The following is a list of methods that is provided by the Employer Bank Account Service
- AddEmployerBankAccount – used to add employer bank account information.
- GetEmployerBankAccount – used to retrieve employer bank account information.
- GetEmployerBankAccounts – used to retrieve employer bank accounts information.
- UpdateEmployerBankAccount – used to update an employer’s demographic information. The employer must already exist.
- AddEmployerFundingBankAccount – used to add an employer funding bank account.
- UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount – used to update an employer funding bank account.
- GetEmployerFundingBankAccount – used to retrieve a list of employer funding bank accounts.
The Employer Bank Account Service makes the following assumptions as well as enforce the following business rules.
- Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.
- Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.
- Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.
- Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.
- If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all of their clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.
- Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.
- Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.
- If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.
This method is used to add an employer’s bank account information to the system.
The AddEmployerBankAccount methods are listed below:
- AddEmployerBankAccountRequest
Response Message
- AddEmployerBankAccountResponse
The AddEmployerBankAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request message:
- AddEmployerBankAccountRequest
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - BankAccountNameStringrequiredName assigned by administrator during creation. It cannot be updated on subsequent loads. It can be applied to more than one employer by making a separate request for each employer ID. Settlement is NOT immediate for each newly linked employer
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- BankAccountNumberStringrequiredBank account number. Required if account usage includes ACH
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - BankRoutingNumberStringrequiredBank account routing number. Required if account usage includes ACH.
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank account secondary routing number
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- BankAccountTypeCodeEnumerationType of account. Defaults to 1 if left blank
0 - None
1 - Checking
2 - Savings
3 - General LedgerFirst Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: 1 - Checking
- EmailAddressStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily POS activity emails.
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - IsDailyEmailReceiveBooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity via email?
1= Yes
0 = No
Defaults to 0(No) if left blankFirst Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
- Address1StringFirst line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- Address2StringSecond line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- CityStringCity associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 30
- ZipCodeStringUp to nine digits Zip Code associated with the bank’s address.
Limited to either five(5) or nine(9) characters
Numbers onlyFirst Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- StateStringTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - CountryCodeString“US” is the only valid option. Contact us if you intend to send to any other international addresses
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 3
- DisplayNameStringrequiredUnique display name associated with the account
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: 50
- AuthorizedOwnerNameStringAuthorized owner of the account
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonNameStringPerson authorizing the account to be debited.
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringTitle of person listed in the “authorized by” field
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - PhysicalBankAccountUsageCodeEnumerationrequiredPurpose of account.
1 - ACH only
2 - Reimbursement only
3 - All (default)
4 - Employer funding
5 - Balance repayment agent
6 - Incentive deposits
7 - Investments tranfer out
Note Each employer must be linked to one ACH account that has reimbursement capabilities or no manual claims can be run for the employer (even for validation purposes via EDI). Recommended to choose ACH and ReimbursementFirst Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: 1 - ACH only
- POSSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: IndividualSettlement
- ManualSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: IndividualSettlement
- EmailAddressForManualStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails for manual transactions.
First Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest - IsDailyEmailReceiveForManualBooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity for manual transactions via email?
1= Yes 0 = No
Defaults to 0(No) if left blankFirst Available Version: AddEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of an AddEmployerBankAccount SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<BankAccountName>0037308343 Account</BankAccountName>
<BankAccountTypeCode xmlns="">Checking</BankAccountTypeCode>
<Address1>293 Turnpike road</Address1>
<Address2>Apt# 222</Address2>
<DisplayName>0037308343 Account</DisplayName>
Example of an AddEmployerBankAccount SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<AddEmployerBankAccountResponse xmlns="">
<AddEmployerBankAccountResult />
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the
service) used when calling the AddEmployerBankAccount web method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Employer Bank Account
// Service the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters) request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.AddEmployerBankAccount
// Set the input parameters
request.TpaId = txtTpaId.Text;
request.BankAccountName = txtBankAccountName.Text;
request.BankAccountNumber = txtBankAccountNumber.Text;
request.BankRoutingNumber = txtBankRoutingNumber.Text;
request.BankSecondRoutingNumber = txtBankSecRoutingNumber.Text;
request.BankAccountTypeCode = txtBankAccountTypeCode.Text;
request.EmailAddress = txtEmailAddr.Text;
request.IsDailyEmailReceive = Convert.ToBoolean(txtIsDailyEmail.Text); request.Address1 = txtAddress1.Text;
request.Address2 = txtAddress2.Text;
request.City = txtCity.Text; request.ZipCode = txtZipCode.Text;
request.State = txtState.Text;
request.CountryCode = txtCountryCode.Text;
request.DisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text;
request.AuthorizedOwnerName = txtAuthOwnerName.Text;
request.AuthorizedPersonName = txtAuthPersonName.Text;
request.AuthorizedPersonTitle = txtAuthPersonTitle.Text;
request.PhysicalBankAccountUsageCode = Convert.ToInt16(txtPhysBankAcctUsageCde.Text);
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.AddEmployerBankAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to retrieve employer bank account information from the system.
