Service Web Methods
- GetRecurringExpense – returns a list of recurring expenses that where created from a given transaction.
- GetTransactionInfo – returns information about a given transaction.
- CreateRecurringExpense – used to create a recurring expense using an existing transaction as a template.
- UpdateTransactionStatus – used to update a transaction’s status.
Service Assumptions and Business Rules
- Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.
- Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.
- Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.
- Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.
- If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.
- Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.
- Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.
- If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.
This method is used to get a list of all the recurring expenses that were created from a given transaction. It can be used to verify the results of the CreateRecurringExpense method.
The GetRecurringExpenses methods are listed below:
- GetRecurringExpensesRequest
- GetRecurringExpensesResponse
The GetRecurringExpenses method require thes following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request message:
- GetRecurringExpensesRequest
- SettlementDateString (YYYYMMDD)requiredDate that the transactions settled on.
Settlement occurs typically at 3:45 PM CT, so all transactions received that day before that time and all transactions received after 3:45 PM CT the previous day have the same settlement date.First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesRequest Default Values: ""
- SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerrequiredWCA assigns a sequence number within the settlement date for every transaction that it receives. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesRequest Default Values: -1
- TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesRequest Default Values: FALSE
- GetRecurringExpensesResponse
- CardTypeCodeEnumerationIndicates the type of card used for the recurring expense. Possible values include:
None = -1,
MasterCard = 1,
VISA = 2,
AmericanExpress = 4,
All = 7First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - EffectiveDateString (YYYYMMDD)The date when the recurring expense starts.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - ExpenseAmountDecimalAmount of each recurring expense.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - ExpireDateString (YYYYMMDD)The date when the recurring expense ends.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - MTCStringMerchant Type Code (MTC) encoded into the terminal by issuing bank and transmitted with every transaction. Identifies the type of merchant submitting the transaction. If the transaction is accepted, because of a terminal, merchant or employee exception, it is the converted MTC code. (Known as MCC for Mastercard and SIC for Visa)
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - MtcDescriptionStringDescription of the MTC.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - SettlementDateString (YYYYMMDD)Date the transactions settled on. Settlement occurs typically at 3:45 PM CT, so all transactions received that day before that time and all transactions received after 3:45 PM CT the previous day have the same settlement date.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerWCA assigns a sequence number within the settlement date for every transaction that it receives. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: GetRecurringExpensesResponse
Example of a GetRecurringExpenses SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<soap:Body> <GetRecurringExpenses
Example of a GetRecurringExpenses response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
xmlns=""> <GetRecurringExpensesResult>
<CardTypeCode xmlns="">MasterCard</CardTypeCode>
<MtcDescription>Elementary and Secondary Schools</MtcDescription>
<CardTypeCode xmlns="">MasterCard</CardTypeCode>
<MtcDescription>Elementary and Secondary Schools</MtcDescription>
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the GetRecurringExpenses method.
try {
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the service // the client’s current session ID.
localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Adjudication service
localhost.AdjudicationService proxy = new localhost.AdjudicationService();
// request message for method call (input parameters) localhost.GetRecurringExpensesRequest request = new
// Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values, // in this case the response will contain the recurring expense information. localhost.GetRecurringExpensesResponse[] responses;
// Set the input parameters request.SettlementDate = "20030316"; request.SettlementSequenceNumber = 28;
request.TpaId = "TPA123";
session ID returned from login method sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the Get Recurring Expenses method responses = proxy.GetRecurringExpenses(request);
if(responses != null)
for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
// perform needed operations
MessageBox.Show("Records not found");
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to provide information about the current status of a given transaction. It can be used to check the status of a transaction before or after trying to update it.
The GetTransactionInfo methods are listed below:
- GetTransactionInfoRequest
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2008_07
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2007_12
- GetTransactionInfoResponse
The GetTransactionInfo method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request message:
- GetTransactionInfoRequest
- SettlementDateString (YYYYMMDD)requiredDate the transactions settled on.
Settlement occurs typically at 3:45 PM CT, so all transactions received that day before that time and all transactions received after 3:45 PM CT the previous day have the same settlement date.First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoRequest Default Values: ""
- SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerrequiredWCA assigns a sequence number within the settlement date for every transaction that it receives. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoRequest Default Values: -1
- TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoRequest - VerboseModeBooleanOptional, if set to true, the method may return more details as to why a query did not return any records.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoRequest Default Values: FALSE
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2013_02
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2008_07
- GetTransactionInfoResponse_2007_12
- GetTransactionInfoResponse
- AccountTypeCodeStringThree character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - CheckNumberIntegerThe check/trace # assigned by the system during reimbursement.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - DisplayDateDateTime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.uuu)The date displayed to the employer/employee for the transaction
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - MerchantNameStringName assigned to the Merchant ID, which appears on the transaction.
