Transaction API | Administrative - SOAP

The transaction service provides clients transactional functionalities such as deposits, claims, and viewing transaction history. 

Important note: In order to facilitate backward compatibility with all web services in use prior to June 4, 2005, either employee (dependent), social security number, or employee (dependent) ID may be provided when required to uniquely identify an employee or dependent. If both are provided, the employee (dependent) ID is used as the unique identifier. 

Note: Every method on the transaction service has been converted to the Windows Communication Foundation architecture.  To make use of the technology, the following URL should be used:

Service Web Methods
The following is a list of methods that is provided by the transaction service.

  • DepositPayroll – used to deposit funds to an employee’s benefit account.

  • DepositPrefunded – used to deposit funds to an employee’s benefit account.

  • GetTransactionHistory – used to view past POS transactions for an employee.

  • GetTransactionDetails – used to view details for a given transaction.

  • SubmitManualClaim – used to process manual claims (non-POS claims).

  • SubmitManualRefund – used to process manual claims (non-POS claims).

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns - This method is used to retrieve a list of transactions that result in updating disbursable balance on the account within the last 30 days

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal - This method is used to retrieve a total amount of balance affecting transactions (as defined above) for the day.

  • OtherDeposit – This method is used to do a special / other deposit to an employee’s benefit account.  This is an employer deposit made to employee’s account like incentives or interest.

  • GetRecentTransactions – This method is used to retrieve a listing of up to the ten most recent transactions for a specific employee or dependent.

  • GetTransactionbyTN - This method is used to retrieve transaction information using the tracking number as the identifier

  • SubmitParticipantClaim - This method is used to submit a claim for a participant

  • SubmitDocument - This method is used to attach a document, such as a receipt, to a participant's transaction

  • SubmitParticipantClaimDocument - This method is used to attach a document, such as a receipt, to a participant's claim

Service Assumptions/Business Rules
The transaction service makes the following assumptions as well as enforce the following business rules.

  • Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus and the administrator.

  • Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.

  • Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.

  • Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.

  • If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all of their clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.

  • Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.

  • Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.

  • If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.

Deposit Payroll
This method is used to deposit funds to an employee’s benefit account by way of a payroll deposit.  Negative deposit amounts (adjustments) could be applied using this method, lowering the employee’s benefit account balance.

  • Set account type, account type start date, and account type end date to describe the account in which to make the deposit for an employee.

  • WCA does not check for duplicate employee deposits. It is the responsibility of the calling application not to send duplicate employee deposits

The DepositPayroll methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • DepositPayrollRequest_2010_04

  • DepositPayrollRequest_2006_05

  • DepositPayrollRequest

Response Messages

  • DepositPayrollResponse

DepositPayroll Request/Response Messages 
The DepositPayroll method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • DepositPayrollRequest_2010_04

  • DepositPayrollRequest_2006_05

  • DepositPayrollRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of a DepositPayroll SOAP request message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i=""
xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:DepositPayroll_2006_05">

Example of a DepositPayroll SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
      <DepositPayrollResult i:type="b:DepositPayrollResponse_2006_05"
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""
xmlns:b="" />     </DepositPayrollResponse>

Example client code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when submitting a deposit to the DepositPayroll web method:

              // create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id
localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
           // create the proxy object for the service
           localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
           // create a new request object for the method’s parameters 
           localhost.DepositPayrollRequest_2006_05 request = new
// set the parameters for the web method call                                      
request.AccountTypeCode = "DCA";      
request.AccountTypeEndDate = "20031231";         
request.AccountTypeStartDate = "20030101";        
request.DisplayDate = new DateTime(2004,3,16);        
request.DisplayToCardholder = true;                  
request.EmployeeDepositAmount = 100;                             
request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = "333333333"; 
request.EmployerDepositAmount = 54.54M;    
request.EmployerId = "BCBOOOOOO";        
request.Note = "This is a test";
request.TpaId = "TPA123";       
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
// logged in to the system for future web method calls.          
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the web method.
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

This method is used to deposit funds to an employee’s benefit account by way of prefunded deposits. Below are some points of interest about the method.

  • Pre-funded deposits are adjustments to the pre-funded amount. 