The GetEmployerBankAccount methods are listed below:
- GetEmployerBankAccountRequest
- GetEmployerBankAccountResponse
The GetEmployerBankAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request message: GetEmployerBankAccountRequest
- GetEmployerBankAccountRequest
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountRequest - DisplayNameStringrequiredDisplay name associated with the account.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the response may return more details as to why a request was not successful
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
- GetEmployerBankAccountResponse
- TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - BankAccountNameStringName assigned by the administrator during creation. It cannot be updated on subsequent loads. It can be applied to more than one employer by changing the employer ID. Settlement is NOT immediate for each newly linked employer
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - BankAccountNumberStringBank account number. Required if account usage includes ACH
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - BankRoutingNumber StringBank account routing number. Required if account usage includes ACH.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank account secondary routing number
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - BankAccountTypeCodeEnumerationType of account. Defaults to 1 if left blank
0 - None
1 - Checking
2 - Savings
3 - General LedgerFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - EmailAddressStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - IsDailyEmailReceiveBooleanDo you wish to receive daily POS account activity via email?
1= Yes
0 = NoFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - Address1StringFirst line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - Address2StringSecond line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - CityStringCity associated with the group’s address.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - ZipcodeStringUp to nine digits Zip Code associated with the bank’s address.
Limited to either five(5) or nine(9) characters
Numbers onlyFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - StateStringTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - CountryCodeString“US” is the only valid option. Contact us if you intend to send to any other international addresses
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - DisplayNameStringUnique display name associated with the account.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - AuthorizedOwnerNameStringAuthorized owner of the account
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - AuthorizedPersonNameStringPerson authorizing the account to be debited.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringTitle of person listed in the “authorized by” field
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - PhysicalBankAccountUsageCodeEnumerationPurpose of account.
1 - ACH only
2 - Reimbursement only
3 - All (default)
4 - Employer funding
5 - Balance repayment agent
6 - Incentive deposits
7 - Investments tranfer out
Note Each employer must be linked to one ACH account that has reimbursement capabilities or no manual claims can be run for the employer (even for validation purposes via EDI). Recommended to choose ACH and ReimbursementFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - POSSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - ManualSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - EmailAddressForManualStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails for manual transactions.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse - IsDailyEmailReceiveForManualBooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity for manual transactions via email?
1= Yes
0 = NoFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountResponse
Example of a GetEmployerBankAccount SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<MBISessionID>123skasdx1324jkfdsafk </MBISessionID>
<DisplayName>0037308343 Account</DisplayName>
Example of a GetEmployerBankAccount SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployerBankAccountResponse xmlns="">
<BankAccountName>0037308343 Account</BankAccountName>
<BankAccountTypeCode xmlns=""> Checking </BankAccountTypeCode>
<Address1>293 Turnpike road</Address1>
<Address2>Apt# 222</Address2>
<DisplayName>0037308343 Account</DisplayName>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the
service) used when calling the GetEmployerBankAccount method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.GetEmployerBankAccountRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.DisplayName = _txtDisplayName.Text; request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
// session ID returned from logon method mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.GetEmployerBankAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to update employer bank account information for an account that already exists.
