Alegeus APIs

Design a differentiated experience for your business

Our powerful APIs will help you create products uniquely fit for your business goals. From process automation to consumer-facing applications, we've got you covered.

Alegeus APIs enable your products to work in synchrony with WealthCare Admin, WealthCare Portal, and WealthCare Mobile, sharing real-time data between integrations. Explore our full suite of Administrative and Participant APIs below.

Administrative APIs

Our Administrative APIs enable you to embed benefit management functions within your administration platform. 

Some of the APIs in this product mimic the capabilities you’ll find in WealthCare Admin (WCA). These APIs are geared around the administrative tasks needed to run your business.

Participant APIs

Our Participant APIs can be used to build a member portal, mobile app or IVR using your WealthCare Portal and Mobile (WCP & WCM) data. These APIs are geared towards employee-facing interfaces. Some of the APIs in this product mimic the capabilities you’ll find in WCP and WCM.

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