tpaId string requiredA unique identifier used to identify your admin instance. This value was system generated with the admin instance was created.
employerId string requiredUnique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
GetAcctTypeDetails boolean
ExtensionData object
TpaId stringA unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
EmployerId stringUnique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
PlanYear enum<string>Possible values:
VerboseMode boolean
QueryIias booleanTo see IIAS related data on the response, set this field to true.
array <object>
DeductibleCustomDescription stringAllows you to provide a custom description which displays when the deductible is not met on an account.
PlanAcctType object
AcctTypeCde stringThree character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
AcctTypeDesc stringDescription of the account type.
Prefunded booleanAmount that was prefunded.
EmpeFunded booleanIndicates if this was funded by the employee.
HraAcct booleanIndicates if this is an HRA account.
ShowYtdTotals booleanIndicates if YTD totals will be shown.
AuxHtml string
AllowedTransactionTypes integer
DataPartnerId stringID of the data partner.
SplitAcctTypeCde string3 digit account type code of the account that the t4ransaction is being split with.
AuxDisplay stringAuxiliary URL set up at TPS level.
AccountTypeOptions integerDetermines what the plan has the capacity to do by design.
IsHsaPlanType booleanDetermines if this is an HSA plan.
AcctTypeClass integerAccount type class.
EnablePreventElectionReduction booleanIgnored unless life event management is enabled.
EnableTaxationDeadline booleanEnable deadline for claims to apply to current tax year vs. next tax year.
TaxationCutoffDate string
TaxationCutoffDateType enum<string>Indicates which date type is used to determine whether a claim is before or after the tax year deadline.Possible values:
Date of Service
Approved Date
PreTaxLimit numberIndicates and sets the pretax limit available at the plan level to determine pre-tax amount and post-tax amounts for the claim’s approved amounts.
EnableCoverageContinuation booleanThis option allows you to enable dependent care coverage continuation for DCA plan types.
AutoOffsetBalanceDue booleanIf plan is set up to allow claims crossover autopay, this field specifies whether claims will autopay when a balance due exists on the account.
ReimbursementMethod enum<string>Possible values:
Only Payroll
Exclude Payroll
ShowCustomPlanDescriptionInCoveragePeriods booleanIf enabled, the custom plan description configured for each plan or subgroup will display within the coverage period details section of WCP.
EnableAccountDormancy booleanDormancy means participants can receive deposits, but they will not be able to use the funds for claims or card transactions. If dormancy is enabled, service category codes and merchant category codes should not be assigned. By enabling this setting, balance labels on WCP/WCM, transaction denial codes, participant communications and reporting may be impacted.
PlanUsageDescriptionHTML stringHelpful description of plan usage (in HTML format) to appear in WealthCare Portal. Note: If subgroup is provided on the record, setting will be applied to the specified subgroup. If subgroup is not provided on the record, setting will be applied to the base plan.
HideEmployerContribution booleanHides employer contribution information in WealthCare Portal and WealthCare Mobile.
PlanUsageDescription stringHelpful description of plan usage to appear in WCM.
HideDeductible booleanHides deductible status messaging in WealthCare Portal and WealthCare Mobile.
ExtensionData object
TpaId stringA unique identifier for your administrator instance, generated by WCA when the instance was first set up. If a value is not sent, the TPA ID from the user making the request with be used.
EmployerId stringUnique identifier for the employer. Note: When the employer was created, WealthCare Admin assigned the 3-character prefix; you assigned the remaining characters.
PlanId stringUnique identifier to distinguish this plan from others.
AccountTypeCode stringThree character abbreviation that indicates the type of account (FSA, DCA, TRN, HRA, etc.)
PlanYearStartDate stringPlan's start date. YYYYMMDD format.
PlanYearEndDate stringPlan's end date. YYYYMMDD format.
GracePeriodEndDate stringPlan's run out date. YYYYMMDD format.
PlanYearExtendedEndDate stringPlan's grace period end date. YYYYMMDD format.
SpendingLimitPeriod enum<string>Determines if this account type uses spending limits. Spending limits restricts the amount of money that can be deposited into or withdrawn from an account on a monthly or yearly basis.Possible values:
SpendingDepositAmount numberMaximum amount to be deposited, during the spending Limit period.
SpendingTransactionAmount numberMaximum amount to be withdrawn, during the spending limit period.
AllowPartialManualTransaction booleanIndicates if this account type allows partial payments of Manual Transactions.
AutoDepositBypass booleanCorresponds to the Hold Account Funding UI option in WCA. Set this flag to True to discontinue any future scheduled auto deposits. Setting this flag to False enables auto deposits and catching up on any missed auto deposits, even those that occurred while this flag was set to True.
ConvenienceFeePayor enum<string>Indicates who will pay the convenience fee.Possible values:
ConvenienceFeeAmount numberConvenience amount charged for each POS transaction. This field is only used if the employee is paying the fee.
MaxTransactionAmount numberMaximum amount exchanged per transaction under the plan.
MaxTotalAmount numberMaximum amount to be paid in total over the plan's date range.
PlanOptions enum<integer>Possible values:
None (0)
AuthorizedTransit (1)
LifeEventBalanceManagement (2)
EnableCoverageTiers (4)
EnableSpecialDeposit (8)
ManualClaimPercentCoverage (16)
EnableDeductible (32)
DefaultAcctCrossover (64)
ServiceCategory (128)
AcctWithDeductibleFlag (256)
AcctWithDeductibleManager (512)
AutoIssueCard (1024)
EnforceEmpeContributionLimit (2048)
EnableEnrollmentSetup (4096)
EnablePlanDivClsCalSetup (8192)
EnablePayrollFunded (16384)
ProductPartnerAccountFee integerThe account fee for the product partner.
ProductPartnerSetupFee integerThe setup fee for the product partner.
ProductPartnerIssueCheckbooks booleanDetermines if the product partner issues checkbooks.
ProductPartnerEmployerId stringProduct partner employer group ID.
ProductPartnerAdministratorId stringProduct partner administrator ID.
ProductPartnerProductId stringProduct partner product ID.
IiasSettings enum<string>Determines if IIAS is being used.Possible values:
IiasOptions enum<string>Determines which IIAS options are being enabled.Possible values:
CoverageTierTypeId stringCoverage tier ID that you want to be attached to this plan as the ID appears in WCA. This has to have already been created by admin before running this service. Leave blank if not using coverage tiers.
DefaultCoverageTierId stringDefault coverage tier type ID for the plan. Leave blank if not using coverage tiers.
LifeEventCalculationMethods enum<string>How life events will be calculated. Only required if life event management is enabled.Possible values:
ManualClaimPercentCoverage integerPercentage of claim amount that should be paid from the funds in the employee’s account attached to this plan. Plan “Allow Partial Manual Transactions” must be set to “Yes” in order to utilize this feature. Whole dollar amounts >= 0 and <= 100 are accepted. For example, 50 is allowed. The default value is 100%.
IndividualBalanceMax numberThis amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed for the Individual Amount within the participant’s account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account. The Fund Rollover amount will be limited such that the Individual amount balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the Fund Rollover Individual Balance Max specified. Only set for individual amount in an Individual/Family HRA account.
RolloverBalanceMax numberThis amount indicates the maximum balance that is allowed in a Participant’s account after funds have been rolled from another account into this account. The Fund Rollover amount will be limited such that the balance after funds have rolled into this account does not exceed the Fund Rollover Balance Max specified. For example, a participant’s balance is $600 in the target account and the Fund Rollover Balance Max is set to $1000. If the source fund has $750 of eligible funds to roll into this account, the rollover amount will be limited to $400 rather than rolling the full $750 so that the balance in the participant’s account to which funds are being rolled is $1000. This amount is also used for the family amount in an Individual/Family HRA account and for the Interest Bearing feature in WCA.
DefaultDepositCalendarId stringID of calendar to use as the participant auto deposit default calendar for this plan. To use, enable “Multiple Payroll Calendars” feature at the administrator level and setup your calendars/IDs.
FixedEmployerFundingCalendarId stringCalendar ID provided sets the Fixed Employer Funding deposit cycle for all participants associated with the plan. To use, enable “Fixed Employer Funding” feature at the administrator level.
FixedEmployerFundingAmount numberIf using a Fixed Employer Funding Calendar, then this amount is the amount to be deposited per pay period to the participant’s account. If not using a Fixed Employer Funding Calendar, then this amount is the single deposit amount to be credited to an employee account after the account and card (for card enabled employers) are created.
FixedEmployerFundingAmountIndividual numberFor HRX plans only. The individual amount per pay period funded by employers.
ExtDeductible enum<integer>Possible values:
Not Supported (0)
Supported (1)
AllowClaimsCrossover enum<integer>Possible values:
Claims Crossover not allowed (0)
Claims Crossover allowed (1)
ClaimsCrossoverParticipantDefault enum<integer>Possible values:
Opt out (0)
Opt in (1)
AnnualElectMin numberDetermines what the minimum annual election amount entered for the employee can be.
AnnualElectMax numberDetermines what the maximum annual election amount entered for the employee can be.
EnforceEmployeeContributionLimit booleanDetermines if employee contribution limit will be enforced.
TermEmpeRunOutDays integerDetermines amount of runout days for terminated employees during a plan year.
ReimburseAmountsAppliedToDeductibleAccount booleanUse this field to indicate whether or not the plan will reimburse amounts applied to the deductible tracking plan type (DTR). If the account is setup to reimburse amounts applied to the DTR plan, the DTR plan must be a higher priority plan and the claim must be submitted using Service Category Codes (SCCs) to make sure the manual claim splits properly.
AllowAutoReimbSettings enum<integer>Use this field to indicate whether or not the plan will allow auto pay provider reimbursements.Possible values:
Do not allow auto pay provider reimbursements (1)
Allow auto pay provider reimbursements (2)
AutoReimbParticipantDefault enum<integer>This field will specify a default account setting for participants enrolled in a plan using auto provider pay.Possible values:
Do not allow auto pay provider reimbursements (1)
Allow auto pay provider reimbursements (2)
MerchantSubstantiation booleanDetermines if merchant substantiation will be enabled on the plan.
CustomDescription stringCustom description of the plan.
HideplanFromParticipant booleanThis setting dictates whether an account on this plan will show to the participant in WCP/WCM or if it will be returned on Participant API responses.
RestrictClaimsProcessing booleanDetermines if claims processing will be restricted.
IsPlanLinked booleanIndicates if this plan is linked.
LinkedPlanId stringPlan ID of HRA plan to be linked.
LinkedAccountTypeCode stringAccount type of HRA plan to be linked.
LinkedPlanYearStartDate stringStart date associated with the HRA plan to be linked.
LinkedPlanYearEndDate stringEnd date associated with the HRA plan to be linked.
AllowPartialPayrollDeposits booleanIndicates whether deposits over the Employee’s Annual election amount will be partially accepted.
ProrationScheduleId stringSpecifies which proration schedule will be used, indicates that the plan supports prorated employer funding with the specified schedule.
UserDefinedField stringStores the value of the user defined field created at the plan level.WealthCare Admin does not use the field.
SpendingLimitPeriod_2019_03 enum<string>Determines if this account type uses spending limits. Spending limits restricts the amount of money that can be deposited into or withdrawn from an account on a monthly or yearly basis.Possible values:
CarryoverLimit enum<string>This will define how the carryover limit is measured.Possible values:
CarryoverMinimum numberSpecifies the minimum available balance amount needed to be eligible for carryover. Values must be 0 or greater.
CarryoverCap numberSpecifies the carryover cap.
CarryoverPercent numberSpecifies the percentage used for the carryover limit.