The UpdateEmployerBankAccount methods are listed below:
- UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest
- UpdateEmployerBankAccountResponse
The UpdateEmployerBankAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request message:
- UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - BankAccountNameStringrequiredName assigned by the administrator during creation. It cannot be updated on subsequent loads. It can be applied to more than one employer by changing the employer ID. Settlement is NOT immediate for each newly linked employer
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- BankAccountNumberStringrequiredBank account number. Required if account usage includes ACH
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - BankRoutingNumberStringrequiredBank account routing number. Required if account usage includes ACH.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank account secondary routing number
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- BankAccountTypeCodeEnumerationType of account. Defaults to 1 if left blank
0 - None
1 - Checking
2 - Savings
3 - General LedgerFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: None
- EmailAddressStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - IsDailyEmailReceiveBooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity via email? 1= Yes 0 = No Defaults to 0(No) if left blank
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
- IsZeroBalanceBoolean1 = Yes, 0 = No
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
- Address1StringFirst line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- Address2StringSecond line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- CityStringCity associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 30
- ZipCodeStringUp to nine digits Zip Code associated with the bank’s address.
Limited to either five(5) or nine(9) characters
Numbers onlyFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 9
- StateStringTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - CountryCodeString“US” is the only valid option. Contact us if you intend to send to any other international addresses
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - DisplayNameStringrequiredUnique display name associated with the account
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Max Length: 50
- AuthorizedOwnerNameStringAuthorized owner of the account
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonNameStringPerson authorizing the account to be debited.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringTitle of person listed in the “authorized by” field
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - PhysicalBankAccountUsageCode EnumerationrequiredPurpose of account.
1 - ACH only
2 - Reimbursement only
3 - All (default)
4 - Employer funding
5 - Balance repayment agent
6 - Incentive deposits
7 - Investments tranfer out
Note Each employer must be linked to one ACH account that has reimbursement capabilities or no manual claims can be run for the employer (even for validation purposes via EDI). Recommended to choose ACH and ReimbursementFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: 1 - AchOnly
- POSSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: IndividualSettlement
- ManualSettlementTypeEnumerationIndicates if settlement will be one entry for each transaction (individual) or one entry per day for the net sum of all transactions (aggregate)
IndividualSettlement = 0
AggregatedSettlement = 1First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: IndividualSettlement
- EmailAddressForManual StringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails for manual transactions.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest - IsDailyEmailReceiveForManual BooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity for manual transactions via email? Defaults to 0(No) if left blank
1= Yes
0 = NoFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest Default Values: FALSE
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of an UpdateEmployerBankAccount SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployerBankAccount xmlns="
<BankAccountName>0037308343 Account</BankAccountName>
<Address1>293 Turnpike road</Address1>
<Address2>Apt# 222</Address2>
<DisplayName>0037308343 Account</DisplayName>
Example of an UpdateEmployerBankAccount SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployerBankAccountResponse xmlns="
<UpdateEmployerBankAccountResult />
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the UpdateEmployerBankAccount method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Bank Account service
proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateEmployerBankAccountRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.TpaId = txtTpaId.Text;
request.BankAccountName = txtBankAccountName.Text;
request.BankAccountNumber = txtBankAccountNumber.Text;
request.BankRoutingNumber = txtBankRoutingNumber.Text;
request.BankSecondRoutingNumber = txtBankSecRoutingNumber.Text;
request.BankAccountTypeCode = txtBankAccountTypeCode.Text;
request.EmailAddress = txtEmailAddr.Text;
request.IsDailyEmailReceive = Convert.ToBoolean(txtIsDailyEmail.Text);
request.Address1 = txtAddress1.Text;
request.Address2 = txtAddress2.Text;
request.City = txtCity.Text;
request.ZipCode = txtZipCode.Text;
request.State = txtState.Text;
request.CountryCode = txtCountryCode.Text;
request.DisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text;
request.AuthorizedOwnerName = txtAuthOwnerName.Text;
request.AuthorizedPersonName = txtAuthPersonName.Text;
request.AuthorizedPersonTitle = txtAuthPersonTitle.Text;
request.PhysicalBankAccountUsageCode = Convert.ToInt16(txtPhysBankAcctUsageCde.Text);
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.UpdateEmployerBankAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to get a list of an employer’s physical bank accounts.
