Card API | Administrative - SOAP

The Card Service provides card related functionalities such as reading, creating, and updating information related to a card.

Important Note: In order to facilitate backward compatibility with all Web Services in use prior to June 4, 2005, either Employee (Dependent) Social Security Number (previously used as unique employee/dependent identifier) or Employee (Dependent) ID (new unique employee/dependent identifier) may be provided when required to uniquely identify an employee or dependent. If both are provided, the Employee (Dependent) ID is be used as the unique identifier.

Service Web Methods
The following is a list of methods that is provided by the Card Service.

  • CreateCardForDependent – generates a card number for a dependent.

  • CreateCardForEmployee – generates a card number for an employee.

  • GetCards – used to get a list of cards for a cardholder.

  • UpdateCardStatus – used to update information for a given card.

  • GetCardholderPin – used to retrieve a cardholder’s PIN.

Service Assumptions/Business Rules
The Card Service makes the following assumptions as well as enforce the following business rules.

  • Clients shall conform to the WS-I specifications unless otherwise agreed upon by Alegeus Technologies and the administrator.

  • Clients shall format SOAP messages in a Document/Literal format over HTTPS.

  • Clients shall have already created a valid user ID and password.

  • Clients shall have a valid session ID after being authenticated by the system. The session ID needs to be passed in the proper manner as described in the Account Manager Service Guide.

  • If the administrator uses the same user ID and password for all of their clients, the administrator is responsible for managing the security of the data.

  • Clients should validate data before submitting a request to this Service. This facilitates better performance and accurate processing on both systems.

  • Clients shall not attempt to use this service for batch processing of large amounts of data. The service is designed for synchronous calls that send or retrieve small chunks of data. If batch processing is required, then the EDI process should be used.

  • If any method fails, the service returns a SOAP fault describing the problem.



This method is used to generate a card number for a dependent. Alegeus Technologies WealthCare Administration System requires a unique card number for each employee and each dependent (for employers offering the card). Cards are issued on a daily basis (including weekends) at 8:00 a.m. CT. The cards are physically distributed approximately two business days after the card order is received. A card number must be created to allow transactions (including deposits) to be put into an employee account (for employers offering the card).

The CreateCardForDependent methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2013_02

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2011_10

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2006_12

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2006_05

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest

Response Messages

  • CreateCardForDependentResponse

CreateCardForDependent Request/Response Messages
The CreateCardForDependent method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2006_12

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest_2006_05

  • CreateCardForDependentRequest

Response Message: Empty Message


Example of a CreateCardForDependent SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<CreateCardForDependent_2006_12 xmlns="">
<IssueCard xmlns="">Issue</IssueCard>
<ShippingAddressCode xmlns="">EmployerAlternate</ShippingAddressCode>
<ShippingExpediteCode xmlns="">Standard</ShippingExpediteCode>
<AlternateAddressName> Test Address</AlternateAddressName>

Example of CreateCardForDependent SOAP response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<CreateCardForDependentResponse xmlns="">
<CreateCardForDependentResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class for accessing the service) used when adding an employee using the CreateCardForDependent web method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Card Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new CardServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for card service
proxy = new CardServiceNameSpace.CardService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new CardServiceNameSpace.CreateCardForDependentRequest_2006_12();
// Set the input parameters
request.CardEffectiveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_cardEffectiveDate.Text);
request.DependentSocialSecurityNumber = _dependentSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
if(_expireDate.Text.Length > 0)
request.ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_expireDate.Text);
request.IssueCard = (CardServiceNameSpace.CardIssueCodes)_issueCard.SelectedItem;
if(_issueDate.Text.Length > 0)
request.IssueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_issueDate.Text);
request.ShippingAddressCode =
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.AlternateAddressName =_alternateAddress.Text;
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.CreateCardForDependent(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to generate a card number for an employee. WCA requires a unique card number for each employee and each dependent (for employers offering the card). Cards are issued on a daily basis (including weekends) at 8:00 a.m. CT. The cards are physically distributed approximately two business days after the card order is received. A card number must be created to allow transactions (including deposits) to be put into an employee account (for employers offering the card).

The CreateCardForEmployee methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2013_02

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2006_12

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2006_05

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest

Response Messages

  • CreateCardForEmployeeResponse

CreateCardForEmployee Request/Response Messages
The CreateCardForEmployee method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2006_12

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2006_05

  • CreateCardForEmployeeRequest

Response Message: Empty Message


Example of a CreateCardForEmployee SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<CreateCardForEmployee_2006_12 xmlns="">
<IssueCard xmlns="">Issue</IssueCard>
<ShippingAddressCode xmlns="">EmployerAlternate</ShippingAddressCode>
<ShippingExpediteCode xmlns="">Standard</ShippingExpediteCode>
<AlternateAddressName>Test Address</AlternateAddressName>

Example of a CreateCardForEmployee SOAP response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<CreateCardForEmployeeResponse xmlns="">
<CreateCardForEmployeeResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect with the service) used when calling the CreateCardForEmployee method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Card Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new CardServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the card service
proxy = new CardServiceNameSpace.CardService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new CardServiceNameSpace.CreateCardForEmployeeRequest_2006_12();
// Set the input parameters
request.CardEffectiveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_cardEffectiveDate.Text);
request.EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber = _employeeSocialSecurityNumber.Text;
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
if(_expireDate.Text.Length > 0)
request.ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_expireDate.Text);
request.IssueCard = (CardServiceNameSpace.CardIssueCodes)_issueCard.SelectedItem;
if(_issueDate.Text.Length > 0)
request.IssueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_issueDate.Text);
request.ShippingAddressCode =
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.AlternateAddressName =_alternateAddress.Text;
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.CreateCardForEmployee(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to get a list of cards for a cardholder.

The GetCards methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetCardsRequest_2011_12

  • GetCardsRequest

Response Messages

  • GetCardsResponse_2013_02

  • GetCardsResponse_2011_12

  • GetCardsResponse_2011_10

  • GetCardsResponse_2007_12

  • GetCardsResponse_2006_12

  • GetCardsResponse_2006_05

  • GetCardsResponse

GetCards Request/Response Messages
The GetCards method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data).
The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetCardsRequest

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetCardsResponse_2013_02

  • GetCardsResponse_2007_12

  • GetCardsResponse_2006_12

  • GetCardsResponse_2006_05

  • GetCardsResponse

Example of a GetCards SOAP request message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
<mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
<MBISessionID xmlns="">b3xjotpxc2d1jtbkgh1xfbwa</MBISessionID>
<GetCards xmlns="">
<request xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:d4p3="" i:type="d4p3:GetCards_2013_02">
<d4p1:DependentId i:nil="true" />
<d4p1:DependentSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />
<d4p1:EmployeeId i:nil="true" />
<d4p1:EmployeeSocialSecurityNumber i:nil="true" />
<d4p1:TpaId i:nil="true" />
<IsProxyCard xmlns="">false</IsProxyCard>

Example of a GetCards SOAP response message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<GetCardsResponse xmlns="">
<GetCardsResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:GetCardsResponse i:type="b:GetCardsResponse_2013_02" xmlns:b="">
<a:AlternateAddressName i:nil="true" />
<a:CardType>Payment Card</a:CardType>
<a:CardholderMiddleInitial />
<a:IssueBy>Admin, , Tony TPA</a:IssueBy>
<a:MailedDate />
<a:ShippingAddress>123 Main St, , Waltham, MA, 01234, </a:ShippingAddress>
<a:ThermalLogoId />
<b:PinMailedDate />
<b:PinMailerAddress>123 Main St, , Waltham, MA, 01234, </b:PinMailerAddress>

