Tools and Resources

Postman | | Epoch Converter

The following tools and resources are recommendations that may be useful when working with Alegeus APIs. While they are recommended, they are not required.


Alegeus will use the POSTMAN application for testing and validation throughout projects. Understanding that our API services can be used and applied from various other resources, we will use this purely to help ensure endpoints and pipelines are functioning as expected.

While you may develop and design to your preferred setup, we ask that POSTMAN is installed in order to receive JSON files that can be imported directly into the application for testing purposes.  

Note: If you are using Postman to test CERT or CERTPASSWORD grant types, make sure to import the certificate to Postman.

This is installed in Settings > Settings > Certificates > Add Certificate as shown below.

Please note that the Host will change depending on PROD or BETA. From here, you can select the appropriate CRT file and KEY file and add these. 

Incorrect Certificate Setting configuration will generate issues. 

Please find a link below for installation:  


Alegeus access tokens can be verified and debugged using the, which is a tool for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

To the right is an example of an Alegeus token decoded on JWT.

Epoch Converter

Alegeus API timestamps are displayed in Unix epoch time. The epoch converter is a tool that allows you to convert Unix epoch to your preferred time zone.

Epoch Converter

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