Prefunded amount specified in request.
    False = Prefunded amount was not specified in request.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
    Default Value: FALSE
  • Reenroll boolean
    This field is used when you want the employee to reenroll into a new account of the same account type code, plan ID, and plan start and end dates.
    The values to use are:

    False = (Default) Not to reenroll
    True = To reenroll

    A new employee account will be created for the employee with a unique account ID. The account effective dates must not overlap with the existing account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
    Default Value: FALSE
  • AutoReimbursementSetting int16
    Use this field to indicate the auto pay provider reimbursement setting on the employee account if not specified, and enrolling the participant into a plan using auto provider pay, the employee will automatically inherit the default setting specified on the benefit plan.

    0 = Pay me (Default)
    1 = Pay provider
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
    Default Value: 0
  • EmployeeAnnualElection decimal
    Employee annual election
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
    Max Length: 19
  • EmployerAnnualElection decimal
    Employer annual election
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
    Max Length: 19
  • EmployeeIndividualAmount decimal
    Annual election amount available for the employee to spend in the plan period for an individaul/family HRA. It is ignored by prefunded & payroll plans.

    Note: For full-featured HRAs -- HRX, HX1, ...HX6 -- with family and individual amounts, this amount is for the employee who can spend up to the family amount.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
    Max Length: 19
  • ProductID string
    The product ID can only be specified for the employee amount if the product partner allows product IDs to be setup at the account level. If a product ID is provided and the product partner does not allow product IDs to be set at account level, then an error should be provided "Cannot set Product ID at account level for this account type."
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2016_02
    Max Length: 20
    Default Value: Null
  • SuspendDebitCardActivity boolean
    Suspends debit card activity when there are ineligible/pending transactions.

    0 = False (Do not suspend debit card activity)
    1 = True (Suspend debit card activity)
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2016_02
    Max Length: 1
  • Subgroup# string
    The subgroup ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
    Max Length: 15
  • AccountSegment string
    The account segment ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
    Max Length: 15
  • GracePeriodDeductibleStatus short
    Update the deductible status for the grace period.

    0 = No deductible
    1 = Deductible not met
    2 = Deductible met
    4 = No deductible limited

    Note: Flagging the dedutible as met during the prior year's grace period also updates the deductible met status for the current year.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
    Max Length: 1
    Default Value: 0
  • GracePeriodDeductibleDate date conditionally required
    Must be populated when grace period deductible status is 2 (deductible met)
    Date entered must be within the plan grace period dates.
    Note: Flagging the deductible as met during the prior year's grace period also updates the deductible met status for the current year.
    First Available Version: AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
    Max Length: 8
    Default Value: Null

Response Body

No content

Example of an AddEmployeeAccount SOAP request body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<AddEmployeeAccount_2007_05 xmlns="">

Example of an AddEmployeeAccount response body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<AddEmployeeAccountResult />

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the AddEmployeeAccount method.

     // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
     // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Account service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
    Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05();
// Set the input parameters
     request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
     request.EmployeeElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employeeElection.Text);
     request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
     request.EmployerElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employerElection.Text);
     request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.OriginalPrefundedAmount =
request.PlanId = _planId.Text;
     planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
     planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
: planYearEndDate.Month.ToString();
     planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
     planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
     request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
     planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
     planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
     planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
  planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
   request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
   request.StartAutoDepositDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_startAutoDepositDate.Text);
   request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
     mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
     proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call method
  response = proxy.AddEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations}


This method is used to remove employee account information.


The DeleteEmployeeAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
Response Messages
  • DeleteEmployeeAccountResponse

DeleteEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages

The DeleteEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input a nd output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
  • AccountTypeCode string required
    FSA, DCA, etc.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber string conditionally required
    Employee's social security number. This field is used to identify the employee and is not changed within this method.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 9
  • EmployeeId string conditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier. Either this field or SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 30
  • EmployerId string required
    First 3 characters are the employers prefix, unique for each employer. Next 9 characters are created by the administrator for the employer.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
    Max Length: 12
  • PlanYearEndDate string required
    Plan end date as identified in Employer - Plan screen.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • PlanYearStartDate string required
    Plan start date as identified in Employer - Plan screen.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • TpaId string
    Used only if the current logged on user is type WCA.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest
  • PlanId string
    Plan ID
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • FlexAcctId string
    Employee account ID. WealthCare Admin generates a unique flex account ID upon account creation. It is recommended to include this field to specify the plan you intend to delete, if the employee has multiple accounts with the same plan type.
    First Available Version: DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04

Response Body

No content

Example of a DeleteEmployeeAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<DeleteEmployeeAccount_2006_05 xmlns=""

Example of a DeleteEmployeeAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<DeleteEmployeeAccountResponse xmlns="">
<DeleteEmployeeAccountResult />

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the DeleteEmployeeAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05()
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
      planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
        planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
      planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method 
    response = proxy.DeleteEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to return a list of accounts for a given dependent.


The GetDependentAccounts methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • MessagesGetDependentAccountsRequest_2011_10
  • MessagesGetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05
  • GetDependentAccountsRequest
Response Messages
  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • DependentSocialSecurityNumber string conditionally required
    Dependent's social security number.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
    Max Length: 9
  • DependentId string conditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique dependent identifier. Either this field or SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
    Max Length: 30
  • EmployerId string required
    Unique identifier for the employer.
    Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
    Max Length: 12
  • PlanYearListType enum required
    Defines what account years you wish to return.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
    Possible Values: ALLCurrentPreviousFuture
  • AdministratorId string
    A unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first setup. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request will be used.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
  • VerboseMode boolean
    If set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records. For example, if an invalid employee social security number was sent.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest
    Default Value: False
  • PlanId string
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber string conditionally required
    Employee's social security number. Required if dependent IDs are not unique within an employer.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest_2011_10
    Max Length: 9
  • EmployeeID string conditionally required
    Employee ID, a unique identifier for the employee. Required if dependent IDs are not unique within an employer.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsRequest_2011_10
    Max Length: 30
  • AccountTypeCode string
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • DependentSocialSecurityNumber string
    Dependent's social security number.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • DependentId string
    Dependent's unique WCA identifier.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber string
    Employee's social security number.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • EmployeeId string
    Employee's unique WCA identifier.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • EmployerId string
    Unique identifier for the employer.
    Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • EndDate string
    The end date of the plan.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • Status enum<int>
    Activity status of the account.

    1 = New
    2 = Active
    3 = Temporary Inactive
    4 = Permanently Inactive
    5 = Terminated
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • TpaId string
    A unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first setup.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse
  • HraAccount boolean
    If True account is an HRA account, if False account is not an HRA account.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • IndividualAmount decimal
    The individual amount is the prefunded amount for employee or dependent's HRA amount.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • IndividualAvailableAmount decimal
    Available balance is the disbursable balance plus the auth hold balance. If this account has multiple QLE coverage periods, this field will contain the current coverage period's balance.
    Note: For full-featured HRAs--HRX, HX1 ...HX6--with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • IndividualDisbursableBalance decimal
    Disbursable balance = available balance minus auth hold balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE coverage periods, this field will contain the current coverage period's balance.
    Note: For full-featured HRAs--HRX, HX1 ...HX6--with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • IndividualPreAuthHold decimal
    Auth hold balance for single fund HRX and non-HRA accounts.
    Note: For full-featured HRAs--HRX, HX1 ...HX6--with family and individual amounts or with individual amounts only, this balance is for the family.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12
  • BalanceDue decimal
    This field returns the aggregated total of ineligible card transactions by plan and year.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • EligibilityDate string
    Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • TerminationDate string
    Date upon which the employee's account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee account effective date.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
    Pattern: YYYYMMDD
  • RolloverDepositsPtd string
    Deposits made year to date into this account via fund rollover. For an individual/family HRA plan, this is the individual fund information. If a dependent ID is provided, then this is the dependent's indidvidual fund information.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • FundRolloverStatusCode int
    Determines current status of the process. For an individual/family HRA plan, this is the individual fund rollover status - If a dependent ID is provided, then this is the dependent's individual fund rollover status.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
    Possible Values: 0 = No Status
    1 = Not Completed
    2 = In Process
    4 = Completed
    8 = Partial
    16 = Account Created
    32 = Primary Transaction Calculated
    64 = Primary Transaction Pending
    128 = Primary Completed
    256 = Secondary Transaction Calculated (future)
    512 = Secondary Transaction Pending
    1024 = Secondary Completed (future)
  • FundRolloverErrorCode int
    If the FundRolloverStatusCode = 1 (Not Completed), then a value will exist in this field indicating the specific error.
    For an individual/family HRA plan, this is the individual fund rollover error code - If a dependent ID is provided, then this is the dependent's individual fund rollover error code.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • FlexAcctId string
    A unique identifier for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first setup.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2010_04
  • IsPlanLinked boolean
    Returns false if plan is not linked.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanYearStartDate string
    Returns start date of linked plan.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanYearEndDate string
    Returns end date of linked plan.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanId string
    Returns plan ID of linked plan.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedAccountTypeCode string
    Returns account type for linked plan.
    First Available Version: GetDependentAccountsResponse_2016_06

Example of a GetDependentAccounts SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetDependentAccounts_2006_05 xmlns="">
<DependentSocialSecurityNumber>122132876</DependentSocialSecurityNumbe r>

Example of a GetDependentAccounts response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<Status xmlns="">New</Status>
<IndividualAmount>500.00</ IndividualAmount>
< IndividualDisbursableBalance>500.00</IndividualDisbursableBalance>
< IndividualPreAuthHold >0.00</ IndividualPreAuthHold >

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetDependentAccounts method.

     // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
     // the client’s current session id.
     mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for Account service
     proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
     request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
     request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
     request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
     request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
     request.VerboseMode = Convert.ToBoolean(_verboseMode.Text);
     request.PlanYearListType =
   request.PlanYearListTypeSpecified = true;
     // session IDreturned from logon method
     mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
     proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
     responses = proxy.GetDependentAccounts(request);
     if(responses != null)
for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
    _dataset.Tables["Accounts"].Rows.Add(new string[]
responses[i].EmployerId, responses[i].EndDate,
responses[i].EndDate, responses[i].PlanId,
accounts.CaptionText = _dataset.Tables["Accounts"].Rows.Count + " records found.";
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s accounts given the employee’s social security number, or card number, or the employee’s ID.


The GetEmployeeAccounts methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2013_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2010_04
  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
Response Messages
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2019_10
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2013_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_05
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse

GetEmployeeAccounts Request/Response Messages

The GetEmployeeAccounts method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2006_05
  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
  • CardNumber string conditionally required
    Provide one of the following: card number, employee social security number, or employee ID. All are not required. If either or both of the employee identifier fields (SSN or ID) are provided in addition to the card number, the card number is used.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber string conditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier and card number is not provided. Either ths field, CardNumber or EmployeeID may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
  • EmployeeId string conditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier and card number is not provided. Either this field, CardNumber, or EmployeeSocialSecurity number may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
  • EmployerId string required
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
    Max Length: 12
  • PlanYearListType enum
    Defines what account years you wish to return.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
    Possible Values: ALL Current Previous Future
    Default Value: ALL
  • TpaId string
    A unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first setup. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request will be used.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
  • VerboseMode boolean
    If set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records. For example, if an invalid employee social security number was sent.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest
    Default Value: False
  • PlanId string
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2006_05
  • FlexAcctId string
    A unique identifier for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first setup.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2009_04
  • CardProxy boolean
    For security, the card proxy number is always returned in the response.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2013_02
  • EnableAccountDormancy boolean
    Plan level setting to enable account dormancy.
    First Available Version: GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2013_02
    Possible Values: False - Not Enabled
    True - Enabled
    Default Values: False
The table below includes the following response messages:
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2018_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2013_02
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_05
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • AccountStatusEnumeration
    Activity status of the account. 1 = New
    2 = Active
    3 = Temporarily Inactive
    4 = Permanently Inactive
    5 = Terminated
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • AccountTypeCodeString
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • AvailableBalanceDecimal
    Available Balance is the Disbursable Balance plus the Auth Hold Balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE Coverage Periods, this field will contain the current coverage period’s balance.
    Note: For full-featured HRAs—HRX, HX1 …HX6—with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • CardNumberString
    Card Proxy Number. Note: The Card Proxy number is returned in this field when either 0 or 1 is passed in the “CardProxy” field in the request. For security, the Card Proxy number is always returned in the response.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • DisbPtdDecimal
    Returns the disbursements paid to date.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmpeContribPtdDecimal
    Year to date total amount of employee deposits by the employee.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmployeeElectionDecimal
    Amount employee elected to deposit to the account each pay period.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberString
    Employee Social Security Number
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmployeeIdString
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmployerElectionDecimal
    Amount the employer chose to deposit to the cardholder account each pay period.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmployerIdString
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • EmprContribPtdDecimal
    Year to date total amount of employee deposits by the employer.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PlanYearEndDateString (YYYYMMDD)
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PlanYearStartDate String (YYYYMMDD)
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PreauthBalDecimal
    Total amount of all pre-auth transactions that currently do not have a matching force post for this employee
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PrefundedBoolean
    Displays whether the account is Prefunded or Payroll based.
    True = Prefunded Plan Type
    False = Payroll Plan Type
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • PrefundedAmtDecimal
    Prefunded Amount
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • StartAutoDeposit DateString
    Auto Deposit Start Date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • ProducadministratorrtnerOptInStatusBoolean
    Indicates whether or not the employee is opted in for manual claim processing.
    0 = Opt Out
    1= Opt In
    Note: This field will only populate if the account type is a Product Partner HSA account type.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse
  • ProducadministratorrtnerIdString
    Product Partner ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • ProducadministratorrtnerErrorCodeInteger
    Product Partner code
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • ProducadministratorrtnerAccountNumberString
    Product Partner Account Number
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • ProducadministratorrtnerSigCardReceivedAccountOpenBoolean
    If the signature card has been received, an account for an HSA plan can be opened.
    0 = Not Received/ Account not open.
    1 = Received/Account open.
    Note: This field will only populate if the account type is a Product Partner HSA account type.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • ProductPartnerLastUploadStatusInteger
    Specifies whether data was successfully copied from WealthCare Admin to the Product Partner system.
    3 = Success
    4 = Error re Validation; see Product Partner Error Code field.
    5 = Unexpected Error
    6 = Deactivated
    Note: This field will only populate if the account type is a Product Partner has account type.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • EmployeeLimitDecimal
    Employee Limit
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • FamilyDisbPtdDecimal
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • FamilyAvailableBalanceDecimal
    Family Available Balance
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • FamilyPreauthBalDecimal
    Family Preauth Balance
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • ESignatureDateDate
    (YYYYMMDD) Date the E-Signature was received by the Administrator.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_05
  • ESignatureCodeBoolean
    Valid for HSA accounts only. Returns the e-signature code. True or False
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05
  • BalanceDueDecimal
    This field returns the aggregated total of Ineligible Card transactions by plan and year.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • DisbursableBalanceDecimal
    Disbursable Balance = Available Balance minus Auth Hold Balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE Coverage Periods, this field will contain the current coverage period’s balance.
    Note : For full-featured HRAs—HRX, HX1 …HX6—with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • FamilyDisbursableBalanceDecimal
    Disbursable Balance = Available Balance minus Auth Hold Balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE Coverage Periods, this field will contain the current coverage period’s balance.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12
  • CoverageTierIdString
    Coverage Tier designator (Ex.: Single, Family, etc.) for the employee account.
    ID of coverage tier to which this employee account is associated.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • DeductiblePtdDecimal
    Amount of claims submitted YTD that were applied toward the deductible on this employee account (not paid out).
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • DeductibleAmtDecimal
    Deductible amount.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • BalanceMaxDecimal
    This amount is the maximum balance that an account may be increased to with a Fund Rollover Deposit. If the Fund Rollover deposit would otherwise bring the balance above this amount, then the amount of the Fund Rollover Deposit will be reduced.
    For example, a participant’s balance is $600 in this account and the Fund Rollover Balance Max is set to $1000. If the source fund has $750 of eligible funds to roll into this account, the rollover amount will be limited to $400 rather than rolling the full $750 so that the balance in the participant’s account to which funds are being rolled is $1000.
    Note: The Target Plan Balance Max only applies to fund rollover deposits.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • IndividualBalanceMaxDecimal
    This amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed for the Individual Amount within the participant’s account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account.
    The Fund Rollover amount will be limited such that the Individual amount balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the Fund Rollover Individual Balance Max specified.
    Only set for individual amount in an Individual/Family HRA account.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • RolloverDepositPtdDecimal
    Deposits made Year to Date INTO this account via Fund Rollover. For an Individual/Family HRA plan, this is the Individual Fund information– If a Dependent ID is provided, then this is the Dependent’s individual Fund information.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • FamilyRolloverDepositsPtdDecimal
    Individual/Family HRA plans only. Deposits made Year to Date INTO this account via Fund Rollover.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • FundRolloverStatusCodeInteger
    Determines current status of the process. For an Individual/Family HRA plan, this is the Individual Fund Rollover Status – If a Dependent ID is provided, then this is the Dependent’s individual Fund Rollover
    0 = No Status
    1 = Not Completed
    2 = In Process
    4 = Completed
    8 = Partial
    16 = Account Created
    32 = Primary Transaction Calculated
    64 = Primary Transaction Pending
    128 = Primary Completed
    256 = Secondary Transaction Calculated (future)
    512 = Secondary Transaction Pending (future)
    1024 = Secondary Completed (future)
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • FamilyFundRolloverStatusCodeInteger
    Determines current status of process.
    Applies only for Full Feature HRA (HRX
    plans) family rollover status.
    0 = No Status
    1 = Not Completed
    2 = In Process
    4 = Completed
    8 = Partial
    16 = Account Created
    32 = Primary Transaction Calculated
    64 = Primary Transaction Pending
    128 = Primary Completed
    256 = Secondary Transaction Calculated (future)
    512 = Secondary Transaction Pending (future)
    1024 = Secondary Completed (future)
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • EligibilityDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • TerminationDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee’s account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee Account Effective date.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • AutoDepositCalendarIdString
    ID of calendar used with Auto Deposit cycle attached to the plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • StartFixedEmployerFundingDateString
    Date to begin fixed employer funding for the employee account. Only used if Fixed Employer Funding enabled for the plan and the funding is periodic (rather than upon account creation).
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07
  • ClaimsCrossoverOptInShort
    plan is setup to allow claims cross over auto pay, this field specifies the default opt in value when assigning employees to benefit accounts.
    0 = Opt Out (Default)
    1 = Opt In
    Note: If not specified, then the employee will be assigned the plan default setting for Claims Crossover Opt-In
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04
  • DeductibleShort
    0 = No Deductible
    1 = Deductible Not Met (Default)
    2 = Deductible Met
    Note: “No Deductible” can be used in conjunction with the WCA Deductible Manager feature. Use this to indicate the employee’s deductible shouldn’t be tracked by WCA. This will wipe out any deductible accumulations calculated by the participant and cannot be undone.
    Note 2: If using Deductible Manager, then only values of “0” or “1” can be specified. “1” would indicate to continue to allow WCA to track the deductible, while “0” would remove deductible accumulation.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04
  • AutoReimbursementSettingInteger
    Use this field to indicate the auto pay provider reimbursement setting on the employee account If not specified, and enrolling the participant into a plan using Auto Provider Pay, the employee will automatically inherit the default setting specified on the Benefit Plan.
    0 = Pay Me (Default)
    1 = Pay Provider
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2011_04
  • HSALedgerBalanceDecimal
    Balance at the start of the processing day (the balance after end of day processing is complete for the prior day). This value only applies to HSA accounts.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2015_02
  • Product IDString
    The Product ID can only be specified for the employee account if the Product Partner allows Product IDs to be setup at the account level.
    If a Product ID is provided and the Product Partner does not allow product IDs to be set at account level, then an error should be provided “Cannot set Product ID at account level for this account type.”
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_02
  • IsPlanLinkedBoolean
    Returns false if plan is not linked.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanYearStartDateString
    Returns start date of linked plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanYearEndDateString
    Returns end date of linked plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedPlanIdString
    Returns plan ID of linked plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • LinkedAccountTypeCodeString
    Returns account type of linked plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2016_06
  • SuspendDebitCardActivityBoolean
    Suspends debit card activity when there are ineligible/pending transactions.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2018_02
  • EnableAccountDormancyBoolean
    0 - not enabled (default) 1 – enabled
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2019_10
  • CoverageContinuationString
    Returns the coverage continuation type for the account, if applicable.
    If participant is active, or coverage continuation is not enabled, then a blank value is returned.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02
  • AccountCreatedByString
    Returns the admin/user/function who created the account.
    WCA system
    Admin username
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02
  • AccountSegmentIdString
    Returns the account segment ID for the participant account, if applicable
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02
  • SubgroupNameString
    Returns the subgroup name for the participant account, if applicable
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02

Example of a GetEmployeeAccounts SOAP request message

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployeeAccounts_2006_05 xmlns="">
<PlanYearListType xmlns="">Current</PlanYearListType>

Example of a GetEmployeeAccounts response message

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<AccountStatus xmlns="">New</AccountStatus>
<ProducadministratorrtnerSigCardReceivedAccountOpen>true</ProducadministratorrtnerSigC ardReceivedAccountOpen>

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetEmployeeAccounts method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id
    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
localhost.AccountService proxy = new localhost.AccountService();
  // Create request message for method call (input parameters)
localhost.GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2006_05 request = new
    // Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values,
// in this case the response will contain the account information.
localhost.GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05[] responses;
// Set the input parameters
    request.EmployerId = "XXXXXXXXX";
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = "999999999";
    request.AdministratorId = "ADMINISTRATORXXX";
    // session IDreturned from login method
    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
    // Call the Get Employee Accounts method
    responses = proxy.GetEmployeeAccounts(request);
    if(responses != null)
        for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
 // perform needed operations
       MessageBox.Show("Records not found");


This method is used to remove an account from a dependent.


The RemoveDependentAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest
Response Messages
  • RemoveDependentAccountResponse

RemoveDependentAccount Request/Response Messages

The RemoveDependentAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • DependentSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Dependent’s social security number.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • DependentIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique dependent identifier. Either this field or Dependent SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Employee’s social security number.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier. Either this field or Employee SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountReques
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2011_04

Example of a RemoveDependentAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<RemoveDependentAccount_2006_05 xmlns=" equest/2006/05/">
</RemoveDependentAccount_2006_05 >

Example of a RemoveDependentAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<RemoveDependentAccountResult />

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the RemoveDependentAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYe arEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" + planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() : planYearStartDate.Month.ToString();
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
    // Call the method
    response = proxy.RemoveDependentAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
    // perform needed operations


This method is used to set an account to a dependent for an employee that wishes their dependent to have access with their card.

Reenrolled Logic

For a reenrolled account:
  • If the effective date, termination date, and Flex Account ID/Employee Account ID are not populated AND a non -PI account is found, then WCA will link the dependent to the first 'old' non -PI benefit account. Otherwise, WCA will return the error 'Flex account not found'.
  • If an effective date and termination date are populated, then WCA will link the dependent to the respective benefit account within the effective and termination date range.
  • If then Flex Account ID is populated, then WCA will link the dependent to the respective benefit account.
  • If a Flex Account is not found, then WCA will return the error 'Benefit Account not found' (21010).


The SetDependentAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2010_04
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2008_07
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • SetDependentAccountRequest
Response Messages
  • SetDependentAccountResponse

SetDependentAccount Request/Response Messages

The SetDependentAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2010_04
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2008_07
  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • SetDependentAccountRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • DependentSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Dependent’s social security number.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • DependentIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique dependent identifier. Either this field or Dependent SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Employee’s social security number.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier. Either this field or Employee SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05
  • EligibilityDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version:SetDependetAccountRequest_2008_08
  • TerminationDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee’s account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee Account Effective date.
    First Available Version:SetDependetAccountRequest_2008_08
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:SetDependetAccountRequest_2011_04

Example of a SetDependentAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">

Example of a SetDependentAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<SetDependentAccountResponse xmlns="">
<SetDependentAccountResult />

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the SetDependentAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text) ;
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.SetDependentAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
    // perform needed operations


This method is used to update an employee’s existing account.


The UpdateEmployeeAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2022_02
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
Response Messages
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountResponse

UpdateEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages

The UpdateEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2022_02
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • CardholderAccountStatusEnumerationrequired
    Activity status of the account.
    1 = New
    2 = Active
    3 = Temporarily Inactive
    4 = Permanently Inactive
    5 = Terminated
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeElectionDecimalrequired
    Amount to be contributed by the employee automatically via the auto-deposit cycle. 0.00 is a valid amount.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Employee’s social security number. This field is used to identify the employee and is not changed within this method.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier. Either this field or SSN may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployerElectionDecimalrequired
    Amount to be contributed by the employer automatically via the auto-deposit cycle. 0.00 is a valid amount.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateString (YYYYMMDD)required
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • StartAutoDepositDateDate
    The auto deposit start date for this plan. Can be set for future start dates but not past.
    Note: If the flex account is setup for Auto Deposit, than this field is required. Otherwise, if a date is supplied then the user receives a warning.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
    Default Values:1
  • AdministratorIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest
  • EligibilityDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • TerminationDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee’s account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee Account Effective date.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05
  • EligibilityDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee is eligible to elect benefits.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • TerminationDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee’s account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee Account Effective date.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • EsignatureDateDate
    Date the E-signature was received by the Administrator.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Default Values:1
  • EsignatureCodeString
    Esignature code.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • CoverageTierIdString
    For Plans with Coverage Tiers enabled:
    If you do not provide a value for this field or if this field is not included on your template, then the Coverage Tier ID will default to the Coverage Tier specified as the default at the plan level.
    If a value is provided and it is a valid Coverage Tier ID within the Coverage Tier Type set for the plan, then the coverage tier is set for the participant’s account
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • IndividualBalanceMaxString
    This amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed for the Individual Amount within the participant’s account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account. The Fund Rollover amount will be limited such that the Individual amount balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the Fund Rollover Individual Balance Max specified.
    Only set for individual amount in an Individual/Family HRA account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • RolloverBalanceMaxString
    This amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed in a Participant’s account after funds have been rolled from another account
    into this account. The Fund Rollover amount will be limited such that the balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the Fund Rollover Balance Max specified.
    For example, a participant’s balance is $600 in the target account and the Fund Rollover Balance Max is set to $1000. If the source fund has $750 of eligible funds to roll into this account, the rollover amount will be limited to $400 rather than rolling the full $750 so that the balance in the participant’s account to which funds are being rolled is $1000.
    This amount is also used for the family amount in an Individual/Family HRA account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • AutoDepositCalendarIdString
    If the value provided is:
    0= No calendar. This participant will not be assigned to a payroll calendar and no corresponding auto-deposits are made.
    A valid Calendar ID = WCA assigns specified Calendar ID to the participant. Note: Calendar must be one allowed by the Employer as setup in the User Interface (UI) calendar employer filter section.
    Blank = Participant inherits the default calendar as specified for the plan. If the plan’s Default Calendar ID is changed then this participant’s Calendar ID is updated.
    Note: To have the employee account always use the plan default calendar, leave this field blank.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
  • StartFixedEmployerFundingDateDate
    Date to begin fixed employer funding for the employee account. Only used if Fixed Employer Funding enabled for the plan and the funding is periodic (rather than upon account creation).
    If blank, and a funding calendar is setup, it will default to the greater of current date or plan year start date. If you need to allow for a catch up deposit set the date equal to the first deposit you wish to occur. WCA will update the date following each auto deposit to the deposit date + 1.
    If blank and a calendar is not setup, WCA defaults the value to funding the single deposit to the night of the account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07
    Default Values:1
  • ClaimsCrossoverOptionShort
    If plan is setup to allow claims cross over auto pay, this field specifies the default opt in value when assigning employees to benefit accounts.
    0 = Opt Out (Default)
    1 = Opt In
    Note 1: If not specified, then the employee will be assigned the plan default setting for Claims Crossover Opt-In