    • Example 1: An employee has $1000 in their FSA and wished to increase that amount to $1500. A $500 pre-funded deposit must be made. 

    • Example 2: An employee is supposed to have $800 in their FSA but the account incorrectly lists $1000. A pre-funded deposit for -$200 must be made. 

  • Set account type, account type start date, and account type end date to describe the account in which to make the deposit for an employee.

  • WCA does not check for duplicate employee prefunded deposits. It is the responsibility of the calling application not to send duplicate requests.

The DepositPrefunded methods are listed below:

       Request Messages

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2010_04

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2008_07

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_12

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_05

  • DepositPrefundedRequest

      Response Messages

  • DepositPrefundedResponse

DepositPrefunded Request/Response Messages
The DepositPrefunded method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2010_04

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2008_07

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_12

  • DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_05

  • DepositPrefundedRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of a DepositPrefunded SOAP request message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i=""
xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:DepositPrefunded_2008_07">
xmlns="">FF</Famil yMemberId>
xmlns="">FamilyAm ountPrefund</HraDepositType>
        <PlanId i:nil="true"
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">false</Ov errideAmountFlag>

Example of a DepositPrefunded SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="" />

Example client code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect with the service) used when submitting an amount to the DepositPrefunded method:

                   // create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id       
                   localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
                    // create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
                   // create a new request object for the method’s parameters
localhost.DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_12 request = 
new localhost.DepositPrefundedRequest_2006_12();                  
                // set the parameters for the web method call
request.AccountTypeCode = "ORT";        
     request.AccountTypeEndDate = "20041231";       
     request.AccountTypeStartDate = "20040101";        
     request.DisplayDate = new DateTime(2004,3,16);        
     request.DisplayToCardholder = true;                                               
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = "333333333";       
    request.PrefundedAdjustmentAmount = 54.54M;
   request.EmployerId = "BCBOOOOOO";        
   request.Note = "This is a test"; 
   request.TpaId = "TPA123";
   request.OverrideAmountFlag = false;      
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
// logged in to the system for future web method calls.                                                            sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the web method.
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

This method is used to retrieve transactional information for an employee’s benefit account. 

The GetTransactionHistory methods are listed below:

       Request Messages

  • GetTransactionHistory_2011_10

  • GetTransactionHistory_2010_10

  • GetTransactionHistory_2007_12

  • GetTransactionHistoryRequest_2006_05

  • GetTransactionHistoryRequest

      Response Messages

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2013_02

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2012_10

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2012_03

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2010_10

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2008_07

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2007_12

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2006_05

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse

GetTransactionHistory Request/Response Messages
The GetTransactionHistory method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetTransactionHistoryRequest_2010_10

  • GetTransactionHistoryRequest_2007_12

  • GetTransactionHistoryRequest_2006_05

  •  GetTransactionHistoryRequest

     The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2012_10

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2012_03

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2010_10

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2008_07

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2007_12

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse_2006_05

  • GetTransactionHistoryResponse    


This is used to retrieve detail about a transaction.

The GetTransactionDetails methods are listed below:

       Request Messages

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2013_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2012_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2007_12

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest

       Response Messages

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2021_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2016_06

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2015_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2013_06

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2013_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2012_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2012_03

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2010_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2010_04

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2009_04

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2008_07

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2007_12

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse

GetTransactionDetails Request/Response Messages
The GetTransactionDetails method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

 The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2013_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2012_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest_2007_12

  • GetTransactionDetailsRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2021_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2016_06

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2015_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2013_06

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2013_02

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2012_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2012_03

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2010_10

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2010_04

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2009_04

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2008_07

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse_2007_12

  • GetTransactionDetailsResponse

Example of a GetTransactionDetails SOAP request message:

Coming soon!

Example of a GetTransactionDetails SOAP response message:

Coming soon!

Example client code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the service) used when submitting a claim to the GetTransactionDetails method.

Coming soon!

When processing manual claims (non-POS claims), you must import the claim into WCA to verify available funds prior to cutting a check to the employee. Below are some points of interest about the method.

  • The tracking number field may be used by the administrator for any reason. Alegeus does not use the field. Some administrators use the tracking number for claim numbers.