The GetEmployerBankAccounts methods are listed below:
- GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest
- GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse
The GetEmployerBankAccounts method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request message:
- GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest - BankNameStringrequiredBank Name. The response will return all accounts tied to this bank name.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the response may return more details as to why a request was not successful
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest Default Values: FALSE
- GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse
- TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - BankAccountNameStringName assigned by the administrator during creation. It cannot be updated on subsequent loads. It can be applied to more than one employer by changing the employer ID. Settlement is NOT immediate for each newly linked employer
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - BankAccountNumberStringBank account number.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - BankRoutingNumberStringBank account routing number.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - BankSecondRoutingNumber StringBank account secondary routing number
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - BankAccountTypeCodeEnumerationType of account. Defaults to 1 if left blank
0 - None
1 - Checking
2 - Savings
3 - General LedgerFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - EmailAddressStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to provide daily activity emails.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - IsDailyEmailReceiveBooleanDo you wish to receive daily account activity via email?
1= Yes
0 = NoFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - Address1StringFirst line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - Address2StringSecond line of the bank’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - CityStringCity associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - ZipCodeStringUp to nine digits Zip Code associated with the bank’s address.
Limited to either five(5) or nine(9) characters
Numbers onlyFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - StateStringTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the bank’s address
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - CountryCodeString“US” is the only valid option.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - DisplayNameStringUnique display name associated with the account
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedOwnerNameStringAuthorized owner of the account
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedPersonNameStringPerson authorizing the account to be debited.
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringTitle of person listed in the “authorized by” field
First Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse - PhysicalBankAccountUsageCodeEnumerationPurpose of account.
1 - ACH only
2 - Reimbursement only
3 - All (default)
4 - Employer funding
5 - Balance repayment agent
6 - Incentive deposits
7 - Investments tranfer out
Note Each employer must be linked to one ACH account that has reimbursement capabilities or no manual claims can be run for the employer (even for validation purposes via EDI). Recommended to choose ACH and ReimbursementFirst Available Version: GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse
Example of a GetEmployerBankAccounts SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployerBankAccounts xmlns="">
Example of a GetEmployerBankAccounts SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<BankSecondRoutingNumber />
<EmailAddress />
<AuthorizedPersonName>J GOPALSAMY</AuthorizedPersonName>
xmlns="">AchAndReimbursement</PhysicalBankAccountUsageCode> </GetEmployerBankAccountsResponse>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the
service) used when calling the GetEmployerBankAccounts method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Bank Account service
proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.GetEmployerBankAccountsRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.TpaId = txtTpaId.Text; request.BankName = txtBankName.Text;
// session ID returned from logon method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.GetEmployerBankAccounts(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to add an employer funding bank account.
The AddEmployerFundingBankAccount methods are listed below:
- AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
- AddEmployerFundingBankAccountResponse
The AddEmployerFundingBankAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:
- AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
- TpaIDStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AccountNameStringrequiredBank Account Name
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankAccountNumberStringrequiredBank Account Number
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankRoutingNumberStringrequiredBank Routing Number
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank Secondary Routing Number
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankAccountTypeEnumBank Account Type: Either Checking or Savings
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest Default Values: Checking
- FinancialInstitution NameStringFinancial Institution Name
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIAddress1StringFinancial Institution Address 1
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIAddress2StringFinancial Institution Address 2
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FICityStringFinancial Institution City
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIZipCodeStringFinancial Institution Zip Code
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIStateStringrequiredFinancial Institution State
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FICountryCodeStringrequiredFinancial Institution Country Code: Must be US
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest Max Length: 2
- AuthorizedOwnerNameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Owner Name
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonNameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Name
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Title
First Available Version: AddEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
Response Message: Request submitted successfully.