Note 1: If this field is blank and is for a Card transaction, WealthCare Admin populates it with the description for the Original Merchant Type Code (MTC) field.
Note 2: All refund codes, whether for Card or manual transactions, are listed under Transaction Code 14. This change affects only Card transactions. Thus, if the Merchant Name field is blank, the MTC description will appear only for the Card transactions.
Note 3: This field will be populated for Chargebacks as follows when a Code 14 Card Refund has been identified as a chargeback transaction:
Initial Chargeback – ‘PROV CRED – merchantname’
Reversal – ‘CRED REVS – merchantname’First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - ServiceEndDateDateTime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.uuu)Ending Date of Services for the transaction. The actual date that the cardholder had the service provided.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - ServiceStartDateDateTime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.uuu)Beginning Date of Services for the transaction. The actual date that the cardholder had the service provided.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - SettlementDate (YYYYMMDD)StringDate the transactions settled on. Settlement occurs typically at 3:45 PM CT, so all transactions received that day before that time and all transactions received after 3:45 PM CT the previous day have the same settlement date.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerWCA assigns a sequence number within the settlement date for every transaction that it receives. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - StatusCodeStringA code used to provide more detail about the transaction. Refer to the Transaction Status Code table for more information.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - TransactionStatusEnumerationTransaction status:
Approved - 1
Ineligible - 2
Pending - 3
ResolvedEmployeePay - 4
ResolvedPayrollDeduction - 5
New - 6
Denied - 7
Unknown - 8
ResolvedNoRefund - 9
IneligiblePartiallyOffset - 10
ResolvedOffsetByManualClaim - 11
Insufficient Documentation - 13
EnteredNotReviewed - 14
Reversed - 15
ClaimReversal - 16
Overpayment - 17
OverpaymentPartiallyResolved - 18
OverpaymentResolved - 19
Nonpost - 20
Returned - 21
Resubmitted - 22First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - TransactionAmountDecimalAmount of this transaction.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - TransactionDateDateTime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.uuu)Date of the transaction.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse - RemainingAmountDecimalIf using offset capability, this will be the offset amount. This is the amount remaining after offsetting. For completely offset transactions, the amount will be 0.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2007_12 - DocumentTrackingNumbersStringWCA generated unique number to identify receipt notification or reminder letter documents in which this transaction was shown. Each tracking number is separated by a pipe (|) character.
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2008_07 - PatientIDStringThe provider’s patient account number
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - PayProviderFlagStringIndicates whether the transaction should be reimbursed to a provider or directly to the participant.
No = Reimbursement should go to participant
Yes = Reimbursement should go to providerFirst Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderAddress1StringAddress line 1 associated with the provider’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderAddress2StringAddress line 2 associated with the provider’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderCityStringCity associated with the provider’s mailing address
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderIDStringIdentifier for the Provider, as entered into WCA when the provider was created
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderPhoneStringThe phone number for the provider
First Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderStateString
State associated with the provider’s mailing addressFirst Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - ProviderZipString
Zip Code associated with the provider’s mailing addressFirst Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2010_10 - PinNetworkIndicatorBooleanIndicate whether the transaction is a PIN based or signature based transaction.
True = PIN Based
False = Signature BasedFirst Available Version: GetTransactionInfoResponse_2013_02
Example of a GetTransactionInfo SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetTransactionInfo xmlns=""> <getTransactionInfoRequest>
Example of a GetTransactionInfo response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
xmlns=""> <GetTransactionInfoResult>
<MerchantName />
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the GetTransactionInfo method.
try {
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the service // the client’s current session ID. localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Adjudication service
localhost.AdjudicationService proxy = new localhost.AdjudicationService();
// request message for method call (input parameters) localhost.GetTransactionInfoRequest request = new
// Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values,
// in this case the response will contain the transaction information. localhost.GetTransactionInfoResponse response;
// Set the input parameters request.SettlementDate = "20030316"; request.SettlementSequenceNumber = 28; request.TpaId = "TPA123";
// session ID returned from login method
sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the Get transaction info method
response = proxy.GetTransactionInfo(request);
if(response != null)
// perform needed operations
MessageBox.Show("Records not found");
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
This method is used to create a recurring expense using an existing transaction as a template. This transaction must be a force post.
The CreateRecurringExpense methods are listed below:
- CreateRecurringExpenseRequest
- CreateRecurringExpenseResponse
The CreateRecurringExpense method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request message:
- CreateRecurringExpenseRequest
- EffectiveFromDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Set date for recurring expense to begin.
Date can be set prior to, equal to, or after the date of the POS transaction but MUST be within the plan year.First Available Version: CreateRecurringExpenseRequest Default Values: 1900-01-01
- EffectiveToDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Set date for recurring expense to end.