  • If a claim is denied due to insufficient funds and the account allows for partial transaction then the transaction is re-submitted using the available amount. Note that if the second transaction was successful, then a warning is returned.

  • WCA does not check for duplicate manual transactions through the data transfer process. It is the responsibility of the calling application not to send duplicate manual transactions.

The SubmitManualClaim methods are listed below:

       Request Messages

  • SubmitManualClaim_2013_06

  • SubmitManualClaim_2012_10

  • SubmitManualClaim_2011_12

  • SubmitManualClaim_2011_10

  • SubmitManualClaim_2010_10

  • SubmitManualClaim_2009_04

  • SubmitManualClaim_2008_07

  • SubmitManualClaim_2007_12

  • SubmitManualClaimRequest_2006_05

  • SubmitManualClaimRequest

       Response Messages

  • SubmitManualClaimResponse

SubmitManualClaim Request/Response Messages
The SubmitManualClaim method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

 The table below includes the following request messages:

  • SubmitManualClaim_2010_10

  • SubmitManualClaim_2009_04

  • SubmitManualClaim_2008_07

  • SubmitManualClaim_2007_12

  • SubmitManualClaimRequest_2006_05

  • SubmitManualClaimRequest.

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • SubmitManualClaimResponse_2009_04  



Example of a SubmitManualClaim SOAP request message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:SubmitManualClaim_2009_04">
        <d4p1:CardNumber i:nil="true" />
        <d4p1:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />
xmlns="">FSA1</Pl anId>
xmlns="">false</Allo wOnhold>
xmlns="">false</Ch eckEligibility>
xmlns="">false</Elig ibleForPosOffset>
xmlns="">false</Ch eckAcctEligibility>
xmlns="">false</Ch eckGenerateDenialLetter>
xmlns="">false</IsB ypassDeductible>
xmlns="">false</Ov errideSuspendActivity>
xmlns="">scc</ScC de>

Example of a SubmitManualClaim SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
      <MBIWarnings xmlns="">
          <Message>Your disbursable balance for FSA account is $4,608.22</Message>
          <Message>Approved Amount is $90.00</Message>
xmlns="">       <SubmitManualClaimResult i:type="b:SubmitManualClaimResponse_2009_04" xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:b="">         <b:ErrorCode>0</b:ErrorCode>
        <b:TrackingNumber />

Example client code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the service) used when submitting a claim to the SubmitManualClaim method.

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id
                    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters 
              localhost.SubmitManualClaimRequest_2006_05 request =  new localhost.SubmitManualClaimRequest_2006_05();
                     // Array for any warnings returned 
                    localhost.MBIWarning[] mbiWarnings;                                       
             // set the parameters for the web method call
request.AccountTypeCode = "DCA";
             request.DateOfServiceTo = new DateTime(2003,12,15);      
             request.DateOfServiceFrom = new DateTime(2003,12,15);       
             request.DisplayDate = new DateTime(2004,3,16);        
             request.DisplayToCardholder = true;     
             request.ApprovedClaimAmount = 0M;       
             request.DeniedClaimAmount = 10M;
             request.CardholderSocialSecurityNumber = "111111111";
             request.EmployerId = "BCBOOOOOO";        
             request.Note = "This is a test"; 
             request.TpaId = "TPA123"; 
             request.DeniedReasonCode = "0001";       
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
// logged in to the system for future web method calls.     sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Test if any warnings were returned
                                 mbiWarnings = proxy.MBIWarningsHeaderValue.MBIWarnings;
                                for(int i=0; i < mbiWarnings.Length; i++)
                                            // perform needed operations 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

The SubmitManualRefund method adds a given amount of money to an employee’s account. Below are some points of interest about the method.

  • Set account type to help determine the account to apply the manual transaction against. The plan year start date and plan year end date fields are not required for this record since the date of service field is used to locate the valid start and end date if the plan start and end dates are not provided. If valid dates are not found, Alegeus provides an error code.

  • Set the employee social security number or the employee card number or the employee ID.

  • Set the merchant type code only if the plan has maximum amounts on individual MTC codes. The value does not need to match any existing MTC.

  • Set dates of service.