Example of an AddEmployerFundingBankAccount SOAP request message
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mbi="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns="">
Example of an AddEmployerFundingBankAccount SOAP response message:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<AddEmployerFundingBankAccountResponse xmlns="">
<AddEmployerFundingBankAccountResult xmlns:a=""
<a:ErrorDescription>Request submitted successfully.</a:ErrorDescription>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the AddEmployerFundingBankAccount method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the service proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters) request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.AddEmployerFundingBankAccount();
// Set the input parameters request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text; request.AccountName = _employerId.Text; request.BankAccountNumber = _AccountName.Text; request.BankRoutingNumber = _BankRoutingNumber.Text; request.FICountryCode = _BankRoutingNumber.Text; request.FIState = _BankRoutingNumber.Text;
// session ID returned from logon method mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.AddEmployerFundingBankAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations\
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to update an employer funding bank account.
The UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount methods are listed
- UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
- UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountResponse
The UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:
- UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
- TpaIDStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AccountNameStringrequiredBank Account Name
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankAccountNumberStringrequiredBank Account Number
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankRoutingNumberStringrequiredBank Routing Number
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank Secondary Routing Number
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - BankAccountTypeEnumType of account. Defaults to 1 if left blank
1 - Checking
2 - SavingsFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest Default Values: Checking
- FinancialInstitution NameStringFinancial Institution Name
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIAddress1StringFinancial Institution Address 1
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIAddress2StringFinancial Institution Address 2
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FICityStringFinancial Institution City
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIZipCodeStringFinancial Institution Zip Code
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FIStateStringrequiredFinancial Institution State
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - FICountryCodeStringrequiredFinancial Institution Country Code: Must be US
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest Max Length: 2
- AuthorizedOwnerN ameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Owner Name
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonN ameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Name
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Title
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccountRequest
Response Message: Request submitted successfully.
Example of an UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount SOAP request message
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mbi="" xmlns:v1=""
Example of an UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount SOAP response message
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<a:ErrorDescription>Request submitted successfully.</a:ErrorDescription>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the service proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters) request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateEmployerFundingBankAc
// Set the input parameters
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.AccountName = _employerId.Text;
request.BankAccountNumber = _AccountName.Text;
request.BankRoutingNumber = _BankRoutingNumber.Text;
request.FICountryCode = _BankRoutingNumber.Text;
request.FIState = _BankRoutingNumber.Text;
// session ID returned from logon method mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.UpdateEmployerFundingBankAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to get a list of all employer funding bank accounts.
The GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts methods are listed
- GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsRequest
- GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse
GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts Request/Response Messages
The GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
- GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsRequest
- TpaIDStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsRequest
- GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse
- TpaIDStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - AccountNameStringBank Account Name
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - BankAccountNumberStringBank Account Number
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - BankRoutingNumberStringBank Routing Number
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - BankSecondRoutingNumberStringBank Secondary Routing Number
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - BankAccountTypeEnumType of account.
1 - Checking
2 - SavingsFirst Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FinancialInstitutionNameStringFinancial Institution Name
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FIAddress1StringFinancial Institution Address 1
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FIAddress2StringFinancial Institution Address 2
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FICityStringFinancial Institution City
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FIZipCodeStringFinancial Institution Zip Code
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FIStateStringFinancial Institution State
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - FICountryCodeStringFinancial Institution Country Code
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedOwnerNameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Owner Name
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedPersonNameStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Name
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse - AuthorizedPersonTitleStringFinancial Institution Authorized Person Title
First Available Version: GetEmployerFundingBankAccountsResponse
Example of an GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts SOAP request message
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mbi="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns="">
Example of an GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts SOAP response message
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
<MBIWarnings i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
</s:Header> <s:Body>
<a:AccountName>Board of Trustees</a:AccountName>
<a:AuthorizedPersonName>WALT DISNEY</a:AuthorizedPersonName>
<a:FIAddress1>1313 Disneyland Dr</a:FIAddress1>
<a:FinancialInstitutionName>ACME Bank</a:FinancialInstitutionName>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the service proxy = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.EmployerBankAccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerBankAccountServiceNameSpace.GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts();
// Set the input parameters request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
// session ID returned from logon method mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.GetEmployerFundingBankAccounts(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations