The following is a list of methods that is provided by the Employer Service.
- AddEmployer - used to add an employer's demographic information.
- GetEmployer - used to retrieve an employer's demographic information.
- GetEmployers - used to retrieve a list of employers for a given administrator.
- UpdateEmployer - used to update an employer's demographic information.
- CopyReportSchedule - used to copy an employer's report schedules to another employer.
The Employer Service makes the following assumptions as well as enforces the following business rules.
- Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.
- Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.
- Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.
- Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.
- If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all of their clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.
- Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.
- Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.
- If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.
This method is used to add an employer’s demographic information.
The AddEmployer methods are listed below:
- AddEmployerRequest_2020_01
- AddEmployerRequest
- AddEmployerResponse
AddEmployer Request/Response Messages
The AddEmployer method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
- AddEmployerRequest
- ActiveFirstUseBooleanSpecifies whether cards is automatically activated when a cardholder first uses the card. True-Activate on first use. False-Do not activate on first use (requires manual activation)
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- AddressLine1StringrequiredFirst line of the employer’s mailing address. (Cannot be a P.O. Box)
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Max Length: 55
- AddressLine2StringSecond line of the employer’s mailing address.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Max Length: 55
- CardExpirationMonthsEnumerationNumber of months before debit cards expire:
Months36First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: Months12
- CardIssueAddressIndicatorEnumerationSpecifies which address new cards are mailed to.
Cardholder – Issues cards to Cardholder’s address.
Employer – Issues cards to Employer’s address.
TPA – Issues cards to administrator’s address.
MBI – Issue cards to Alegeus Technologies’ address.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: Cardholder
- CardReissueLeadDaysEnumerationAutomatically reissue cards N days prior to expiration.
Days60First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: Days15
- CardOfferedEnumerationConfirms if the employer group offers the debit card.
Note: If this field is not passed, the system defaults to FlexCard.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: None
- CardSecondLineStringPreapproved card 2nd line text. If does not match existing text listed in BPS, it is not used.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - CheckProcessMethodEnumerationNone
PrintFirst Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: None
- CityStringrequiredCity associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Max Length: 30
- CopayAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee co-pay amounts enabled.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- CountryStringrequiredCountry associated with the employer's address.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: “US”
- DirectDepositMethodEnumerationThe direct deposit method used by the employer group:
FileFirst Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: None
- EmailAddressStringEmail address associated with the employer.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field used by groups at the employee level. (i.e. Birthdate, Location)
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerForTestingBooleanSelect true if this is a test employer.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- EmployerIdStringrequiredOnly 6 characters allowed on INSERT.
Excludes the three character Employer ID Prefix (as shown on Administrator Demographic screen in BPS), because it
is added automatically on INSERT.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Max Length: 18
- EmployerNameStringrequiredComplete employer group name. This is the name used on reports generated by the system.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerPhoneNumberStringGroup’s phone number with area code.
Blanks for extension if not one. (###) ###-#### ####First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerTaxIdStringTax ID number for the employer.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field to be used by administrator at the group level. (i.e. Region, Tax ID Number)
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsDataStringData input to satisfy the field created by the Employer Defined Field. (i.e. North, 00031515)
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - EmployerFaxNumberStringGroup’s fax number with area code.
Blanks for extension if not one. (###) ###-#### ####First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - ProjectedEnrolleesIntegerrequiredNumber of enrollees the employer group expects to bring to the system. This assists Alegeus Technologies with determining card inventory requirements.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: 0
- RecurringExpenseAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee recurring expense amounts enabled.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- SetupEmailAddressStringrequiredEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to notify when group setup is completed and Employer is ready to load employees.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - StateStringrequiredTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the group’s address.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - ZipCodeStringrequiredUp to nine digit Zip Code associated with the group’s address. Limited to either five (5) or nine (9) characters. Numbers only.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest - ThermalPrintNameStringOptional, Name used to specify text that appears on the back of the cardholder’s card.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2006_12 - DefaultCardDesignStringFor future use. Card design will currently always be payment.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2007_12 Default Values: Payment
- EmprOptionsIntValues are:
None = 0
AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign = 32
AllowExternalReimb = 128
AllowIneligiblePOSOffset = 256
EnableComboCard = 1024
AllowParticipantEmailUpdates = 2048
AllowParticipantEmailAdmin = 4096
AllowParticipantAccessDependentInfo = 8192
AllowParticipantRequestNewCard = 16384
AllowParticipantUpdateDemoInfo = 32768
AllowParticipantUpdateDirectDepositInfo = 65536
AllowParticipantViewDirectDepositInfo = 131072
AllowParticipantClaimsCrossOver = 262144
VerifyReimbursement = 524288
AllowUploadCensusRecords = 1048576
AllowViewMetavanteEduContents = 2097152
AllowParticipantCommunicationSelection = 4194304
AllowParticipantClaimEntry= 8388608
AllowParticipantReceiptUpload = 16777216
AllowEmployeeDemographicSelfCreationviaOnlineEnrollment = 3355443
EnableProviderPay =67108864
ExcludeReimbursementIfTI= 1073741824
BillableEmployer =4294967296
DisplayClaimsoneClaimsManager = 17179869184
LockEmployerStatus =34359738368First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2009_04 - AllowParticipantstoAddDependents = 68719476736
AllowParticipantstoAddDependentAccounts =137438953472
AllowParticipantstoOrderDependentCard =274877906944
RequireDependentDOBandSSNonPortal =549755813888
AllowCardReimbursementOption = 1099511627776
EnableCardReimbursementDefault = 2199023255552
EnrollmentNotAllowed =4398046511104
Allow employer to managebank configuration for HSA funding =70368744177664
Enable Mobile Pay = 36028797018963968
Note: This is a bit field. To enable multiple options add up the values. See the bit field guide for more information.
Example: To enable AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign and EnableComboCard the EmprOptionsshould be set to: 32 + 1024 = 1056.
Note 2: Mobile Pay must be activated for your administrator instance of WCA before you can use this option to enable for employers.First Available Version: - ComboCardWaitingPeriodShortThis is a legacy field; this field will not currently be used.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2007_12 Default Values: 0
- ThermalLogoIdStringThis is the Thermal Logo (Front) description that was created in the user interface.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2007_12 - ReimbMinAmtDecimalThis field is used to set the minimum reimbursement amount for Reimbursement Processing.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2009_04 Default Values: 0
- TrackingNumberStringThis field is returned with the response and not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2010_10 - CopyCalendarsFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy payroll calendars from
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_ 015_06 - CopyPCMTemplatesFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy participant communication templates from
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2015_06 - CopyReimbursementScheduleFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy the reimbursement schedule from.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_ 015_10 - CardIssueAddressIndicator-_2016_09EnumerationSpecifies which address new cards are mailed to.
Cardholder – Issues cards to Cardholder’s address.
Employer – Issues cards to Employer’s address.
TPA – Issues cards to administrator’s address.
MBI – Issue cards to Alegeus Technologies’ address.
Employer Alternate – Issue cards to employer’s alternate address.
TPA Alternate – Issue cards to administrator’s alternate address.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_ 016_09 Default Values: Cardholder
- BrandIdStringThis field is used to associate a Brand ID to the employer group. Brand ID must first be configured on the admin > settings > branding page in WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2017_02 Max Length: 20
- userfieldlabelStringUse this field to create a custom field on the plan level.
WealthCare Admin does not use this field.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_06 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField2StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField3StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField4StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField5StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField6StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField7StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField8StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField9StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedField10StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- CustomerServicePhoneStringEmployer-level customer service phone number
First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 30
- MaxRealtimeReactivationPaymentDecimalWhen an online payment is made to fulfill a balance due, there is a standard two business day waiting period before a deactivated benefit debit card can be reactivated. If you wish, you can use this field to set a maximum online payment which will bypass the waiting period and immediately reactivate the card.
Note: Leaving this field blank or setting it to ‘0’ ensures all transactions are subject to the waiting period.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 19
- CalendarIdStringEmployer's selected calendar list is assigned the calendar corresponding to the submitted calendar ID. Must exactly match the calendar ID in WCA.
If you do not wish to assign a calendar, leave blank.First Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2020_01 Max Length: 50
- CardStockIdStringCard stock ID for the card stock to assign for this employer. Must exactly match the card stock ID in WCA.
Note: For add/update, if left blank, the default card stock is usedFirst Available Version: AddEmployerRequest_2020_01 Max Length: 5
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of an AddEmployer SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<AddEmployer_2006_12 xmlns="">
<AddressLine1>123 Test St</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2>Apt 2</AddressLine2>
<CardIssueAddressIndicator xmlns="">Cardholder</CardIssueAddressIndicator>
<CardOffered xmlns="">FlexCard</CardOffered>
<CheckProcessMethod xmlns="">File</CheckProcessMethod>
<DirectDepositMethod xmlns="">File</DirectDepositMethod>
<EmployerPhoneNumber>777 555 - 3333</EmployerPhoneNumber>
<EmployerFaxNumber>777 555 - 3333</EmployerFaxNumber>
<ThermalPrintName>Test Print</ ThermalPrintName >
Example of an AddEmployer SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<AddEmployerResponse xmlns="">
<AddEmployerResult />
Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when adding an employer using the AddEmployer web method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Employer Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Service
proxy = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.EmployerService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.AddEmployerRequest_2006_12();
// Set the input parameters
request.ActiveFirstUse = (bool) _activeFirstUse.SelectedItem;
request.AddressLine1 = _addressLine1.Text;
request.AddressLine2 = _addressLine2.Text;
request.BucketSplit = (bool) _bucketSplit.SelectedItem;
request.CardExpirationMonths =
request.CardExpirationMonthsSpecified = true;
request.CardIssueAddressIndicator =
request.CardOffered = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.CardsOfferedCodes)
request.CardReissueLeadDays =
request.CardReissueLeadDaysSpecified = true;
request.CardSecondLine = _cardSecondLine.Text;
request.CheckProcessMethod = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.CheckProcessMethodCodes)
request.City = _city.Text;
request.CopayAutoReview = (bool) _copayAutoReview.SelectedItem;
request.Country = _country.Text;
request.DirectDepositMethod = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.DirectDepositMethodCodes)
request.EmailAddress = _emailAddress.Text;
request.EmployeeUserDefinedFields = _employeeUserDefinedField.Text;
request.EmployerFaxNumber = _employerFaxNumber.Text;
request.EmployerForTesting = (bool) _employerForTesting.SelectedItem;
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.EmployerName = _employerName.Text;
request.EmployerPhoneNumber = _employerPhoneNumber.Text;
request.EmployerTaxId = _employerTaxId.Text;
request.EmployerUserDefinedFields = _employerUserDefinedField.Text;
request.EmployerUserDefinedFieldsData = _employerUserDefinedFieldData.Text;
request.ProjectedEnrollees = Convert.ToInt32(_projectedEnrollees.Text);
request.RecurringExpenseAutoReview = (bool)
request.SetupEmailAddress = _setupEmailAddress.Text;
request.State = _state.Text;
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.ZipCode = _zipCode.Text;
request.ThermalPrintName = ThermalPrintName.Text;
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.AddEmployer(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to retrieve an employer’s demographic information.
The GetEmployer methods are listed below:
- GetEmployerRequest
- GetEmployerResponse
GetEmployer Request/Response Messages
The GetEmployer method
requires the following request and response messages (input and output
- GetEmployerRequest_2019_02
- GetEmployerRequest
- EmployerIdStringrequiredFirst 3 characters are the employers prefix, unique for each employer. Next 9 characters are created by the administrator for the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployerRequest Max Length: 18
- TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployerRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records. For example, if an invalid employee social security number was sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- CustomerServicePhoneStringEmployer-level customer service phone number
First Available Version: GetEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 30
- MaxRealtimeReactivationPaymentDecimalWhen an online payment is made to fulfill a balance due, there is a standard two business day waiting period before a deactivated benefit debit card can be reactivated. If you wish, you can use this field to set a maximum online payment which will bypass the waiting period and immediately reactivate the card.
Note: Leaving this field blank or setting it to ‘0’
ensures all transactions are subject to the waiting period.First Available Version: GetEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 19
- GetEmployerResponse_2020_01
- GetEmployerResponse_2009_04
- GetEmployerResponse_2007_12
- GetEmployerResponse_2006_12
- GetEmployerResponse
- ActiveFirstUseBooleanSpecifies whether cards are automatically activated when a cardholder first uses the card.
True – Activate on first use.
False – Do not activate on first use (requires manual activation)First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - AddressLine1StringFirst line of the employer’s mailing address.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - AddressLine2StringSecond line of the employer’s mailing address.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - BucketSplitBooleanAllow splitting a single transaction over multiple plans after the transaction meets the criteria of Auto Review, Third-Party Substantiation (TPS), or Over-the-Counter (OTC) Substantiation.
Note: As of 2007_12 this field is no longer returned.First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CardExpirationMonthsEnumerationMonths12
Months36First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CardIssueAddressIndicatorEnumerationSpecifies which address new cards are mailed to.
Cardholder – Issues cards to Cardholder’s address.
Employer – Issues cards to Group’s address.
Administrator – Issues cards to administrator’s address.
BPS – Issues cards to Alegeus Technologies’s address.First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CardReissueLeadDaysEnumerationAutomatically reissue cards N days prior to expiration.
Days60First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CardOfferedEnumerationConfirms if the employer group offers the debit card.
FlexCardOptionalFirst Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CardSecondLineStringPreapproved card 2nd line text. If does not match existing text listed in BPS, it is not used.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CheckProcessMethodEnumerationNone
PrintFirst Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CityStringCity associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CopayAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee co-pay amounts enabled.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - CountryStringThe country of the employer group.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - DirectDepositMethodEnumerationIf the group offers direct deposit reimbursement, ‘File’ is returned. If not, ‘None’ is returned.
FileFirst Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmailAddressStringEmail address associated with the group.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field used by employers at the employee level. (i.e. Birthdate, Location)
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerForTestingBooleanReturns true if this is a test employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerIdStringFirst 3 characters are the employers prefix, unique for each employer. Next 9 characters are created by the administrator for the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerNameStringComplete employer name. This is the name used on reports generated by the system.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - Employer PhoneNumberStringEmployer’s phone number with area code.
Blanks for extension if not one. (###) ###-#### ####First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerTaxIdStringTax ID number for the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerStatusEnumerationNew
PermInactiveFirst Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field to be used by administrator at the employer level. (i.e. Region, Tax ID Number)
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsDataStringData input to satisfy the field created by the Employer Defined Field.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - EmployerFaxNumberStringEmployer’s fax number with area code. Blanks for extension if not one.
(###) ###-#### ####First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - ProjectedEnrolleesIntegerNumber of enrollees the employer group expects to bring to the system.
This assists Alegeus Technologies in determining card inventory requirements.First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - RecurringExpenseAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee recurring expense amounts enabled.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - SetupEmailAddressStringEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to notify when employer setup is completed and Employer is ready to load employees.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - StateStringThe two letter state abbreviation associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - ZipCodeStringUp to nine digit Zip Code associated with the employer’s address.
Limited to either five (5) or nine (9) characters.
Numbers only.First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse - ThermalPrintNameStringName used to specify text that appears on the back of the cardholder’s card.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2006_12 - DefaultCardDesignStringFor future use. Card design will currently always be payment.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2007_12 - EmprOptionsIntegerValues are:
None = 0
AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign = 32
AllowExternalReimb = 128
AllowParticipantEmailUpdates = 2048,
AllowIneligiblePOSOffset = 256
EnableComboCard = 1024
AllowParticipantEmailUpdates = 2048
AllowParticipantEmailAdmin = 4096
AllowParticipantAccessDependentInfo = 8192
AllowParticipantRequestNewCard = 16384
AllowParticipantUpdateDemoInfo = 32768
AllowParticipantUpdateDirectDepositInfo = 65536
AllowParticipantViewDirectDepositInfo = 131072
AllowParticipantClaimsCrossOver = 262144
VerifyReimbursement = 524288
AllowUploadCensusRecords = 1048576
AllowViewMetavanteEduContents = 2097152
AllowParticipantCommunicationSelection = 4194304First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2007_12 - AllowParticipantClaimEntry = 8388608
AllowParticipantReceiptUpload = 16777216
AllowEmployeeDemographicSelfCreationviaOnlineEnroll ment = 33554431
EnableProviderPay = 67108864
BillableEmployer = 4294967296
DisplayClaimsoneClaimsManager = 17179869184
LockEmployerStatus = 34359738368
AllowParticipantstoAddDependents = 68719476736
AllowParticipantstoAddDependentAccounts = 137438953472
AllowParticipantstoOrderDependentCard = 274877906944
RequireDependentDOBandSSNonPortal = 549755813888
AllowCardReimbursementOption = 1099511627776
EnableCardReimbursementDefault = 2199023255552
EnrollmentNotAllowed = 4398046511104
Allow employer to manage bank configuration for HSA funding? = 70368744177664
Note: This is a bit field. To enable multiple options add up the values. See the bit field guide for more information.
Example: To enable AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign and EnableComboCard the EmprOptions should be set to: 32 + 1024 = 1056.First Available Version: - ComboCardWaitingPeriodIntegerLegacy use. Combo cards are no longer in use.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2007_12 - AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesignBooleanReturns True or False.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2007_12 - ThermalLogoIdStringThis is the Thermal Logo (Front) description that was created in the user interface.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2007_12 - ReimbMinAmtDecimalThis field is used to set the minimum reimbursement amount for Reimbursement Processing.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2009_04 - UserFieldLabelStringUse this field to create a custom field on the plan level. WealthCare Admin does not use this field.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_06 - EmployeeUserDefinedField2StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField3StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField4StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField5StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField6StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField7StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField8StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField9StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedField10StringField defined by administrator. Not used by WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2018_10 - CustomerServicePhoneStringEmployer-level customer service phone number
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2019_02 - MaxRealtimeReactivationPaymentDecimalWhen an online payment is made to fulfill a balance due, there is a standard two business day waiting period before a deactivated benefit debit card can be reactivated. If you wish, you can use this field to set a maximum online payment which will bypass the waiting period and immediately reactivate the card.
