Account Service API | Administrative - SOAP

The Account Service provides the clients with account data and functionality. Currently, the methods provided by this service are on an Employee level (accounts directly linked to an employee and their dependents.)

Important Note: In order to facilitate backward compatibility with all Web Services in use prior to June 4, 2005, either Employee (Dependent) Social Security Number (previously used as unique employee/dependent identifier) or Employee (Dependent) ID(new unique employee/dependent identifier) may be provided when required to uniquely identify an employee or depend ent. If both are provided, the Employee (Dependent) ID is used as the unique identifier.

Service Web Methods
The following is a list of methods provided by the Account Service

  • AddEmployeeAccount – used to add employee account information

  • DeleteEmployeeAccount – used to remove employee account information

  • GetDependentAccounts – returns a list of accounts for a given dependent along with the individual balance information for HRA and non HRA accounts

  • GetEmployeeAccounts – returns a list of accounts for a given employee

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccounts – returns a list of Health Savings Accounts for a given employee. Documentation coming soon.

  • RemoveDependentAccount – used to remove an account from a dependent

  • SetDependentAccount – used to set an account to a dependent

  • UpdateEmployeeAccount – used to update an employee’s existing account

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA

  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to return a list of accounts for a given dependent within WCA

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList – used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account coverage periods given the employee’s account information

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventList – used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account life events given the employee’s account information

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent – used to update an employee’s existing flex account life event within WCA

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails – used to get a list of all an employee’s HSA account details given the employee’s social security number, or card number, or the employee’s ID

  • EnrollHSAAccount – used to set enrollment status and account open dates for WealthCare HSAs (can only be utilized by partner users with profile access to edit HSA accounts) 

Service Assumptions/Business Rules
The Account Service makes the following assumptions and enforce the following business rules.

  • Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.

  • Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over H TTPS.

  • Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.

  • Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.

  • If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.

  • Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.

  • Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.

  • If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.



This method is used to add employee account information.

The AddEmployeeAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest

Response Messages

  • AddEmployeeAccountResponse

AddEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages
The AddEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_08

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • AddEmployeeAccountRequest

MMC Account Level Settings
When the TPA option “Set default MCC Account Level setting to ‘Yes’.” is disabled (unchecked) and the plan is has associated MCC Account Settings, then all active MCC Account Setting will be set to ‘No’ by default.

When TPA option “Set default MCC Account Level setting to ‘Yes’.” is enabled (checked) and the plan is has associated MCC Account Settings, then all active MCC Account Setting will be set to Yes by default.

 Response Message: Empty Message

Example of an AddEmployeeAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<AddEmployeeAccount_2007_05 xmlns="">

Example of a AddEmployeeAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<AddEmployeeAccountResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the AddEmployeeAccount method.

     // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
     // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Account service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
    Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AddEmployeeAccountRequest_2007_05();
// Set the input parameters
     request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
     request.EmployeeElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employeeElection.Text);
     request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
     request.EmployerElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employerElection.Text);
     request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.OriginalPrefundedAmount =
request.PlanId = _planId.Text;
     planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
     planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
: planYearEndDate.Month.ToString();
     planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
     planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
     request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
     planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
     planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
     planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
  planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
   request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
   request.StartAutoDepositDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_startAutoDepositDate.Text);
   request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
     mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
     proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call method
  response = proxy.AddEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations}



This method is used to remove employee account information.

The DeleteEmployeeAccount methods are listed below: Request Messages

  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest

Response Messages

  • DeleteEmployeeAccountResponse

DeleteEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages
The DeleteEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input a nd output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest.

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of a DeleteEmployeeAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<DeleteEmployeeAccount_2006_05 xmlns=""

Example of a DeleteEmployeeAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<DeleteEmployeeAccountResponse xmlns="">
<DeleteEmployeeAccountResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the DeleteEmployeeAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05()
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
      planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
        planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
      planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method 
    response = proxy.DeleteEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to return a list of accounts for a given dependent.

