Updates and Changes

Developer Portal Changes | API Changelog | Response Codes

Here's what's new in the Developer Portal

July 2024

Clicking into API documentation from an API tile will now take you to the most recent version of that API. You may manually select an older version if needed, but you will no longer have to manually select a version to see the most recent.

A new documentation page, SOAP endpoints, is now available, which contains the ASMX and SVC endpoints needed for our SOAP APIs.

The versioning page, which previously included information about how Alegeus handles API versioning as well as a developer portal change log, now just shows versioning information. A new page titled updates and changes now has the developer portal change log information.

Minor documentation corrections on multiple API operations have been made.

November 2023

Documentation updates were made for the following Administrative APIs (both REST and SOAP versions):

  • Benefit Plan Rollover

  • Employer Bank Account

  • Employer HRA Plan

  • Employer Metrics

Documentation updates were made for the following Participant APIs:

  • Challenge

  • CommonCodeTier

  • Employer

  • EmployerAccount

  • EmployerTransaction

  • Enrollment

  • ParticipantDocument

  • ParticipantHSA

  • PortalInfo

  • Product

  • Providers

  • Registration

  • SecureLogon

  • Transactions

  • User

  • UserInfo

August 2023

Documentation updates were made for the following Administrative APIs (both REST and SOAP versions):

  • Employer HRA Plan

  • Employer Logical Bank Account

  • Employer Plan

  • Employer Plan Service Category

  • Employer

  • TPA Default

  • Transactions

Documentation updates were made for the following Participant APIs:

  • DocumentManagement

  • HSAInvestment

  • HSAStatements

  • HSATaxForms

  • ParticipantAccount

  • ParticipantCommunication

  • ParticipantExpenses

  • ParticipantReimbursements

  • PayProvider

  • Providers

  • Repayment

July 2023

Sign-in functionality added for administrator users to view restricted content (using your WCA credentials)

An authorization guide is now available; this is currently our only restricted content.

Documentation updates were made to the following Administrative APIs (both REST and SOAP versions):

  • Account

  • Adjudication

  • Card

  • Depndent

  • Documentation

  • Employee

  • Employer User

April 2023

The Developer Portal is launched! Initial content includes:

  • Getting Started guide

  • Versioning overview

  • Bit Field guide

  • Tools and Resources

  • Best Practices

  • Troubleshooting guide

  • All of our existing API documentation, with extensive updates made to the following Participant APIs: Communications, ParticipantAccount, ParticipantCard, ParticipantClaimReceipts, ParticipantClaims, and Transactions.

API Changelog

April 2024

Participant APIs

Build Version: WCA 24.04

  • The ParticipantSubmitClaim API operation will now allow you to successfully submit a pay provider claim from your own member portal.

March 2024

Error handling improvements

Build Version: WCA 24.03 - A list of errors updated with this release can be found in the release details document.

  • Each release, we will be reviewing and updating multiple APIs to ensure the error messages you receive allow you to easily support your API implementations.

Administrative APIs

Version: 9.0 - Build Version: WCA 24.03

  • "LastDayForSpendingValue" field added to the response on the GetEmployeeAccount operation.

  • "CarryoverTemplate" field added to the request for the AddEmployerPlan and UpdateEmployerPlan operations, and to the response for the GetEmployerPlan and GetEmployerPlans operations.

October 2023

Caching control

Build Version: WCA 23.10 - Full list of updated APIs in the 23.10 WCA release details document.

  • Over the next several releases, Alegeus will be adding cache-control headers specifying the cache type (public or private) and the max-age (how many seconds the resource should be served from the cache before a new API call should be made to refresh the resource) to participant and administrative APIs. The cache-control information is included in the API operation response via the ResponseCache attribute.

Error handling improvements

Build Version: WCA 23.10 - A list of errors updated with this release can be found in the release details document.

  • Each release, we will be reviewing and updating multiple APIs to ensure the error messages you receive allow you to easily support your API implementations.

Administrative APIs

Version: 2023/10 - Build Version: WCA 23.10

  • Set default interest option of traditional or High-Yield via SOAP web services (AddEmployer, UpdateEmployer, GetEmployer, GetEmployers)

  • Configure transaction limit type and spending limit type at the plan level (AddEmployerPlan, UpdateEmployerPlan, GetEmployerPlan, GetEmployerPlans)

  • 'PlanUniqueIdentifier' field added to GetEmployerPlan and GetEmployerPlans

July 2023

Caching control

Build Version: WCA 23.07 - Full list of updated APIs in the 23.07 WCA release details document.

  • Over the next several releases, Alegeus will be adding cache-control headers specifying the cache type (public or private) and the max-age (how many seconds the resource should be served from the cache before a new API call should be made to refresh the resource) to participant and administrative APIs. The cache-control information is included in the API operation response via the ResponseCache attribute.

Administrative APIs
Version: 2010/04 - Build Version: WCA 23.07

  • On the DepositPayroll API, the 'EmployeeDepositAmount' and 'EmployerDepositAmount' fields now allow negative values if submitting a contribution reversal transaction

Participant APIs
Version: 1 - Build Version: WCA 23.07

  • A new Branding API returns the primary, secondary, and tertiary color scheme for a brand along with its logo URL in the response.

April 2023

Participant APIs
Version: 23 - Build Version: WCA 23.04

  • Added two optional fields; 'MinUserIdLength' and 'MaxUserIdLength' to Registration API, to support improved participant guidance for username character length at registration. Impacted operations: GetAdministratorOptions (response).

March 2023

Administrative APIs
Version: 8 - Build Version: 23.3.0

Response Codes

Response codes are updated with each WealthCare Admin (WCA) major release. Visit online resources > releases > response codes for the most complete list of error codes and descriptions.

Note: You must be logged in to WCA to access documentation in online resources.

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