
Breaking changes

Alegeus APIs have historically been versioned by operation. In the past, new releases only contained the endpoints that had been updated in the release. For example, an operation may only appear in versions 1, 5 and 13, because the releases for version 2-4, and 6-12 did not impact that specific endpoint.

As of April 2023, new releases will carry all operations, so that each endpoint can be found within the latest version. APIs with all available operations can be found starting in version 8 (and onward) for Administrative APIs, and version 22 (and onward) for Participant APIs. We encourage you to use the latest API versions available for the best experience possible.

Alegeus APIs also support backward compatibility. If you have not updated, you can safely use the API version of your choice, and update on your time.

When updating, we encourage you to review the changelog below for any breaking changes that may impact your integration.

Breaking changes

Any breaking changes will be released in a new version of the API endpoint. Breaking changes are changes that can potentially break an integration, including:

  • Removing an entire operation

  • Removing or renaming a parameter

  • Removing or renaming a response field

  • Adding a new required parameter

  • Making a previously optional parameter required

  • Changing the type of a parameter or response field

  • Removing enum values

  • Adding a new validation rule to an existing parameter

  • Changing authentication or authorization requirements

If you are moving to a new version, our changelog will help you quickly identify any modifications we've recently made.

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