Note: Leaving this field blank or setting it to ‘0’ ensures all transactions are subject to the waiting period.First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2019_02 - CalendarIdStringEmployer's selected calendar list is assigned the calendar corresponding to the submitted calendar ID. Must exactly match the calendar ID in WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2020_01 - BrandIdStringReturns the brand ID that is assigned to the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2020_01 - CardStockIdStringCard stock ID for the card stock to assign for this employer. Must exactly match the card stock ID in WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployerResponse_2020_01
Example of a GetEmployer SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployer xmlns="">
Example of a GetEmployer SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<GetEmployerResponse_2006_12 xmlns="">
<GetEmployerResult xsi:type="GetEmployersResponse">
<AddressLine1>123 Test St</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2>Apt 2</AddressLine2>
<CardIssueAddressIndicator xmlns="">Cardholder</CardIssueAddressIndicator>
<CardOffered xmlns="">FlexCard</CardOffered>
<CheckProcessMethod xmlns="">File</CheckProcessMethod>
<DirectDepositMethod xmlns="">File</DirectDepositMethod>
<EmployeeUserDefinedFields />
<EmployerPhoneNumber>777 555 - 3333</EmployerPhoneNumber>
<EmployerStatus xmlns="">New</EmployerStatus>
<EmployerUserDefinedFields />
<EmployerUserDefinedFieldsData />
<EmployerFaxNumber>777 555 - 3333</EmployerFaxNumber>
<ThermalPrintName>Test Print</ThermalPrintName>
Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to
connect to the service) used when calling the GetEmployer method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Employer Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Service
proxy = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.EmployerService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.GetEmployerRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.VerboseMode = Convert.ToBoolean(_verboseMode.Text);
// session ID returned from logon method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
response = proxy.GetEmployer(request);
if(response != null)
_dataset.Tables["Employers"].Rows.Add(new string[]
This method is used to retrieve a list of employers for a given administrator.
The GetEmployers methods are listed below:
- GetEmployersRequest
- GetEmployersResponse
The GetEmployers method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:
- GetEmployersResponse_2020_01
- GetEmployersResponse_2018_10
- GetEmployersResponse_2018_06
- GetEmployersResponse_2009_04
- GetEmployersResponse_2007_12
- GetEmployersRequest
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployersRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records. For example, if an invalid employee social security number was sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployersRequest Default Values: FALSE
- GetEmployersResponse
- ActiveFirstUseBooleanSpecifies whether cards are automatically activated when a cardholder first uses the card.
True – Activate on first use
False – Do not activate on first use (requires manual activation)First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - BucketSplitBooleanAllow splitting a single transaction over multiple plans after the transaction meets the criteria of Auto Review, Third-Party Substantiation (TPS), or Over-the-Counter (OTC) Substantiation.
Note: As of 2007_12 this field is no longer returned.First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - CityStringCity associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - CopayAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee co-pay amounts enabled.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - EmailAddressStringEmail address associated with the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - EmployerIdStringFirst 3 characters are the employers prefix, unique for each employer. Next 9 characters are created by the administrator for the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - EmployerNameStringComplete employer name. This is the name used on reports generated by the system.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - EmployerStatusEnumerationStatus of the employer
PermInactiveFirst Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - RecurringExpenseAutoBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee recurring expense amounts enabled.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - StateStringThe two letter state abbreviation associated with the group’s
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse - DefaultCardDesignStringFor future use. Card design will currently always be payment.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2007_12 - EmprOptionsIntegerValues are:
None = 0
AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign = 32
AllowExternalReimb = 128
AllowIneligiblePOSOffset = 256
EnableComboCard = 1024
AllowParticipantEmailUpdates = 2048
AllowParticipantEmailAdmin = 4096
AllowParticipantAccessDependentInfo = 8192
AllowParticipantRequestNewCard = 16384
AllowParticipantUpdateDemoInfo = 32768
AllowParticipantUpdateDirectDepositInfo = 65536
AllowParticipantViewDirectDepositInfo = 131072
AllowParticipantClaimsCrossOver = 262144
VerifyReimbursement = 524288
AllowUploadCensusRecords = 1048576
AllowViewMetavanteEduContents = 2097152
AllowParticipantCommunicationSelection = 4194304
AllowParticipantClaimEntry = 8388608
AllowParticipantReceiptUpload = 16777216
AllowEmployeeDemographicSelfCreationviaOnlin eEnrollment = 33554431
EnableProviderPay = 67108864
BillableEmployer = 4294967296
DisplayClaimsoneClaimsManager = 17179869184
LockEmployerStatus = 34359738368
AllowParticipantstoAddDependents = 68719476736First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2007_12 - AllowParticipantstoAddDependentAccounts = 137438953472
AllowParticipantstoOrderDependentCard = 274877906944
RequireDependentDOBandSSNonPortal = 549755813888
AllowCardReimbursementOption = 1099511627776
EnableCardReimbursementDefault = 2199023255552
EnrollmentNotAllowed = 4398046511104
Allow employer to manage bank configuration for HSA funding? = 70368744177664
Note: This is a bit field. To enable multiple options add up the values. See the bit field guide for more information.