    Note 2: If the 'bypass the values sent in IC record file/employee account SOAP for new enrollments and updates' option is enabled on the admin options page in WCA, values for auto-reimbursement and autopay preferences are always ignored for new enrollment and updates.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
    Default Values:0
  • DeductibleShort
    0 = No Deductible
    1 = Deductible Not Met (Default)
    2 = Deductible Met
    Note: “No Deductible” can be used in conjunction with the WCA Deductible Manager feature. Use this to indicate the employee’s deductible shouldn’t be tracked by WCA. This will wipe out any deductible accumulations calculated by the participant and cannot be undone.
    Note 2: If using Deductible Manager, then only values of “0” or “1” can be specified. “1” would indicate to continue to allow WCA to track the deductible, while “0” would remove deductible accumulation.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04
    Default Values:0
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
  • ReenrollBoolean
    This field is used when you want the employee to reenroll into a new account of the same Account Type Code, Plan ID, and Plan Start and End dates. The values to use are:
    False = (Default) Not to reenroll
    True = To Reenroll
    A new employee account will be created for the employee with a unique Account ID. The account effective dates must not overlap with the existing account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04
    Default Values:FALSE
  • AutoReimbursementSettingInteger
    Use this field to indicate the auto pay provider reimbursement setting on the employee account If not specified, and enrolling the participant into a plan using Auto Provider Pay, the employee will automatically inherit the default setting specified on the Benefit Plan.
    0 = Pay Me (Default)
    1 = Pay Provider
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04
    Default Values:0
  • EmployeeAnnualElectionDecimal
    Employee annual election
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • EmployerAnnualElectionDecimal
    Employer annual election
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • EmployeeIndividualAmountDecimal
    Annual election amount available for the employee to spend in the plan period for an individual/family HRA. It is ignored by prefunded & payroll plans.
    Note 1: For full-featured HRAs—HRX, HX1 …HX6—with family and individual amounts, this amount is for the employee, who can spend up to the family amount.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10
  • Product IDString
    The Product ID can only be specified for the employee account if the Product Partner allows Product IDs to be setup at the account level.
    If a Product ID is provided and the Product Partner does not allow product IDs to be set at account level, then an error should be provided “Cannot set Product ID at account level for this account type.”
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2016_02
    Default Values:Null
  • SuspendDebitCardActivityBoolean
    Suspends debit card activity when there are ineligible/pending transactions 0 = False (Do not suspend debit card activity)
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02
  • Subgroup#String
    The subgroup ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
  • AccountSegmentString
    The account segment ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08
  • GracePeriodDeductibleStatusShort
    Update the deductible status for the grace period. 
    0 - No deductible
    1 - Deductible not met
    2 - Deductible met
    4 - No deductible limited
    Note: Flagging the deductible as met during the prior year’s grace period also updates the deductible met status for the current year.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
    Default Values:0
  • GracePeriodDeductibleDateDate
    Must be populated when grace period deductible status is ‘2’ (deductible met)
    Date entered must be within the plan grace period dates
    Note: Flagging the deductible as met during the prior year’s grace period also updates the deductible met status for the current year.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10
    Default Values:Null
  • OverridePrefundedAmountDecimal
    This field sets the prefunded amount on the account directly, and regardless of the values of any other field in this request.
    Note: This field is only for prefunded plan types and is ignored on payroll, HSA, and HRX/DTR plan types.
    First Available Version:UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2022_02

Response Body

No content

Example of a UpdateEmployeeAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployeeAccount_2006_05 xmlns=""><updateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05>

Example of an UpdateEmployeeAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<UpdateEmployeeAccountResponse xmlns="">

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the UpdateEmployeeAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.CardholderAccountStatus =
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.EmployeeElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employeeElection.Text);
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employerElection.Text); 
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
  planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.StartAutoDepositDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_startAutoDepositDate.Text);
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.UpdateEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA.


The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
Response Messages
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

AddFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages

The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AnnualElectionDecimalrequired
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything > 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • LifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of new life event
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • LifeEventCdeStringrequired
    If an alpha numeric value (no greater then 4) is entered as a value, we will verify that the code exists.
    If Yes process accordingly.
    If No return an error.
    If the field is left blank, we will default to a blank value and process accordingly.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • CoverageStatusEnum
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AccountSegmentString
    The account segment ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest_2018_08

Response Body

No Content

Example of an AddFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<![CDATA[<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
</MBISessionHeader></soap:Header><soap:Body><AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest xmlns=""><addFlexAccountLifeEve ntRequest>

Example of an AddFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

[<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" - instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns=""><MessageId>b2b974ad-c024-4c10-87f3-
9c6e5bf45b65</MessageId></MBIMessageIdHeader><MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
xmlns=""><AddFlexAccountLifeEventResult /></AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the AddFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”; request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.AnnualElection = 5.00;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
    request.LifeEventCde = “0010”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA, and allows Administrators to specify an Annual Election Amount of $0.00.


The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
Response Messages
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse1

AddFlexAccountLifeEvent1 Request/Response Messages

The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent1 method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:
  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • AnnualElectionDecimalrequired
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything >= 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • LifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of new life event
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • LifeEventCdeStringrequired
    If an alpha numeric value (no greater then 4) is entered as a value, we will verify that the code exists.
    If Yes process accordingly.
    If No return an error.
    If the field is left blank, we will default to a blank value and process accordingly.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • CoverageStatisEnum
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Body:

No Content


This method is used to update an employee’s existing flex account life event within WCA.


The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below: Request Messages
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
Response Messages
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages

The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanIDStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AnnualElectionDecimalrequired
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything > 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • OldLifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of the life event that is being updated.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • NewLifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of new life event
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • LifeEventCdeStringrequired
    If an alpha numeric value (no greater then 4) is entered as a value, we will verify that the code exists.
    If Yes process accordingly.
    If No return an error.
    If the field is left blank, we will default to a blank value and process accordingly.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • CoverageStatusEnumrequired
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AccountSegmentString
    The account segment ID you wish to assign to the account.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest_2018_08

Response Body

No Content

Example of an UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader
    <CoverageStatus xmlns="">Suspended</CoverageStatus>

Example of an UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" -
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
</MBIMessageIdHeader><MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
eEventResult /></UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

  // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.AnnualElection = 5.00;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
    request.LifeEventCde = “0010”;
    request.OldLifeEventDte = “20080808”;
    request.CoverageStatus = AccountService.CoverageStatus.Suspended;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to update an employee’s existing flex account life event within WCA, and allows Administrators to specify an Annual Election Amount of $0.00.


The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
Response Messages
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse1

UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent1 Request/Response Messages

The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent1 method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanIDStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • AnnualElectionDecimalrequired
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything >= 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • OldLifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of the life event that is being updated.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • NewLifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of new life event
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • LifeEventCdeStringrequired
    If an alpha numeric value (no greater then 4) is entered as a value, we will verify that the code exists.
    If Yes process accordingly.
    If No return an error.
    If the field is left blank, we will default to a blank value and process accordingly.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • CoverageStatusEnumrequired
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Body

No Content


This method is used to remove employee flex account life event information from WCA.


The DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
Response Messages
  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages

The DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • PlanIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • LifeEventDateStringrequired
    (YYYYMMDD) - Date of the life event to delete.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Body

No Content

Example of an DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" LSchema-
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
EventResult /></DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList method is used to get a list of the employee’s flex account life events.


The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListRequest
Response Messages
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse _2020_02
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse

GetFlexAccountLifeEventList Request Messages

The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • PlanIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest
The table below includes the following request messages:
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse_2020_02
  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • EmployerIdString
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • EmployeeIdString
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • PlanYearEndDateString
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • PlanYearStartDateString
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • AccountTypeCodeString
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • AnnualElectionDecimal
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything > 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • LifeEventDateString
    (YYYYMMDD) - The life event date.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • LifeEventTypeString
    Life event type code associated with the employee account coverage period.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • CoverageStatusEnum
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse
  • CoveragePeriodCreatedByString
    Returns the admin/user/function who created the coverage period. Valid values are:
    -Admin user
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse _2020_02

Example of an GetFlexAccountLifeEventList SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an GetFlexAccountLifeEventList response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" 2001/XMLSchema-
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<GetFlexAccountLifeEventsResponse xmlns="">
    <LifeEventType>0001-Marital Status - Marriage</LifeEventType>
    <CoverageStatus xmlns="">None</CoverageStatus>

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the GetFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.
    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account coverage periods given the employee’s account information.


The GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList methods are listed below: Request Messages
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest_2019_10
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
Response Messages
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2020_02
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2019_10
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse

GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList Response Messages

The GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest_2019_10
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • TPAIdStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • PlanIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • PlanYearStartDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • PlanYearEndDateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest
  • SubgroupIDString
    Subgroup ID assigned to the coverage period for this account type
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest_2019_10
    Default Values:Empty
The table below includes the following response messages:
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2020_02
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2019_10
  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • EmployerIdString
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • EmployeeIdString
    Employee ID, a unique identifer for the employee
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • PlanYearEndDateString
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • PlanYearStartDateString
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • AccountTypeCodeString
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • AnnualElectionDecimal
    Annual Election Amount/Goal Amount for the Life Event
    (new goal amount = full amount, not difference from old to new goal)
    Note: Since this is an amount field anything > 0 is valid value
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • AvailBalanceDecimal
    Available Balance is the Disbursable Balance plus the Auth Hold Balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE Coverage Periods, this field will contain the current coverage period’s balance.
    Note: For full-featured HRAs—HRX, HX1 …HX6—with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • CovPeriodStartDateString
    (YYYYMMDD) – Starting date for the coverage period.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • CovPeriodEndDteString
    (YYYYMMDD) – Ending date for the coverage period.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • DisbBalanceDecimal
    Disbursable Balance = Available Balance minus Auth Hold Balance.
    If this account has multiple QLE Coverage Periods, this field will contain the current coverage period’s balance.
    Note : For full-featured HRAs—HRX, HX1 …HX6—with family and individual amounts, this amount is the individual balance for the employee or dependent.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • DisbPtdDecimal
    The disbursable balance paid to date.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • PreauthPTDDecimal
    The pre-authorization paid to date.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • LifeEventTypeString
    Life event type code associated with the employee account coverage period.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • CoverageStatusEnum
    0 = Active
    1 = Suspended (no transactions permitted unless using an “override”).
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • CoverageIdString
    This field is an ID assigned by WealthCare Admin to a coverage period within an Employee Account ID. Coverage IDs are only unique within an Account ID.

    If this field is included on the template, this field will indicate the Coverage Period ID to which the balance provided is associated (Account IDs with multiple coverage IDs represent qualified life even coverage periods).

    Field is always length of 10 with leading zeroes, such as “0000000001” The combination of Employee ID, Employee Account ID, Account Type Code, Plan Start Date, Plan End Date, Plan ID and Coverage ID creates a unique composite key for an employee coverage period.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse
  • SubgroupIDString
    Subgroup ID assigned to the coverage period for this account type
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2019_10
  • CoveragePeriodCreatedByString
    Returns the admin/user/function who created the coverage period.
    -Admin user
    First Available Version:GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2020_02

Example of a GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xs i="
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
EventType>0001-Marital Status - Marriage</LifeEventType><CoverageStatus

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
    request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations


This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s HSA account details given the employee’s social security number, or card number, or the employee’s ID.


The GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest_2016_11
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest_2015_02
Response Messages
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2016_11
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2015_02

GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails Request/Response Messages

The GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • CardProxyString
    If CardNumber is used for search criteria, this field indicates if the value in CardNumber is actually a card proxy number.
    0 = CardNumber value is real card number
    1 = CardNumber value is card proxy number
    Note: For security, the Card Proxy number is always returned in the response.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
    Default Values:0
  • CardNumberStringconditionally required
    Provide one of the following: card number, Employee Social Security Number, or Employee ID. All are not required. If either or both of the employee identifier fields (SSN or ID) are provided in addition to the card number, the card number is used.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • EmployeeIdStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier and card number is not provided. Either this field, CardNumber, or Employee SocialSecurity Number may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberStringconditionally required
    Required if this field is being used as the unique employee identifier and card number is not provided. Either this field, CardNumber or EmployeeID may be used for this purpose.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • EmployerIdStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • PlanYearListTypeEnumeration
    Defines what account years you wish to return. (ALL, Current, Previous, and Future)
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
    Default Values:ALL
  • TpaIdString
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
  • VerboseModeBoolean
    If set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records. For example, if an invalid employee social security number was sent.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest
    Default Values:FALSE
The table below includes the following response messages:
  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse

  • AccountStatusEnumeration
    Activity status of the account.
    1 = New
    2 = Active
    3 = Temporarily Inactive
    4 = Permanently Inactive
    5 = Terminated
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • AccountTypeCodeString
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • AutoDepositCalendarIdString
    ID of calendar used with Auto Deposit cycle attached to the plan.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • Field NameInteger
    Use this field to indicate the auto pay provider reimbursement setting on the employee account If not specified, and enrolling the participant into a plan using Auto Provider Pay, the employee will automatically inherit the default setting specified on the Benefit Plan. 0 = Pay Me (Default) 1 = Pay Provider
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • AvailableBalanceDecimal
    1 - New
    2 - Active
    3 - TempInactive
    4 - PermInactive
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ContributionsMadeThisYearDecimal
    Total HSA contributions made this year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ContributionsMadeThisYearEmployerDecimal
    Total HSA contributions made this year by employer
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • DateofDeath (MMDDYYYY)Date
    Use this field to indicate the auto pay provider reimbursement setting on the employee account If not specified, and enrolling the participant into a plan using Auto Provider Pay, the employee will automatically inherit the default setting specified on the Benefit Plan.
    0 = Pay Me (Default)
    1 = Pay Provider
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • DisabilityDistributionDecimal
    Distribution amount for disability
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • DisbPtdDecimal
    Returns the disbursements paid to date.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • DisbursableBalanceDecimal
    Card Proxy Number.
    Note: The Card Proxy number is returned in this field when either 0 or 1 is passed in the “CardProxy” field in the request. For security, the Card Proxy number is always returned in the response.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • DistributionOfExcessEarningsOnContributionsDecimal
    If plan is setup to allow claims cross over auto pay, this field specifies the default opt in value when assigning employees to benefit accounts.
    0 = Opt Out (Default)
    1 = Opt In
    Note: If not specified, then the employee will be assigned the plan default setting for Claims Crossover Opt-In
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • EmployeeIdString
    Unique identifier for the employee.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • Employee SocialSecurity NumberString
    Employee Social Security Number
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • EmployerIdString
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • FairMarketValueDecimal
    Fair market value of HSA
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • FixYeartoDateInterestDecimal
    Year to date interest adjustment
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HSADateOfDeathFairMarketValueDate (MMDDYYYY)
    Fair market value of HSA at date of accountholder death
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HSALedgerBalanceDecimal
    Balance at the start of the processing day (the balance after end of day processing is complete for the prior day). This value only applies to HSA accounts.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HsaCurrYrProcessingContrDecimal
    HSA Current Year Processing Contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HsaCurrYrProcessingContrEmprDecimal
    HSA Current Year Processing Contributions Employer
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HsaPrevYrProcessingContrDecimal
    HSA Previous Year Processing Contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • HsaPrevYrProcessingContrEmprDecimal
    HSA Previous Year Processing Contributions Employer
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • IDVerificationStatusString
    ID Verification Status
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • IdvIdaFailureReasonString
    ID Verification Failure Reason
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • IncidentFeeModelIdString
    Incident Fee Model ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • InterestAccruedAmtDecimal
    Amount of interest accrued in current year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • InterestPlanString
    Interest Plan ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • InterestRateDecimal
    Interest rate for HSA
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • InvestmentFairMarketValueDecimal
    HSA Investment Fair Market Value
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • LastInterestPaymentAmountDecimal
    Last Interest Payment Amount
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • LastInterestPaymentDateDate (MMDDYYYY)
    Last Interest Payment Date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • MaintenanceFeeModelString
    Maintenance Fee Model ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • MiscFeeModelIdString
    Miscellaneous Fee Model ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • NextInterestPaymentDteDate
    Date of next interest payment
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • NextStatementDateDate (MMDDYYYY)
    Date next statement will be issued
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • NormalDistributionDecimal
    Normal distribution amount year to date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • OverdraftFeeThisPeriodDecimal
    Overdraft fees assessed this period
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • OverdraftFeesYTDDecimal
    Overdraft fees assessed year to date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PlanIdString
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PlanYearEndDateString (YYYYMMDD)
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PlanYearStartDateString (YYYYMMDD)
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PortfolioBalanceMarketValueDecimal
    Investment portfolio balance market value
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PreauthBalDecimal
    Total amount of all pre-auth transactions that currently do not have a matching force post for this employee
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearContributionsMadeDuringPriorYearEmployerDecimal
    Total prior year contributions made by employer
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearContributionsReportableEmployerDecimal
    Total prior year reportable contributions made by employer
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearDeathDistributionDecimal
    Total prior year death distributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearDeathDistributionToNonSpouseDecimal
    Total prior year death distributions to non-spouse
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearDisabilityDistributionDecimal
    Total prior year disability distributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearDistributionOfEarningsOnExcessContributionsDecimal
    Total prior year distribution of earnings on excess contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearDistributionofExcessContributionDecimal
    Total prior year distribution of excess contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearFairMarketValueDecimal
    Prior year HSA fair market value
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearInvestmentFairMarketValueDecimal
    Prior year HSA investment fair market value
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearNormalDistributionDecimal
    Total prior year normal distributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearProhibitedTransactionDistributionDecimal
    Total prior year prohibited transaction distribution
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearRolloverContributionDecimal
    Total prior year rollover contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearTotalContributionReportingDecimal
    Prior year total contribution reporting
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearTotalContributionsMadeDuringPriorYearDecimal
    Total contributions made during prior year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • PriorYearTotalDistributionExcessContributionEarnDecimal
    Total distributions on excess contributions made prior year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerAccountCloseDateDate (MMDDYYYY)
    Date of HSA account closure
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerAccountNumberString
    HSA Account Number
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerAccountOpenDateDate (MMDDYYYY)
    Date of HSA account opening
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerAccountUploadUpdateStatusString
    Product partner account upload update status
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerAcctStatusEnumeration
    Returns HSA account status
    Active = 0,
    Inactive = 1,
    Pending = 2,
    Dormant = 3,
    ClosedAccount = 4,
    FrozenPostNoTran = 5,
    FrozenPostNoDebits = 6,
    FrozenPostNoChecks = 7,
    RejectedNeedInfo = 8,
    RejectedNoUpdates = 9
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerErrorCodeInteger
    Product Partner Application Error Code
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerIdString
    ID associated with product partner
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerLastUploadStatusString
    Specifies whether data was successfully copied from WealthCare Admin to the Product Partner system.
    3 = Success
    4 = Error re Validation; see Product Partner Error Code field.
    5 = Unexpected Error
    6 = Deactivated
    Note: This field will only populate if the account type is a Product Partner has account type.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerNameString
    Product partner name
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerOptInStatusString
    Indicates whether or not the employee is opted in for manual claim processing.
    0 = Opt Out
    1= Opt In
    Note: This field will only populate if the account type is a Product Partner HSA account type.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerProductIDString
    Balance at the start of the processing day (the balance after end of day processing is complete for the prior day). This value only applies to HSA accounts.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProductPartnerSigCardReceivedAccountOpenBoolean
    Product Partner Signature Card Received – Indicates if account is open
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ProhibitedTransactionDistributionDecimal
    Total prohibited transaction distributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ReturnedItemFeesThisPeriodDecimal
    Returned item fees assessed this period
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • ReturnedItemsFeesYTDDecimal
    Returned item fees assessed year to date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • RolloverContributionDecimal
    Total rollover contributions
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • StartAutoDeposit DateString
    Auto Deposit Start Date
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TerminationDateString
    YYYYMMDD. Date upon which the employee’s account is no longer eligible for benefits. Date must be after employee Account Effective date.
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TotalContributionMadeNextYearDecimal
    Total contributions made for future year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TotalContributionReportingDecimal
    Total contribution reporting
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TotalContributionReportingEmployerDecimal
    Total employer contribution reporting
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TotalDistributionExcessContributionEarningsDecimal
    Total distribution excess contribution earnings
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TotalPrevContributionMadeNextYearDecimal
    Total previous contributions made for future year
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • TpaIdString
    Administrator’s ID
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse
  • LastBalUpdateFromPPDateTime
    Last Balance Update Received from Product Partner
    Ex. 1900-01-01T00:00:00
    First Available Version:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse

Example of a GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails SOAP request message

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

Example of a GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails SOAP Response message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ActivityId CorrelationId="094afe0d-078d-4ad9-932e-3e24b1d0990a"
    <MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
    <mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
      <MBIWarnings i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
xmlns=" ">
<a:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse i:type="b:GetEmploye eHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2016_11"

Example Client Code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
// the client’s current session id.
localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
localhost.AccountService proxy = new localhost.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
localhost.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest request = new
// Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values,
// in this case the response will contain the account information.
localhost.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse[] responses;
// Set the input parameters
request.EmployerId = "XXXXXXXXX";
request.EmployeeID = "999999999";
request.PlanYearListType = "Current";
// session IDreturned from login method
sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the Get Employee HSA Account Details method
responses = proxy.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails(request);
if(responses != null)
    for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
// perform needed operations
    MessageBox.Show("Records not found");


This method is used to add coverage periods (similar to the healthcare coverage period (FF) EDI record type).

WCA automatically ignores the following fields on the UpdateEmployeeAccount request when subgroups and life event management are enabled, so that they can be set by the SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod method:
  • Effective date
  • Termination date
  • Coverage tier
  • Subgroup
  • Account segment ID
  • Product partner product ID

Note: If subgroups and/or life event management are NOT enabled, the fields listed above are not ignored and values provided using UpdateEmployeeAccount are populated.


The SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod methods are listed below:

Request Messages
  • SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod

Response Messages

SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod Request/Response Messages

The SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:
  • SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • TPAIDStringrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • EmployerIDStringrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • PlanIDStringrequired
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • EmployeeIDStringrequired
    Unique identifier assigned to the employee.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • AccountIDStringconditionally required
    Account ID assigned by WCA to a re-enrolled account. Note: Only used when reenrollment feature is used.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • PlanStartDateDaterequired
    Must match exactly what is provided on the employer plan import.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • PlanEndDateDaterequired
    Must match exactly what is provided on the employer plan import.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • CoveragePeriodStatusEnumeration
    0 = Active
    1 = Void a coverage period
    Note: When submitting ‘1’ (void), coverage period start date and coverage period end date must be equal.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • CoveragePeriodStartDateDaterequired
    Date coverage period starts.
    Coverage period start date cannot be before another coverage period's end date.
    To add a coverage period: Send the coverage period start date and leave the coverage end date blank unless you know the end date of the coverage period.
    To indicate one day of coverage period: Send the coverage period start date and coverage period end date as the same date. Coverage status should be submitted as ‘0’ (active).
    To update a coverage's end date: Provide the coverage period start date and the coverage period end date, and WCA will update the end date of the coverage period.
    To 'terminate' a coverage period: Once the coverage period ends, provide the coverage period start date in addition to the coverage period end date. Coverage status should be submitted as ‘0’ (active). Note: WCA considers the coverage period end date as an active date for claims.
    To change a coverage period start date: You must first void the coverage by sending a SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod request to set the coverage period start date equal to the coverage period end date and coverage period status submitted as ‘1’ (void). Then submit a second SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod request with the new coverage start date.
    Coverage period start date cannot be before another coverage period's end date.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • CoveragePeriodEndDateDate
    Date coverage period ends. This field may be left blank if the coverage period has not ended for the employee. Coverage period end date is the last day for which the employee can have claim dates of service processed. For example, if coverage end date of 4/30 is provided, then claims with dates of service up to and including 4/30 are eligible under this coverage period.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • CoverageTierIDString
    The coverage tier ID provided must match a coverage tier ID set up for the employer group in WCA.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • SubgroupIDString
    Provide the subgroup ID coinciding with the employee's coverage period for this account type. The subgroup ID must match a subgroup ID setup for the group via the FQ record or through the user interface for this employer. This subgroup drives benefits during this coverage period if the plan has subgroup benefits configured. If subgroup # is not provided, then no subgroup is associated with the coverage period. If updating an existing coverage period with a subgroup associated and the subgroup is blank, then no subgroup will be associated to the coverage period once updated.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • AccountSegmentIDString
    Provide the account segment ID coinciding with the employee's coverage period for this account type. The account segment ID must match an account segment ID setup for the group via the FV record or through the user interface for this employer. This account segment ID is used for reporting and transaction settlement. If segment is not provided, then no segment will be associated with the coverage period. If updating an existing coverage period that has a subgroup and the subgroup is blank, then no subgroup will be associated to the coverage period once updated. If segment is not provided on the import template, then no segment will be assigned to the coverage period even if one was assigned previously.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • LifeEventCodeNumeric
    A 4-character code to indicate the type of change being made. No functionality is dependent upon this field as it is only for display purposes. It displays with the coverage period for customer service.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • ProductPartnerProductIDString
    The product partner product ID sets the service charge model and other attributes of the account. The product partner product ID provided must be a valid product ID as configured for the admin relationship ID assigned to the employee plan.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • AnnualElectionFamilyAmountCurrency
    If fixed employer funding is enabled for the plan/subgroup, then this field will be ignored.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • IndividualAmountCurrency
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • RecordTrackingNumberString
    The record tracking number is used to identify line numbers within an import record. If this field is sent during import, WCA will return these values in the result file.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest
  • TrackingNumberString
    This value is stored in WCA and can be used for research purposes.
    First Available Version:SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest


In an effort to increase the number of HSA-related tasks which can be automated, product partner users can now set enrollment status and account open dates for WealthCare HSAs via a new web service method: EnrollHSAAccount. This web service can only be utilized by partner users with profile access to edit HSA accounts.

This method allows partner users to specify an 'enrollment action' and 'product partner account open date' and follows existing logic on the edit benefit account page in WCA.


The EnrollHSAAccount methods are listed below: Request Messages
  • EnrollHSAAccount

Response Messages

EnrollHSAAccount request/response messages

The EnrollHSAAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
  • EnrollHSAAccount
  • ProductPartnerIdAlphanumericrequired
    Product ID
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • TpaIdAlphanumericrequired
    A unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • AccountTypeCodeStringrequired
    Three character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • EmployeeIdAlphanumericrequired
    Unique identifier assigned to the employee.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • EmployerIdAlphanumericrequired
    Unique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • PlanIdAlphanumeric
    Unique identifier that distinguishes this plan from all others you administer.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • PlanStartdateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date that funds are available for services.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • PlanEnddateStringrequired
    (YYYMMDD)Date after which services are not eligible for payment, unless there is an extension in the field.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • EmployeeSocialSecurityNumberStringrequired
    Employee social security number
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • FlexAcctIdString
    A unique identifer for the employee's account, generated by WCA when the account was first set up.
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • EnrollmentActionEnumeration
    0 – None
    8 - Application Approved Manually
    10 – Application Denied No Reapply
    11 – Application Denied Reapply Allowed
    13 – Awaiting Additional Information
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount
  • ProductPartnerAccountOpenDateString
    (YYYYMMDD)Product partner account open date
    First Available Version:EnrollHSAAccount