Alerts & Communications APIs | Participant

The Alerts & Communications APIs facilitate the exchange of information between participants and administrators, including notifications, contact information, and document management for participant accounts.

Click on an API to view the available operations.

Document Management API

Build a document management system to upload, retrieve or delete participant documents, and store documents within a participant's account.

Communications API

Build a messaging system that allows plan administrators to communicate with participants, or sends custom emails to participants based on their account activity.

HSA Tax Forms API

Get account holder tax form information, tax form delivery options, and tax forms for reassociated accounts.

HSA Statements API

Get an HSA statement list, display delivery options, and HSA statement options for reassociated accounts.

Participant Document API

Let participants see the document queues associated with an Admin or Data Partner and upload documents to them.

Participant Communication API

Let participants manage their notifications and notification settings including which communications they want alerts for, and whether to receive them via text or email.

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