Example: To enable AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign and EnableComboCard the EmprOptions should be set to: 32 + 1024 = 1056.First Available Version: - ComboCardWaitingPeriodIntegerLegacy field. Combo cards are no longer in use.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2007_12 - AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesignBooleanReturns true or false.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2007_12 - ThermalLogoIdStringThis is the Thermal Logo (Front) description that was created in the user interface.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2007_12 - ReimbMinAmtDecimalThis field is used to set the minimum reimbursement amount for Reimbursement Processing.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2009_04 - UserFieldLabelStringUse this field to create a custom field on the plan level. WealthCare Admin does not use this field.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_06 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel1StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel2StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel3StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel4StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel5StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel6StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel7StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel8StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel9StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldLabel10StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2018_10 - CalendarIdStringEmployer's selected calendar list is assigned the calendar corresponding to the submitted calendar ID. Must exactly match the calendar ID in WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2020_01 - BrandIdStringReturns the brand ID that is assigned to the employer.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2020_01 - CardStockIdStringCard stock ID for the card stock to assign for this employer. Must exactly match the card stock ID in WCA.
First Available Version: GetEmployersResponse_2020_01
Example of a GetEmployers SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployers xmlns="">
Example of a GetEmployers SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<GetEmployersResponse xmlns="">
<EmailAddress />
<EmployerName>Sand and Steel Corporation</EmployerName>
<EmployerStatus xmlns="">Active</EmployerStatus>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the
service) used when calling the GetEmployers method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Employer Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Service
proxy = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.EmployerService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.GetEmployerRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.VerboseMode = Convert.ToBoolean(_verboseMode.Text);
// session ID returned from logon method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
responses = proxy.GetEmployers(request);
if(responses != null)
for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
_dataset.Tables["Employers"].Rows.Add(new string[]
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to update an employer’s demographic information.
The UpdateEmployer methods are listed below:
- UpdateEmployerRequest_2020_01
- UpdateEmployerRequest
- UpdateEmployerResponse
The UpdateEmployer method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:
- UpdateEmployerRequest
- ActiveFirstUseBooleanSpecifies whether cards are automatically activated when a cardholder first uses the card.
True – Activate on first use
False – Do not activate on first use (requires manual activation)First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- AddressLine1StringrequiredFirst line of the employer’s mailing address.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Max Length: 55
- AddressLine2StringSecond line of the employer’s mailing address.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Max Length: 55
- CardExpirationMonthsEnumerationThe number of months between issue date and expiration date of the card
Months36First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: Months12
- CardIssueAddressIndicatorEnumerationSpecifies which address new cards are mailed to
Cardholder – Issues cards to Cardholder’s address
Employer – Issues cards to Group’s address
Administrator – Issues cards to administrator’s address
BPS – Issues cards to Alegeus Technologies’ addressFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: Cardholder
- CardReissueLeadDaysEnumerationAutomatically reissue cards N days prior to expiration.
Days60First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: Days15
- CardSecondLineStringPre-approved card 2nd line text. If does not match existing text listed in BPS, it is not used.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - CheckProcessMethodEnumerationNone
PrintFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: None
- CityStringrequiredCity associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Max Length: 30
- CopayAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee co-pay amounts enabled.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- CountryStringrequiredCountry code for the employer. Only "US" is supported at this time.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: “US”
- DirectDepositMethodEnumerationThe direct deposit method used by the employer group:
FileFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: None
- EmailAddressStringEmail address associated with the employer.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployeeUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field used by employers at the employee level. (i.e. Birthdate, Location)
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerIdStringrequiredOnly 6 characters allowed on INSERT. Exclude three character Employer ID Prefix (as shown on Administrator Demographic screen in BPS), because it is added automatically on INSERT.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Max Length: 18
- EmployerNameStringrequiredComplete employer name. This is the name used on reports generated by the system.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerPhoneNumberStringEmployer’s phone number with area code.