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect with the service) used when calling the GetCards method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Card Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new CardServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Card Service
proxy = new CardServiceNameSpace.CardService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new CardServiceNameSpace.GetCardsRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.CardholderSocialSecurityNumber = _socialSecurityNumber.Text;
request.CardNumber = _cardNumber.Text;
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
request.VerboseMode = Convert.ToBoolean(_verboseMode.Text);
// session ID returned from logon method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
responses = proxy.GetCards(request);
if(responses != null)
for(int i=0; i < responses.Length; i++)
_dataset.Tables["Cards"].Rows.Add(new string[]
responses[i]. StatusChangeReason.ToString(),
responses[i]. AlternateAddressName,
_accounts.CaptionText = _dataset.Tables["Cards"].Rows.Count + " records found.";
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations



This method is used to update information for a given card.

The UpdateCardStatus methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • UpdateCardStatusRequest_2011_12

  • UpdateCardStatusRequest

Response Messages

  • UpdateCardStatusRequest

UpdateCardStatus Request/Response Messages
The UpdateCardStatus method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • UpdateCardStatusRequest

Response Message: Empty Message


Example of a UpdateCardStatus SOAP request message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBISessionHeader xmlns="">
<UpdateCardStatus xmlns="">
<CardStatus xmlns="">Active</CardStatus>

Example of a UpdateCardStatus SOAP response message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="" />
<UpdateCardStatusResponse xmlns="">
<UpdateCardStatusResult />

Example Client Code
The following is an example of the client code (using a .NET proxy class to connect to the service) used when calling the UpdateCardStatus method.

// Create the session SOAP header in order to pass the Card Service
// the client’s current session id.
mbiSessionHeader = new CardServiceNameSpace.MBISessionHeader();
// Create proxy object for the Card Service
proxy = new CardServiceNameSpace.CardService();
// Create request message for method call (input parameters)
request = new CardServiceNameSpace.UpdateCardStatusRequest();
// Set the input parameters
request.CardNumber = _cardNumber.Text;
request.CardStatus = (CardServiceNameSpace.CardStatusUpdate) _cardStatus.SelectedItem;
request.CardStatusSpecified = true;
request.EmployerId = _employerId.Text;
request.TpaId = _tpaId.Text;
// session ID returned from login method
mbiSessionHeader.MBISessionID = _sessionId.Text;
proxy.MBISessionHeaderValue = mbiSessionHeader;
// Call the method
response = proxy.UpdateCardStatus(request);
catch(SoapException se)
// perform needed operations
catch(Exception ex)
// perform needed operations

Rules for Changing Card Status

1 If there are not any cards currently active for the employee or dependent.



This method is used to retrieve a participant’s PIN number by customers with external web portal. Only Cards in a New, Active and TI status will return a PIN number. Requests will fail if the debit card’s status is Lost\Stolen or PI. Request will also fail if with invalid parameters are passed. The profile setting “Get Cardholder Pin” must be enabled for the web service user, in order for that user to be able to request a PIN number.

Clients wish to retrieve PINs via this web services request, must be able to provide the debit card’s Card Proxy. Each debit card is assigned a Card Proxy Number automatically. Card Proxy Numbers can be retrieved using the GetCards web services request or an EM EDI Card Export record.

The GetCardholderPIN methods are listed below:

Request Messages

  • GetCardholderPINRequest

Response Messages

  • GetCardholderPINResponse

GetCardholderPin Request/Response Messages
The GetCardholderPIN method requires the following request and response messages (input and output data). The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetCardHolderPINRequest

The table below includes the following request messages:

  • GetCardholderPINResponse

Example of a GetCardholderPIN SOAP request message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
<mbiSessionHeader xmlns:i="">
<MBISessionID xmlns="">ph21tpk87864ocbd2wpxptx</MBISessionID>
<GetCardholderPin xmlns="">
<request xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i="">

Example of a GetCardholderPIN SOAP response message

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<MBIMessageIdHeader xmlns="">
<mbiWarningsHeader xmlns:i="">
<MBIWarnings i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
<GetCardholderPinResponse xmlns="">
<GetCardholderPinResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">

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