  • Set transaction amount.

  • The tracking number field may be used by the administrator for any reason. Alegeus does not use this field. Some administrators use the tracking number for claim numbers.

  • The refund amount should not be a negative value. The method automatically converts it to a positive amount and returns a warning.

  • WCA does not check for duplicate manual transactions through the data transfer process. It is the responsibility of the calling application not to send duplicate manual transactions.

The SubmitManualRefund methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2011_12 

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2009_04

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2008_07

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2006_05

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest

Response Messages

  • SubmitManualRefundResponse

SubmitManualRefund Request/Response Messages
The SubmitManualRefund method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2009_04

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2008_07

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest_2006_05

  • SubmitManualRefundRequest

The table below includes the following response message:

• SubmitManualRefundResponse_2009_04

Example of a SubmitManualRefund SOAP request message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i=""
xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:SubmitManualRefund_2009_04">
        <d4p1:CardNumber i:nil="true" />
        <d4p1:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />
xmlns="">FSA1</Pl anId>
xmlns="">false</Ch eckAcctEligibility>         <CheckEligibility
xmlns="">false</Ch eckEligibility>
xmlns="">false</Ov errideSuspendActivity>
xmlns="">scc</ScC de>

Example of a SubmitManualRefund SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
      <MBIWarnings xmlns="">
          <Message>Your disbursable balance for FSA account is $4,912.44</Message>
xmlns="">       <SubmitManualRefundResult i:type="b:SubmitManualRefundResponse_2009_04" xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:b="">
        <b:TrackingNumber />

Example client code

The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when a deposit to the SubmitManualRefund method.

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id
                    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
                    // create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters        
             localhost.SubmitManualRefundRequest_2006_05 request = 
new localhost.SubmitManualRefundRequest_2006_05();   
                    // Array for any warnings returned 
                    localhost.MBIWarning[] mbiWarnings;
             // set the parameters for the web method call
request.AccountTypeCode = "DCA";
            request.DateOfServiceTo = new DateTime(2003,12,15); 
            request.DateOfServiceFrom = new DateTime(2003,12,15); 
            request.DisplayDate = new DateTime(2004,3,16); 
            request.DisplayToCardholder = true; 
            request.RefundAmount = 43M;                   
                request.CardholderSocialSecurityNumber = "111111111";
          request.EmployerId = "BCBOOOOOO";        
          request.Note = "This is a test";
                request.TpaId = "TPA123";             
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
      // logged in to the system for future web method calls.                             
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Test if any warnings were returned
                                 mbiWarnings = proxy.MBIWarningsHeaderValue.MBIWarnings;
                                for(int i=0; i < mbiWarnings.Length; i++)
                                            // perform needed operations 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations


The purpose of this method is to allow you to keep your system as closely in synch as possible with the WCA application balances. The intent is to allow you to use your system balance for manual claim authorization. This method provides the most up to date disbursable balance affecting transaction data available in WCA at the time of the request. Any data posted to the Alegeus databases subsequent to the prior web service are not be available in your system until the next request. Therefore, this method does not guarantee your balances are up to date when authorizing a manual claim against your balance. 

This method is used to retrieve a list of transactions that result in updating disbursable balance on the account within the last 30 days. Any request for data beyond 30 days should be done through an EDI EN export. This method provides for requesting a list of disbursable balance affecting transactions not only ‘per cardholder’ or ‘per employer’, but for the whole administrator population, filtering by the account type if necessary. The method returns records for the entire administrator in a single response (unless there are more than 100 records, in which case multiple requests are needed).

The disbursable balance affecting transactions are:

The following transactions are examples of non-disbursable balance affecting transactions:

  • Force posts with matching pre-auths

  • Transaction detail from a product partner (e.g., HSA custodian)

  • Denials or rejected transactions

  • Payroll contributions for prefunded plans  

The recommended use of this web method is to request disbursable balance affecting transactions for your entire WCA instance multiple times throughout the day. You should use this method on your desired frequency with attention to the volume of transactions received within a given interval, such that this method is not over or under utilized. On an initial request, you specify 'settlement date’ – the last settlement date that was successfully received or any date from the last 30 days. If the last settlement sequence number that was successfully received is not available, then this field can be empty.

The response could contain a warning indicating that the request generated more than 100 records. The code, ‘100907’ and the description, 'Too many records. Please limit your query more' would be seen in the header in this case. This is similar to GetTransactionHistory and other web methods. The transactions are sorted by 'insert date/time'. You can provide more parameters and repeat the request or make the next request.

In the next request, specify the ‘settlement date from’ and ‘last settlement sequence number’ that appeared last in the previous response. This request ensures that you receive only those transactions (up to 100 transactions) since the last web method request received. 

Note: The last record in the response does not necessarily contain the highest settlement date/sequence number as the transactions are sorted by insert date/time. Alegeus sends all transactions with an insert date/time greater than the one associated with the settlement date/sequence number provided in the request.

All transactions with the same insert date are sent in one response, regardless of the 100 transaction limit. This means transactions with the same insert date may form records 99 through 103 in a response.

The GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest_2011_12

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest

Response Messages

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse_2008_07

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse

GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns Request/Response Messages
The GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest 

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse_2008_07

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse


Example of a GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns SOAP request message:  

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns="">       <getDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns_2009_04">
        <d4p1:AccountTypeCode />
        <d4p1:CardNumber i:nil="true" />
        <d4p1:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />

Example of a GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">         <a:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse i:type="b:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse_2009_04"
          <a:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber />
          <a:MerchantName />
          <a:Note />
xmlns="">0.0000</ DeductibleAmount>
          <b:DependentId />
        </a:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse>         <a:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse i:type="b:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse_2009_04"
          <a:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber />
          <a:MerchantName />
          <a:Note />
xmlns="">0.0000</ DeductibleAmount>
          <b:DependentId />

Example client code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns method.

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id
                    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
                    // create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();  
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters 
              localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest request = 
new localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsRequest();  
// create a new response object for the records that are returned
localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxnsResponse response;     
                    // Array for any warnings returned 
                    localhost.MBIWarning[] mbiWarnings;  
             // set the parameters for the web method call     
             request.CardNumber = 4238830020256851;        
             request.EmployerId = "PPP0110A";
             request.SettlementDateFrom = new DateTime(2007,01,17); 
             request.SettlementDateTo = new DateTime(2007,01,17); 
             request.LastSettlementSequenceNumber = 30005990; 
             request.TpaId = "T00208";  request.TransactionCategory = "All";
                   request.VerboseMode = false;  
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
      // logged in to the system for future web method calls.                            
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;  
                    response = proxy.SubmitManualRefund(request); 
// Test if any warnings were returned
                                 mbiWarnings = proxy.MBIWarningsHeaderValue.MBIWarnings;
                                for(int i=0; i < mbiWarnings.Length; i++)
                                            // perform needed operations 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

This method is used to retrieve a total amount of balance affecting transactions (as defined above) for the day, to be used for reconciliation.

This method is designed to be run once daily as a comparison against the detailed records received throughout the day and summarize, by the administrator, the net total amount of disbursable balance affecting transactions within a settlement day. The net total of transactions received through GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTxns should match the total received in this method.


The GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest_2011_12

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest

Response Messages

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalResponse

GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal Request/Response Messages

The GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalResponse  


Example of a GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal SOAP request message:  

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal_2006_12">         <d4p1:AccountTypeCode>FSA</d4p1:AccountTypeCode>
        <d4p1:CardNumber i:nil="true" />
        <d4p1:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />

Example of a GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal SOAP response message:  

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
xmlns="">       <GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalResult
i:type="b:GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalResponse_2006_12" xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:b="">
        <a:CardholderSocialSecurityNumber />