Blanks for extension if one does not exist (###) ###-#### ####First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerStatusEnumerationStatus of the employer
Note: If the employer is Active, than this field needs to be included in the request.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: New
- EmployerTaxIdStringTax ID number for the employer.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsStringName of field to be used by administrator at the employer level. (i.e. Region, Tax ID Number)
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerUserDefinedFieldsDataStringData input to satisfy the field created by the Employer Defined Field. (i.e. North, 00031515)
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - EmployerFaxNumberStringEmployer’s fax number with area code. Blanks for extension if one does not exist. (###) ###-#### ####
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - ProjectedEnrolleesIntegerrequiredNumber of enrollees the employer group expects to bring to the system. This assists Alegeus Technologies with determining card inventory requirements.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - RecurringExpenseAutoReviewBooleanIndicates whether the employer has employee recurring expense amounts enabled.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest Default Values: FALSE
- SetupEmailAddressStringrequiredEmail addresses separated by semicolon used to notify when employer setup is completed and Employer is ready to load employees.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - StateStringrequiredTwo letter state abbreviation associated with the employer’s address.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - TpaIdstringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - ZipCodeStringrequiredUp to nine digit Zip Code associated with the employer’s address. Limited to either five (5) or nine (9) characters. Numbers only.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest - ThermalPrintNameStringName used to specify text that appears on the back of the cardholder’s card.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2006_12 - DefaultCardDesignString"Payment" is currently the only valid option.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_ 2007_12 Default Values: Payment
- EmprOptionsIntValues are:
None = 0
AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign = 32
AllowExternalReimb = 128
AllowIneligiblePOSOffset = 256
EnableComboCard = 1024
AllowParticipantEmailUpdates= 2048,
AllowParticipantEmailAdmin = 4096,
AllowParticipantAccessDependentInfo = 8192,
AllowParticipantRequestNewCard = 16384,
AllowParticipantUpdateDemoInfo = 32768,
AllowParticipantUpdateDirectDepositInfo = 65536
AllowParticipantViewDirectDepositInfo = 131072
AllowParticipantClaimsCrossOver = 262144
VerifyReimbursement =524288
AllowUploadCensusRecords =1048576
AllowViewMetavanteEduContents = 2097152
AllowParticipantCommunicationSelection = 4194304
AllowParticipantClaimEntry =8388608
AllowParticipantReceiptUpload= 16777216
AllowEmployeeDemographicSelfCreationviaOnlineEnrollment= 33554431
EnableProviderPay =67108864
BillableEmployer =4294967296
DisplayClaimsoneClaimsManager = 17179869184
LockEmployerStatus =34359738368First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_ 2008_07 - AllowParticipantstoAddDependents = 68719476736
AllowParticipantstoAddDependentAccounts = 137438953472
AllowParticipantstoOrderDependentCard = 274877906944
RequireDependentDOBandSSNonPortal = 549755813888
AllowCardReimbursementOption = 1099511627776
EnableCardReimbursementDefault = 2199023255552
EnrollmentNotAllowed =4398046511104
AllowEmployerToManageBankConfigurationForHSAFunding = 70368744177664
EnableMobilePay = 36028797018963968
Note: This is a bit field.To enable multiple options add up the values. See bit field guide for more information.
Example: To enable AllowSplitAcrossPlanDesign and EnableComboCard the EmprOptions should be set to: 32+024= 1056. See Bit Field Guide for more details.
Note 2: Mobile Pay must be activated for your administrator instance of WCA before you can use this option to enable for employers.
Note 3: If the employer is assigned to any employer self-service template and this field is used to attempt to update self-service options, an error displays.First Available Version: - ComboCardWaitingPeriodShortLegacy field. Combo cards are no longer in use.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2007_12 Default Values: 30
- ThermalLogoIdStringThis is the Thermal Logo (Front) description that was created in the user interface.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2007_12 - ReimbMinAmtDecimalThis field is used to set the minimum reimbursement amount for Reimbursement Processing.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_ 2009_04 - CardOfferedEnumerationConfirms if the employer group offers the debit card.
Note: If this field is not passed, the system defaults to FlexCard.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_ 2009_04 Default Values: None
- TrackingNumberStringThis field is returned with the response.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2010_10 - CopyCalendarsFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy payroll calendars from
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2015_06 - CopyPCMTemplatesFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy participant communication templates from
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2015_06 - CopyReimbursementScheduleFromEmployerStringThe Employer ID of an existing employer for which you want to copy the reimbursement schedule from.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2015_10 - CardIssueAddressIndicator_2016_09EnumerationSpecifies which address new cards are mailed to.
Cardholder – Issues cards to Cardholder’s address.
Employer – Issues cards to Employer’s address.
TPA – Issues cards to administrator’s address.
Technologies’ address.
Employer Alternate – Issue cards to employer’s alternate address.
TPA Alternate – Issue cards to administrator’s alternate address.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2016_09 Default Values: Cardholder
- BrandIdStringThis field is used to associate a Brand ID to the employer group. Brand ID must first be configured on the admin > settings > branding page in WCA.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2017_02 Max Length: 20
- userfieldlabelStringUse this field to create a custom field on the plan level.
WealthCare Admin does not use this field.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_06 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel1StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel2StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel3StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel4StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel5StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel6StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel7StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel8StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel9StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- EmployeeUserDefinedLabel10StringName of custom field used at the employee level.
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2018_10 Max Length: 15
- CustomerServicePhoneStringEmployer-level customer service phone number
First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 30
- MaxRealtimeReactivationPaymentDecimalWhen an online payment is made to fulfill a balance due, there is a standard two business day waiting period before a deactivated benefit debit card can be reactivated. If you wish, you can use this field to set a maximum online payment which will bypass the waiting period and immediately reactivate the card.
Note: Leaving this field blank or setting it to ‘0’ ensures all transactions are subject to the waiting period.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2019_02 Max Length: 19
- CalendarIdStringEmployer's selected calendar list is assigned the calendar corresponding to the submitted calendar ID. Must exactly match the calendar ID in WCA.
