User APIs | Participant

The User APIs provide integrations for user credentials, multifactor authentication, handshake, logon, registration, authorization and user information.

Click on an API below to view available operations.

Handshake API

Get client information from handshake and settings, or get handshake token.

Challenge API

This API enables challenge question functionality for multi-factor authentication.

Registration API

This API has operations for registering a participant on WCP and WCM.

Logon API

Log on a user to the API platform so additional API calls can be made.

User API

This API allows you to share a forgotten username, and reset a user's password by passing a OTP token or security answers.

Secure Logon API

This API allows you to perform authentication analysis and manage most multi-factor authentication functions.

User information API

Get information about users who are currently logged in, or delete a user.

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