Example client code

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id
                    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
                    // create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters 
             localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest request =         
                               new localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalRequest();
                    // create a new response object
                    localhost.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotalResponse response;      
                    // Array for any warnings returned 
                    localhost.MBIWarning[] mbiWarnings;
             // set the parameters for the web method call            
request.AccountTypeCode = "DCA";
                    request.CardholderSocialSecurityNumber = "111111111";
              request.DateOfServiceTo = new DateTime(2003,12,15); 
              request.DateOfServiceFrom = new DateTime(2003,12,15);
              request.EmployerId = "BCBOOOOOO"; 
              request.TpaId = "TPA123"; 
              request.TransactionCategoryCode = "All";
                    request.VerboseMode = false;                  
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
     // logged in to the system for future web method calls.                            
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
                    response = proxy.GetDisbursableBalanceAffectingTotal(request); 
// Test if any warnings were returned
                                 mbiWarnings = proxy.MBIWarningsHeaderValue.MBIWarnings;
                                for(int i=0; i < mbiWarnings.Length; i++)
                                            // perform needed operations 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

The OtherDeposit method is used for special / other deposits to an employee’s benefit account.

The OtherDeposit methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • OtherDepositRequest

Response Messages

  • OtherDepositResponse

OtherDeposit Request/Response Messages
The OtherDeposit method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

• OtherDepositRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of an OtherDeposit SOAP request message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">xuzwemv54lkupaujy4s sfnqa</MBISessionID>     </mbiSessionHeader>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:SpecialDeposit_2008_07">
        <d4p3:EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />

Example of an OtherDeposit SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
      <OtherDepositResult i:type="b:SpecialDepositResponse_2008_07"
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""
xmlns:b="" />     </OtherDepositResponse>

Example client code

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id 
              localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
              // create the proxy object for the service
              localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters
                 localhost. otherDepositRequest_2008_07 request = 
                                       new localhost. otherDepositRequest_2008_07();
                    // create a new response object
                    localhost.OtherDepositResult response;    
                  // set the parameters for the web method call   
request.AccountTypeCode = "FSA";        
                  request.AccountTypeEndDate = "20081231";       
                  request.AccountTypeStartDate = "20080101";        
                  request.DisplayDate = new DateTime(1900,01,01);         
                  request.DisplayToCardHolder = true;     
                  request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;      
                  request.EmployerDepositAmount = 200;        
                  request.EmployerId = “WWW27468”;        
                  request.DepositSubTypeId = “0001”;
                  request.DepositType = localhost.DepositType.OtherDeposit
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are. 
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
// logged in to the system for future web method calls.                             
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
                    response = proxy.OtherDeposit(request); 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations

This method is used to retrieve transactional details for a given transaction, using the Tracking Number field.  This method should only be utilized if Tracking Number is populate and unique for each transaction 

The GetTransactionbyTN methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetTransactionByTNRequest

Response Messages

  • GetTransactionByTNResponse 

GetTransactionByTN Request/Response Messages
The GetTransactionByTN method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetTransactionByTNRequest


The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetTransactionByTNResponse  

Example of an GetTransactionByTN SOAP request message:  

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1"
xmlns=""> ervices/Contracts/Transaction/2009/04/V1/ITransactionService/GetTransactionByTN</Action>
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">aiXXXXXXXXXXXXXz y</MBISessionID>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="">

Example of an GetTransactionByTN SOAP response message:  