If you do not wish to assign a calendar, leave blank.First Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2020_01 Max Length: 50
- CardStockIdStringCard stock ID for the card stock to assign for this employer. Must exactly match the card stock ID in WCA.
Note: For add/update, if left blank, the default card stock is usedFirst Available Version: UpdateEmployerRequest_2020_01 Max Length: 5
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of a UpdateEmployer SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployer_2006_12 xmlns="">
<AddressLine1>567 Test St</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2>Apt 2</AddressLine2>
<CardIssueAddressIndicator xmlns="">Cardholder</CardIssueAddressIndicator>
<CheckProcessMethod xmlns="">File</CheckProcessMethod>
<DirectDepositMethod xmlns="">None</DirectDepositMethod>
<EmployerPhoneNumber>555 555 - 5555</EmployerPhoneNumber>
<EmployerStatus xmlns="">Active</EmployerStatus>
<EmployerFaxNumber>555 555 - 5555</EmployerFaxNumber>
Example of a UpdateEmployer SOAP response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<UpdateEmployerResponse xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployerResult />
Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for
the service) used when calling the UpdateEmployer method.
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Employer Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Employer Service
proxy = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.EmployerService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new EmployerServiceNameSpace.UpdateEmployerRequest_2006_12();
// Set the input parameters
request.ActiveFirstUse = (bool) _activeFirstUse.SelectedItem;
request.AddressLine1 = _addressLine1.Text;
request.AddressLine2 = _addressLine2.Text;
request.BucketSplit = (bool) _bucketSplit.SelectedItem;
request.CardExpirationMonths =
request.CardExpirationMonthsSpecified = true;
request.CardIssueAddressIndicator =
request.CardReissueLeadDays =
request.CardReissueLeadDaysSpecified = true;
request.CardSecondLine = _cardSecondLine.Text;
request.CheckProcessMethod = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.CheckProcessMethodCodes)
request.City = _city.Text;
request.CopayAutoReview = (bool) _copayAutoReview.SelectedItem;
request.Country = _country.Text;
request.DirectDepositMethod = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.DirectDepositMethodCodes)
request.EmailAddress = _emailAddress.Text;
request.EmployeeUserDefinedFields = _employeeUserDefinedField.Text;
request.EmployerFaxNumber = _employerFaxNumber.Text;
request.EmployerStatus = (EmployerServiceNameSpace.EmployerStatusCodes)
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.EmployerName = _employerName.Text;
request.EmployerPhoneNumber = _employerPhoneNumber.Text;
request.EmployerTaxId = _employerTaxId.Text;
request.EmployerUserDefinedFields = _employerUserDefinedField.Text;
request.EmployerUserDefinedFieldsData = _employerUserDefinedFieldData.Text;
request.ProjectedEnrollees = Convert.ToInt32(_projectedEnrollees.Text);
request.RecurringExpenseAutoReview = (bool)
request.SetupEmailAddress = _setupEmailAddress.Text;
request.State = _state.Text;
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.ZipCode = _zipCode.Text;
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.UpdateEmployer(request);
This method is used to copy an employer’s report schedules to another employer.
The CopyReportSchedules methods are listed below:
- CopyReportSchedulesRequest
- CopyReportSchedulesResponse
The CopyReportSchedules method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:
- CopyReportSchedules
- TpaIdStringrequiredA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
- OriginEmployerIDStringrequiredEmployer ID for the employer where the report schedule currently exists.
First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
- DestinationEmployerIDStringrequiredEmployer ID for the employer where the new report schedule will be created.
First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
- ScheduleNameStringrequiredName of the report schedule that exists for the Origin Employer which will be copied to the Destination Employer
First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
- ReportDeliveryOptionIntegerDelivery Method for the report
0 = UI Download (Default)
1 = UI Download, Email
2 = UI Download, FTP
3 = UI Download, Email, FTP
4 = AdminisourceFirst Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: 0
- EmailOfRecipientStringRecipient’s email address.
Note: If ReportDeliveryOption 1 or 3 is selected, this field is required and must contain a valid email address. Otherwise, this field is ignored.First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
- EmailOfSenderStringSender’s email address.
Note: If ReportDeliveryOption 1 or 3 is selected, this field is required and must contain a valid email address. Otherwise, this field is ignored.First Available Version: CopyReportSchedulesRequest_2016_02 Default Values: Null
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of a CopyReportSchedulesRequest SOAP request message
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
<mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
<MBISessionID xmlns="">pgza1bg4eycmfsw0aunmog4h</MBISessionID>
<CopyReportSchedule xmlns="">
<request xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="">
<d4p1:ScheduleName>Weekly EAB</d4p1:ScheduleName>
Example of a CopyReportSchedulesRequest SOAP response message
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<CopyReportScheduleResponse xmlns="">
<CopyReportScheduleResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:ErrorDescription>Request submitted successfully.</a:ErrorDescription>