Cannot be later than plan year end date.First Available Version: CreateRecurringExpenseRequest Default Values: 1900-01-01
- SettlementDateString (YYYYMMDD)requiredThis is the settlement date of the "template" transaction. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: CreateRecurringExpenseRequest - SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerrequiredThis is the sequence number of the "template" transaction. WCA assigns a sequence number within the settlement date for every transaction that it receives. Using the settlement date and the settlement sequence number is a way to uniquely identify a transaction within the system.
First Available Version: CreateRecurringExpenseRequest - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. The API will use the TPA ID associated with the username making the call if not sent.
First Available Version: CreateRecurringExpenseRequest
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of a CreateRecurringExpense SOAP request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
xmlns=""> <createRecurringExpenseRequest>
Example of a CreateRecurringExpense response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" /> </soap:Header>
xmlns=""> <CreateRecurringExpenseResult />
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the CreateRecurringExpense method.
try {
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the service // the client’s current session ID. localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Adjudication service localhost.AdjudicationService proxy = new localhost.AdjudicationService();
// request message for method call (input parameters) localhost.CreateRecurringExpenseRequest request = new
// Set the input parameters
request.SettlementDate = "20030316"; request.SettlementSequenceNumber = 28; request.TpaId = "TPA123";
request.EffectiveFrom = new DateTime(2003,1,30);
// session ID returned from login method
sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the CreateRecurringExpense
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations
Adjudication is normally performed within the administrator’s application. If desired, the administrator can utilize the UpdateTransactionStatus web method to update a transaction’s status.
The UpdateTransactionStatus methods are listed below:
- UpdateTransactionStatusRequest
- UpdateTransactionStatusResponse
The UpdateTransactionStatus method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:
- UpdateTransactionStatusRequest
- IneligibleAmountDecimalconditionally requiredProvide an amount greater than 0 and less than or equal to Transaction Amount.
Note: This field is ignored unless the transaction status is set to Ineligible.First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - IneligibleReasonStringconditionally requiredOnly those Ineligible Amount Codes that have been previously defined in the system can be included in this field.
Note: This field is ignored unless the transaction status is set to Ineligible.First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - NoteStringNotes to be appeneded to the claim to explain the status
Note: This field is ignored unless the transaction status is set to Ineligible.First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest Max Length: 255
- SettlementDateString (YYYYMMDD)requiredProcessing date the transaction settled on. This is used with SettlementSequenceNumber to identify the transaction to be updated; the SettlementDate cannot be updated.
First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - SettlementSequenceNumberIntegerrequiredThe sequence number generated by WCA when the transaction first settled. This is used with SettlementDate to identify the transaction to be updated; the SettlementSequenceNumber cannot be updated.
First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - ShowNoteInReceiptNotificationLetterEnumerationIndicates whether notes entered for this transaction should be included in the Receipt Notification Letter. Valid values are:
None (for don’t include)
Note: This field is ignored unless the transaction status is set to Ineligible.First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - TransactionAdjudicationStatusEnumerationrequiredPossible values include:
1 = Approved
2 = Ineligible
3 = Pending
4 = ResolvedEmployeePay
5 = ResolvedPayrollDeduction
6 = New
7 = Denied
8 = Unknown
9 = ResolvedNoRefund
10 = IneligiblePartiallyOffset
11 = ResolvedOffsetbyManualClaim
13 = InsufficientDocumentation
14 = EnteredNotReviewed
15 = Reversed
16 = ClaimReversal
17 = Overpayment
18 = OverpaymentPartiallyResolved
19 = OverpaymentResolved
20 = Nonpost
21 = Returned
22 = ResubmittedFirst Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest - TpaIdStringA unique identifer for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up.
First Available Version: UpdateTransactionStatusRequest
Response Message: Empty Message
Example of a UpdateTransactionStatus request message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="ttp://" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBISessionHeader xmlns=""> <MBISessionID>bfkkazi45wlulkijuw1grb55</MBISessionID>
xmlns=""> <updateTransactionStatusRequest>
xmlns="">Ineligible</TransactionAdjudicationStatus> <TpaId>TPA123</TpaId>
Example of a UpdateTransactionStatus response message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
xmlns=""> <UpdateTransactionStatusResult />
Example Client Code
The following
is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service)
used when calling the UpdateTransactionStatus method.
try {
// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the service // the client’s current session ID.
localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Adjudication service
localhost.AdjudicationService proxy = new localhost.AdjudicationService();
// request message for method call (input parameters) localhost.UpdateTransactionStatusRequest request = new
// Set the input parameters
request.SettlementDate = "20030316"; request.SettlementSequenceNumber = 28; request.TpaId = "TPA123";
request.TransactionAdjudicationStatus =
// session ID returned from login method
sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID; proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the UpdateTransactionStatus method proxy.UpdateTransactionStatus(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations}
Transaction Statuses