xmlns=""> ervices/Contracts/Transaction/2009/04/V1/ITransactionService/GetTransactionByTN</Action>
    <mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">aiXXXXXXXXXXXXXz y</MBISessionID>
xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="">
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
xmlns="">FSA</A ccountTypeCode>
xmlns="">3051053 6</ApprovalCode>
xmlns="">1000.00 00</BalanceTimeTransaction>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">0.0000</ DeniedAmount>
xmlns="" /> <DisplayDate xmlns="">2012-
09-11T00:00:00</DisplayDate>           <DisplayToEmployee
xmlns="">true</Di splayToEmployee>
xmlns="">0 - Approved</ErrorCode>
xmlns="">None</E xceptionType>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">0.0000</ Fee>
xmlns="">None</F eePaidBy>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">    </MerchantTypeCode>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">3001625 5</SequenceNumber>
<ServiceEndDate xmlns="">2012-
xmlns="">2012091 1</SettlementDate>
xmlns="">Purchas e</Status>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">T01213 </TpaId>
xmlns="">TEST12 34</TrackingNumber>
xmlns="">50.0000 </TransactionAmount>
xmlns="">Admin - Purchase                 </TransactionType>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">0</Chec kReissue>
<DentalAmount xmlns="">0</Dent alAmount>
xmlns="">0</Dent alAmountOriginal>           <HetAmount
xmlns="">0.0000</ HetAmount>
xmlns="">0.0000</ HetAmountOriginal>           <OffsetAmount
xmlns="">0.0000</ OffsetAmount>
xmlns="">false</P artialAuthIndicator>           <PartialAuthorized
xmlns="">false</P artialAuthorized>
xmlns="">0</Reim bursementDate>
xmlns="">DirectDe posit</ReimbursementMethod>
xmlns="">0.0000</ RxAmount>
xmlns="">0.0000</ RxAmountOriginal>
xmlns="">0.0000</ TotalAuthorizedAmountOriginal>
xmlns="">999</Tp sErrorCode>
xmlns="">0</Visio nAmount>
<VisionAmountOriginal xmlns="">0</Visio nAmountOriginal>
xmlns="">false</B ypassDeductibleIndicator>           <DeductibleAmount
xmlns="">0.0000</ DeductibleAmount>
xmlns="" />
          <DocumentTrackingNumbers i:nil="true"
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">0.0000</ FamilyRolloverDepositsPtd>           <FundRolloverType
xmlns="">0</Fund RolloverType>
xmlns="">false</R educeByBalanceMax>
xmlns="">0.0000</ RolloverDepositsPtd>           <ServiceCategoryCode
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">false</C rossOverClaim>
xmlns="">        </EligDte>
xmlns="">0000000 382</FlexAcctId>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">        </TermDte>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="">No</Pay ProviderFlag>
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />
xmlns="" />

This method is used to retrieve a listing of up to the ten most recent transactions for a specific employee or dependent.

The GetRecentTransactions methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetRecentTransactionsRequest

Response Messages

  • GetRecentTransactionsResponse 

GetRecentTransactions Request/Response Messages

The GetRecentTransactions method contains the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetRecentTransactionsRequest


The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetRecentTransactionsResponse  

Example of an GetRecentTransactions SOAP request message:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mbi="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns="">

Example of an GetRecentTransactions SOAP response message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
               <a:ErrorCode>0 - Approved</a:ErrorCode>
               <a:GLAccount>Contributions GL</a:GLAccount>
               <a:HSACodeDescription>CY Normal Contribution</a:HSACodeDescription>
               <a:TransactionDesc>Funded Payroll Deposit - Employee</a:TransactionDesc>

Example client code

// create new SOAP header for the user’s current session id  localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
                    // create the proxy object for the service
                    localhost.TransactionService proxy = new localhost.TransactionService();
// create a new request object for the method’s parameters 
                   localhost.GetRecentTransactionsRequest = 
                                       new localhost.GetRecentTransactions();
                    // create a new response object
                    localhost.GetRecentTransactionsResponse response;     
                 // set the parameters for the web method call            
                 request.EmployeeId = "123456789";      
                 request.EmployerID = "EMPLOYER1";      
                 request.NumberofRecentTransactions = "9";
                 request.TpaID = "T00000"
// Add the session SOAP header so that the service knows who we are.
// Note that we stored the session ID in a member variable after
// logged in to the system for future web method calls.                             
                    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
                    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
                    response = proxy. GetRecentTransactions(request); 
catch(SoapException se)
                    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
                    // perform needed operations


The SubmitParticipantClaim methods are listed below:

Request Messages

• SubmitParticipantClaimRequest

SubmitParticipantClaim Request Messages

The SubmitParticipantClaim method contains the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

• SubmitParticipantClaimRequest


This method is used to attach a document to a transaction

The SubmitDocument methods are listed below:

Request Messages

• SubmitDocumentRequest 

SubmitDocument Request Messages
The SubmitDocument method contains the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:


The table below includes the following response messages:

  • SubmitDocumentResponse  


The SubmitClaimDocument methods are listed below:

Request Messages

• SubmitParticipantClaimDocumentRequest 

SubmitParticipantClaimDocument Request Messages
The SubmitParticipantClaimDocument method contains the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • SubmitParticipantClaimDocumentRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • SubmitParticipantClaimDocumentResponse  

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