The GetDependentAccounts methods are listed below:

  • Request MessagesGetDependentAccountsRequest_2011_10

  • Request MessagesGetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05

  • GetDependentAccountsRequest

Response Messages

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2007_12

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse

GetDependentAccounts Request/Response Messages
The GetDependentAccounts method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05

  • GetDependentAccountsRequest

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2008_07

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2007_12

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse_2006_12

  • GetDependentAccountsResponse

Example of a GetDependentAccounts SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetDependentAccounts_2006_05 xmlns="">
<DependentSocialSecurityNumber>122132876</DependentSocialSecurityNumbe r>

Example of a GetDependentAccounts response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<Status xmlns="">New</Status>
<IndividualAmount>500.00</ IndividualAmount>
< IndividualDisbursableBalance>500.00</IndividualDisbursableBalance>
< IndividualPreAuthHold >0.00</ IndividualPreAuthHold >

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetDependentAccounts method.

     // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
     // the client’s current session id.
     mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for Account service
     proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
     request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetDependentAccountsRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
     request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
     request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
     request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
     request.VerboseMode = Convert.ToBoolean(_verboseMode.Text);
     request.PlanYearListType =
   request.PlanYearListTypeSpecified = true;
     // session IDreturned from logon method
     mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
     proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
     responses = proxy.GetDependentAccounts(request);
     if(responses != null)
for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
    _dataset.Tables["Accounts"].Rows.Add(new string[]
responses[i].EmployerId, responses[i].EndDate,
responses[i].EndDate, responses[i].PlanId,
accounts.CaptionText = _dataset.Tables["Accounts"].Rows.Count + " records found.";
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s accounts given the employee’s social security number, or card number, or the employee’s ID.

The GetEmployeeAccounts methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2013_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2010_04

  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest

Response Messages

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2019_10

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2013_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_05

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse

GetEmployeeAccounts Request/Response Messages
The GetEmployeeAccounts method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2006_05

  • GetEmployeeAccountsRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2020_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2018_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2013_02

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2009_04

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2008_07

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_12

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2007_05

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05

  • GetEmployeeAccountsResponse

Example of a GetEmployeeAccounts SOAP request message

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<GetEmployeeAccounts_2006_05 xmlns="">
<PlanYearListType xmlns="">Current</PlanYearListType>

Example of a GetEmployeeAccounts response message

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<AccountStatus xmlns="">New</AccountStatus>
<ProducadministratorrtnerSigCardReceivedAccountOpen>true</ProducadministratorrtnerSigC ardReceivedAccountOpen>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetEmployeeAccounts method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id
    localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
localhost.AccountService proxy = new localhost.AccountService();
  // Create request message for method call (input parameters)
localhost.GetEmployeeAccountsRequest_2006_05 request = new
    // Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values,
// in this case the response will contain the account information.
localhost.GetEmployeeAccountsResponse_2006_05[] responses;
// Set the input parameters
    request.EmployerId = "XXXXXXXXX";
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = "999999999";
    request.AdministratorId = "ADMINISTRATORXXX";
    // session IDreturned from login method
    sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
    // Call the Get Employee Accounts method
    responses = proxy.GetEmployeeAccounts(request);
    if(responses != null)
        for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
 // perform needed operations
       MessageBox.Show("Records not found");



This method is used to remove an account from a dependent.

The RemoveDependentAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05

  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest

Response Messages

  • RemoveDependentAccountResponse

RemoveDependentAccount Request/Response Messages
The RemoveDependentAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05

  • RemoveDependentAccountRequest

Example of a RemoveDependentAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<RemoveDependentAccount_2006_05 xmlns=" equest/2006/05/">
</RemoveDependentAccount_2006_05 >

Example of a RemoveDependentAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<RemoveDependentAccountResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the RemoveDependentAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.RemoveDependentAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYe arEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" + planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() : planYearStartDate.Month.ToString();
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
    // Call the method
    response = proxy.RemoveDependentAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
    // perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
    // perform needed operations



This method is used to set an account to a dependent for an employee that wishes their dependent to have access with their card.

Reenrolled Logic
For a reenrolled account:

  • If the effective date, termination date, and Flex Account ID/Employee Account ID are not populated AND a non -PI account is found, then WCA will link the dependent to the first 'old' non -PI benefit account. Otherwise, WCA will return the error 'Flex account not found'.

  • If an effective date and termination date are populated, then WCA will link the dependent to the respective benefit account within the effective and termination date range.

  • If then Flex Account ID is populated, then WCA will link the dependent to the respective benefit account.

  • If a Flex Account is not found, then WCA will return the error 'Benefit Account not found' (21010).

The SetDependentAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2010_04

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2008_07

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05

  • SetDependentAccountRequest

Response Messages

  • SetDependentAccountResponse

SetDependentAccount Request/Response Messages
The SetDependentAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2010_04

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2008_07

  • SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05

  • SetDependentAccountRequest

Example of a SetDependentAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">

Example of a SetDependentAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<SetDependentAccountResponse xmlns="">
<SetDependentAccountResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the SetDependentAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.SetDependentAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text) ;
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.SetDependentAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
    // perform needed operations



This method is used to update an employee’s existing account.

The UpdateEmployeeAccount methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2022_02

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest

Response Messages

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountResponse

UpdateEmployeeAccount Request/Response Messages
The UpdateEmployeeAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2022_02

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2020_10

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2018_02

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2015_10

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2011_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2010_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2009_04

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2008_07

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05

  • UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of a UpdateEmployeeAccount SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateEmployeeAccount_2006_05 xmlns=""><updateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05>

Example of an UpdateEmployeeAccount response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<UpdateEmployeeAccountResponse xmlns="">

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the UpdateEmployeeAccount method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
    proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateEmployeeAccountRequest_2006_05();
// Set the input parameters
    request.CardholderAccountStatus =
    request.AccountTypeCode = _accountTypeCode.Text;
    request.EmployeeElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employeeElection.Text);
    request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
    request.EmployerElection = Convert.ToDecimal(_employerElection.Text); 
    request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
    planYearEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearEndDate.Text);
    planYearEndstring = planYearEndDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
  planYearEndDate.Month.ToString() :
planYearEndstring += (planYearEndDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearEndDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearEndDate = planYearEndstring;
    planYearStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_planYearStartDate.Text);
    planYearStartstring = planYearStartDate.Year.ToString();
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Month < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Month.ToString() :
    planYearStartstring += (planYearStartDate.Day < 10) ? "0" +
    planYearStartDate.Day.ToString() :
    request.PlanYearStartDate = planYearStartstring;
    request.StartAutoDepositDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_startAutoDepositDate.Text);
    request.AdministratorId = _administratorId.Text;
// session IDreturned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.UpdateEmployeeAccount(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA.

The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Messages

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

AddFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages
The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of an AddFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<![CDATA[<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
</MBISessionHeader></soap:Header><soap:Body><AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest xmlns=""><addFlexAccountLifeEve ntRequest>

Example of an AddFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

[<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" - instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns=""><MessageId>b2b974ad-c024-4c10-87f3-
9c6e5bf45b65</MessageId></MBIMessageIdHeader><MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
xmlns=""><AddFlexAccountLifeEventResult /></AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the AddFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”; request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.AnnualElection = 5.00;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
    request.LifeEventCde = “0010”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to add employee flex account life event information to WCA, and allows Administrators to specify an Annual Election Amount of $0.00.

The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Messages

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventResponse1

AddFlexAccountLifeEvent1 Request/Response Messages
The AddFlexAccountLifeEvent1 method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • AddFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Message: Empty Message



This method is used to update an employee’s existing flex account life event within WCA.

The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below: Request Messages

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Messages

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages
The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response message: empty message

Example of an UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader
    <CoverageStatus xmlns="">Suspended</CoverageStatus>

Example of an UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" -
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
</MBIMessageIdHeader><MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
eEventResult /></UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

  // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.AnnualElection = 5.00;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
    request.LifeEventCde = “0010”;
    request.OldLifeEventDte = “20080808”;
    request.CoverageStatus = AccountService.CoverageStatus.Suspended;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to update an employee’s existing flex account life event within WCA, and allows Administrators to specify an Annual Election Amount of $0.00.

The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Messages

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventResponse1

UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent1 Request/Response Messages
The UpdateFlexAccountLifeEvent1 method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • UpdateFlexAccountLifeEventRequest1

Response Message: Empty Message



This method is used to remove employee flex account life event information from WCA.

The DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Messages

  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse

DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent Request/Response Messages
The DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest

Response Message: Empty Message

Example of an DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" LSchema-
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<MBIWarningsHeader xmlns=""
EventResult /></DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the DeleteFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.LifeEventDate = “20080808”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.DeleteFlexAccountLifeEventRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList method is used to get a list of the employee’s flex account life events.

The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListRequest

Response Messages

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse _2020_02

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse

GetFlexAccountLifeEventList Request Messages
The GetFlexAccountLifeEventList method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse _2020_02

  • GetFlexAccountLifeEventListResponse

Example of an GetFlexAccountLifeEventList SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an GetFlexAccountLifeEventList response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi=" 2001/XMLSchema-
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header>
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<GetFlexAccountLifeEventsResponse xmlns="">
    <LifeEventType>0001-Marital Status - Marriage</LifeEventType>
    <CoverageStatus xmlns="">None</CoverageStatus>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the GetFlexAccountLifeEvent web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest ();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.GetFlexAccountLifeEventsRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s flex account coverage periods given the employee’s account information.

The GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList methods are listed below: Request Messages

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest_2019_10

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest

Response Messages

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2020_02

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2019_10

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse

GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList Response Messages
The GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest_2019_10

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2020_02

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse_2019_10

  • GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse

Example of a GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList SOAP request message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><MBISessionHeader

Example of an GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList response message

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xs i="
instance" xmlns:xsd="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
EventType>0001-Marital Status - Marriage</LifeEventType><CoverageStatus

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when calling the GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodList web method.

    // Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Service
    // the client’s current session id.
    mbiSessionHeader = new AccountServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
//Create a response object to store the results
AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListResponse response;
// Create proxy object for the service
proxy = new AccountServiceNameSpace.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
    request = new AccountServiceNameSpace.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest();
// Set the input parameters
    Request.TpaId = _”T00481”;
    request.EmployerId = “WWW2456”;
    request.PlanId = “FSA1”;
    request.EmployeeId = “Emp0”;
    request.AccountTypeCode = “FSA”;
    request.PlanYearStartDate = “20080101”;
    request.PlanYearEndDate = “20081231”;
// session ID returned from login method
    mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
    proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
    response = proxy.GetFlexAccountCoveragePeriodListRequest(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to get a list of all an employee’s HSA account details given the employee’s social security number, or card number, or the employee’s ID.

The GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails methods are listed below: Request Messages GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest_2016_11

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest_2015_02

Response Messages

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2016_11

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2015_02

GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails Request/Response Messages
The GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest

The table below includes the following response messages:

  • GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse

Example of a GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails SOAP request message

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

Example of a GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails SOAP Response message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ActivityId CorrelationId="094afe0d-078d-4ad9-932e-3e24b1d0990a"
    <MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
    <mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
      <MBIWarnings i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
xmlns=" ">
<a:GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse i:type="b:GetEmploye eHSAAccountDetailsResponse_2016_11"

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for the service) used when calling the GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Account Service
// the client’s current session id.
localhost.MBISessionHeader sh = new localhost.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the account service
localhost.AccountService proxy = new localhost.AccountService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
localhost.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsRequest request = new
// Declare reference variable for receiving the returned values,
// in this case the response will contain the account information.
localhost.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetailsResponse[] responses;
// Set the input parameters
request.EmployerId = "XXXXXXXXX";
request.EmployeeID = "999999999";
request.PlanYearListType = "Current";
// session IDreturned from login method
sh.MBISessionID = _sessionID;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = sh;
// Call the Get Employee HSA Account Details method
responses = proxy.GetEmployeeHSAAccountDetails(request);
if(responses != null)
    for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
// perform needed operations
    MessageBox.Show("Records not found");



This method is used to add coverage periods (similar to the healthcare coverage period (FF) EDI record type).

WCA automatically ignores the following fields on the UpdateEmployeeAccount request when subgroups and life event management are enabled, so that they can be set by the SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod method:

  • Effective date

  • Termination date

  • Coverage tier

  • Subgroup

  • Account segment ID

  • Product partner product ID

Note: If subgroups and/or life event management are NOT enabled, the fields listed above are not ignored and values provided using UpdateEmployeeAccount are populated.

The SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod

Response Messages

SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod Request/Response Messages
The SetHealthCareCoveragePeriod method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • SetHealthCareCoveragePeriodRequest



In an effort to increase the number of HSA-related tasks which can be automated, product partner users can now set enrollment status and account open dates for WealthCare HSAs via a new web service method: EnrollHSAAccount. This web service can only be utilized by partner users with profile access to edit HSA accounts.

This method allows partner users to specify an 'enrollment action' and 'product partner account open date' and follows existing logic on the edit benefit account page in WCA.

The EnrollHSAAccount methods are listed below: Request Messages

  • EnrollHSAAccount

Response Messages

EnrollHSAAccount request/response messages
The EnrollHSAAccount method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • EnrollHSAAccount

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